1.32 MP randomly crash (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 18, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
Unfortunately, my original problem has not gone away with the new version. All plugins are up to date. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?

[2024-06-28 15:53:33,990] [Log ] [Minor Launch Tasks Thread] [ERROR] - Exception: System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.EnsureCapacity(Int32 min)
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Add(T item)
bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LevenshteinSubstringSearcher`1.Add(T item)
bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.AddRange(ICollection`1 items)
bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.BuildDynamicIndex()
bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.InitSearchIndexes()
bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.<>c.<startBackgroundTasks>b__57_0()
bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() Message: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst. Site : Void set_Capacity(Int32) Source : mscorlib Stack Trace: bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.EnsureCapacity(Int32 min)
bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Add(T item)
bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LevenshteinSubstringSearcher`1.Add(T item)
bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.AddRange(ICollection`1 items)
bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.BuildDynamicIndex()
bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.InitSearchIndexes()
bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.<>c.<startBackgroundTasks>b__57_0()
bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

28-Jun-2024 15:57:11 Error [ ScriptableScraper]: Error parsing scriptable scraper XML file: Ungültige Daten auf Stammebene. Zeile 415, Position 9.
Last edited:


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Unfortunately, my original problem has not gone away with the new version. All plugins are up to date. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?
    This could be a problem, what is this plugin?


    Portal Pro
    October 18, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    It is MovingPictures:

    28-Jun-2024 15:57:11 Error [ ScriptableScraper]: Error parsing scriptable scraper XML file: Ungültige Daten auf Stammebene. Zeile 415, Position 9.

    Screenshot 2024-06-29 075153.jpg


    Portal Pro
    October 18, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Reinstalles MovingPictures, but the System.OutOfMemoryException error still occurs:

    [2024-07-04 13:53:48,756] [Error ] [MPMain ] [ERROR] - exception loading window C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\StreamedMP\BasicHome.xml err:Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.

    bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateTextNode(String text)
    bei System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
    bei System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
    bei System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
    bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
    bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)
    bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.LoadSkinBool()

    [2024-07-04 13:53:58,466] [Log ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [ERROR] - TvServer: Failed to execute remote TV server operation (IsAnyCardRecording) The operation has timed out after 3000.
    [2024-07-04 13:54:24,716] [Error ] [Minor Launch Tasks Thread] [ERROR] - MediaPortal: Unhandled exception occured
    [2024-07-04 13:54:24,726] [Log ] [Minor Launch Tasks Thread] [ERROR] - Exception: System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
    bei Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.AddDocument(Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
    bei Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.AddDocument(Document doc)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LuceneSearcher`1.Add(T item)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.AddRange(ICollection`1 items)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LuceneSearcher`1.AddRange(ICollection`1 items)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.BuildDynamicIndex()
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LuceneSearcher`1.BuildDynamicIndex()
    bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.InitSearchIndexes()
    bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.<>c.<startBackgroundTasks>b__57_0()
    bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() Message: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst. Site : Void AddDocument(Lucene.Net.Documents.Document, Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer) Source : Cornerstone Stack Trace: bei Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.AddDocument(Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
    bei Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.AddDocument(Document doc)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LuceneSearcher`1.Add(T item)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.AddRange(ICollection`1 items)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LuceneSearcher`1.AddRange(ICollection`1 items)
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.AbstractSearcher`1.BuildDynamicIndex()
    bei Cornerstone.Tools.Search.LuceneSearcher`1.BuildDynamicIndex()
    bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.InitSearchIndexes()
    bei MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.MovingPicturesCore.<>c.<startBackgroundTasks>b__57_0()
    bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
    bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    bei System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 19, 2010
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Well, the logs clearly shows 'System.OutOfMemoryException'. It can by either a low physical memory or memory fragmentation.
    It is hard to believe that the cause is memory fragmentation - the user is running x64 version of MePo now.
    We need:
    • full logs in Debug mode
    • system specification
    • physical memory size/usage
    • swap file size
    • MediaPortal memory usage
    • try to disable the individual plugins
    • try to close other applications
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    October 18, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I recreated the moving pictures database, thanks movpicinfo, worked great, even the watched status.

    I'll watch it again now, it shouldn't be the hardware, there is 16GB RAM and an x64 OS.


