In your log, I don't see when you try to play a video.
And yes in latest MP.exe, I comment out the code that restores the audio device from MP so this is why it didn't lock (at least at the start) but it's why audio is not working too.
Here is V3 bin along with core.dll (backup yours too)
No joy with either of those logs for _v3 and _v4 attached (*15_07 and *15_22)
Couple of things that may on may not be relevant.
1. Quite frequently MP fails to start "Initializing Direct X" and has to be killed off. This occurs from time to time in 1.17 as well. I captured this in my first try of _v3 *15_05 filename.
2. In version 1.20 when I use the remote (and MP plays a sound for the keypress) a volume popup appears over the top of the MP window, showing 100% volume level. This stays around for 5 seconds before auto hiding. It re-appears when ever a remote or keyboard button is pressed.
I think it's related to Intel drivers, it seems that you need to test different one and older too to try to find a good one
Will analyse log when back to home