MP legalities (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 6, 2007
South London
Home Country
England England

im looking to build and sell a HTPC and want to bundle it with media portal. what are the legalities behind doing this? id be happy to make a contribution if it was an issue.



Portal Pro
September 6, 2006
Nantes, FR
To make a story short, you're even encouraged to distribute MP with your hardware. Of course you're the only one who can provide after-sales service / technical support to your customers if MP hangs :).


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
You may not charge for MediaPortal in this case, only for your work, documentation & hardware. Of course it would be nice if you'd donate a small portion of the money you earn with it. This way you passively support the development of MediaPortal which is a great benefit for your products you're about to sell.

As soon as you modify code and give it out to your customers (or any other public), you have to publish those changes of your code as source files.

One more thing: You have to tell your customers that it's open source software and where they can find the source code.

That should be all you have to take care of.

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