    Portal Pro
    October 18, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Unfortunately that didn't help, the error reoccurred.
    • full logs in Debug mode
    collecting, i will post it till next error
    • system specification
    i3 4330T / 16 GB RAM / 2 TB SSD / AsRock B85M Pro 4 /win 7 x64
    • physical memory size/usage
    16GB / cached 9 GB
    • swap file size
    16 GB
    • MediaPortal memory usage
    MP 200MB / mysql 100 MB / TVservice 30MB
    • try to disable the individual plugins
    done, without success
    • try to close other applications
    there are no other apps running

    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,615] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Main: Configuration x86 v1.34.000.0 is starting up on Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1) x64 [6.1.7601.65536]
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,624] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Windows Media Player: [12.0.7601.24499]
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,624] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Build:
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,625] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Verifying DirectX 9
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Using Directories:
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Base - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Log - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Log
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Skin - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Language - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Database - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,626] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Plugins - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,627] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Thumbs - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,627] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Cache - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,627] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Weather - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\DefaultWide HD\Media\Weather
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,627] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Config - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,638] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Assembly creation time: 19.06.2024 16:16:18 (UTC)
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,645] [Config ] [Config Main] [WARN ] - Thumbs: MediaPortal is using very high quality thumbnail mode
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,646] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Create new standard setup
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,663] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - SettingsForm constructor
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,677] [Config ] [ConfigSplashscreen] [INFO ] - Version: Application 1.34
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,677] [Config ] [ConfigSplashscreen] [INFO ] - Edition/Codename: Dune
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,699] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture: de Language: German Prefix: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,703] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,722] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - ExtendedChars = False:False, StringChars = 0
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,723] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,726] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - ExtendedChars = False:False, StringChars = 0
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 200096 : Pixel Shaders
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 200097 : Select Pixel Shader
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 300236 : Renderer
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 300237 : VMR9
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 300238 : EVR
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 300239 : MadVR
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,727] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 300240 : A video file is playing
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,728] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - String not found, using English: 300241 : Do you want to stop video playback?
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,739] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - [MediaInfoDatabaseSqlLite][open] Opening the database...
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,740] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - SQLiteClient: Using SQLite 3.41.2
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,746] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - IntegrityCheck: the C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database\MediaInfoDatabaseV1.db3 is OK
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,749] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - [MediaInfoDatabaseSqlLite][open] Database opened.
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,749] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Enabled for Bluray: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,749] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Enabled for DVD: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,749] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Enabled for Video: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,749] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Enabled for Audio: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,750] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Enabled for Picture: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,750] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Enabled for AudioCD: False
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,750] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - [MediaInfoService][ctor] Record Life Time: 0
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,750] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add project section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,761] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add general section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,767] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add general volume section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,772] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add general keyboard section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,777] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add general keys section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,789] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add general dynamic refresh section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,800] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add general startup resume section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,810] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,820] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui language section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,823] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui controls section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,825] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui thumbs section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,834] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui screensaver section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,841] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui file menu section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,844] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui osd section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,847] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add gui skip steps section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,857] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,872] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video shares section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,874] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video database section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,948] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video player section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,950] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video zoom section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,953] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video extensions section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,955] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video views section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,959] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add video postprocessing section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,962] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add blu-ray section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,968] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add blu-ray video zoom section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,970] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add blu-ray postprocessing section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,971] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add blu-ray external - internal player
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,976] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,979] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD player section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,981] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD zoom section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,983] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD postprocessing section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,984] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD daemon tools section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:35,989] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD autoplay section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,000] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add tv section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,008] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add tv section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,021] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add radio section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,023] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add tv zoom section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,025] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add tv postprocessing section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,027] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add tv teletext section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,029] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add tv advanced options section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,036] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,053] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music shares section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,053] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music database section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,055] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - MusicDatabase: Opening database
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,253] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - IntegrityCheck: the C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database\MusicDatabaseV14.db3 is OK
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,254] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - MusicDatabase: Database opened
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,259] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music import section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,273] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music extensions section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,273] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music views section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,275] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music sort section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,279] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add music dsp section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,304] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add pictures section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,309] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add picture shares section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,309] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add picture thumbs section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,311] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add picture extensions section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,404] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add Video codec section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:36,818] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add Blu-ray codec section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,033] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add TV codec section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,241] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add DVD Discs/Images codec section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,323] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - load dvd
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,324] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - load dvd done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,324] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - load dvd
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,324] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - load dvd done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,324] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add Renderer section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,456] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add plugins section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,464] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add MediaInfo section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:37,467] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - add third party checks section
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,477] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - settingsform constructor done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,479] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - SKIN : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Titan
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,516] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - start application
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,533] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Load settings
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,533] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Project
