While your at it..
Right click on my computer and then click on Manage
Click on the Arrow next to Event Viewer
Click on the arrow next to Windows Logs
Check for errors related to hardware in Application and in System
of the System Specs in your profile, which machine is this?
There is a built in Windows Memory test.
click start and then Help and Support
Type in Memory Test
Another test is to check the hard drive for errors. This could take some time and it is best to not try and stop it if you run it.
Right click on the C: Get Properties
Tools Tab
Check Now button
Make sure both options are selected and Start
It will tell you it will begin after the next reboot
Reboot the machine
WARNING: Depending on the size of the drive, this could take a couple of hours
Okay, no errors or even warnings in the eventlogs. It's doing the memory test right now.
Tnx for your extensive support! REAALLLY appriciate it!
Mem test finished without any problems. Now going to test the hdd.
Okay, that's finished too. No errors at all.
If the trakt stuf has been resolved... could that add some gains?
And you were speaking about internet connection issues.. how do you tell? Becasue immideately i've got live feeds from RSS..
I'm indeed seeing: LastFM radio requires internet, but this even comes in the log when i disable lastfm. If I search the web i only find http://wiki.team-mediaportal.com/User:jameson_uk/Last.FM_Changes
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