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,535] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,535] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - General
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,536] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,536] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Volume Settings
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,536] [Config ] [BassAudio] [INFO ] - BASS: Initialize BASS environment ...
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,537] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - load volume
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,538] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,538] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Keyboard Default Shortcuts
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,538] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,538] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Keys and Sounds
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,538] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,538] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Dynamic Refresh Rate
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,539] [Config ] [BassAudio] [INFO ] - BASS: Loading Settings
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,542] [Config ] [BassAudio] [INFO ] - BASS: Loading audio decoder add-ins...
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,542] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassalac.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,543] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassdsd.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,544] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassflac.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,544] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basshls.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,547] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassmidi.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,549] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassopus.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,549] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswebm.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,550] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswma.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,551] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswv.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,553] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,553] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Startup/Resume Settings
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,556] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_aac.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,556] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ac3.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,557] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_adx.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,558] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_aix.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,559] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ape.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,560] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_mpc.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,561] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ofr.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,562] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_spx.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,562] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_tta.dll
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,562] [Config ] [BassAudio] [INFO ] - BASS: Loaded 18 Audio Decoders.
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,565] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Loading DSP plugins ...
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,574] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - Common.IsSingleSeat: HostName = mediacenter / Environment.MachineName = MEDIACENTER
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,574] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,575] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - GUI
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,576] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Skin selected: StreamedMP (screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1200, screenRatio=1,6)
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,577] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,577] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Language Settings
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,577] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,577] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Control settings
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,586] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,586] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Thumbnails
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,589] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,589] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Screensaver
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,590] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,590] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - File Menu
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,591] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,591] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - On-Screen Display
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,592] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,592] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Skip steps
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,593] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Finished loading DSP plugins ...
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,593] [Config ] [BassAudio] [DEBUG] - BASS: Create Stream copy for Visualisation
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,594] [Config ] [BassAudio] [INFO ] - BASS: Initializing BASS environment done.
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,594] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,594] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Videos
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,598] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,598] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Folders
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,683] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,683] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Database
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,683] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,683] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Player
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,684] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,684] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Zoom
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,684] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,685] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Extensions
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,685] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,685] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Views
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,695] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,695] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Video Post Processing
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,706] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,706] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Blu-ray
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,707] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,707] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Blu-ray Video Zoom
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,707] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,708] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Blu-ray Post Processing
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,715] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,716] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Blu-ray Discs/Images Player
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,716] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,716] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,717] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,717] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Player
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,717] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,717] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Zoom
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,718] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,718] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Post Processing
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,726] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,726] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Virtual Drive
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,728] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,728] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Autoplay
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,729] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,729] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - TV/Radio
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,730] [Config ] [Config Main] [DEBUG] - LoadSettings: take hostname from settings: "mediacenter"
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,730] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,731] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - TV
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,742] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,742] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Radio
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,742] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,743] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - TV Zoom
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,744] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,744] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - TV Post Processing
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,753] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,753] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - TV Teletext
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,754] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,754] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Advanced Options
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,755] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,755] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,762] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,762] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music Folders
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,832] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,832] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music Database
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,833] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,833] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music Ripping
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,836] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,836] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music Extensions
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,836] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,837] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music Views
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,840] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,840] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music Track Format Masks
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,842] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,842] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Music DSP
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,846] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,846] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Pictures
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,847] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,847] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Folders
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,911] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,912] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Database
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,912] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,912] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Extensions
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,912] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,912] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Remotes and Input Devices
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,923] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - X10 debug: Could not get interface
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,923] [Config ] [Config Main] [WARN ] - x10Remote: Can't initialize
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,925] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - FireDTV: FiresatApi.dll could not be found on your system!
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,925] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,925] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - USBUIRT
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,926] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - USBUIRT: Setting configuration control values
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,926] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,927] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - SerialUIR
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,929] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,929] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - WINLIRC
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,930] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,930] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - RedEye
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,931] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,931] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Codecs and Renderer
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,931] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,931] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Monogram AAC Decoder
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,932] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,932] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Plugins
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,933] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,933] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Media Info
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,934] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,934] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() - Additional 3rd party checks
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,934] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - LoadSectionSettings() done
    [2024-07-11 16:17:38,934] [Config ] [Config Main] [INFO ] - Load settings done

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