Yes it supports Title_tt####.iso
But i deactivated the online import, cause the meta-dates are sometimes incorrect.
Therefore i manage my meta-dates with TinyMediaManager and set the import in MP2 to "local data".
Oh, i totaly forgot the Browse Media Option.
Cause these Option i switch to the last categorie in MP2.
Yes there all my media files and i switch the view in the "movie categorie" to the Folderview and then there are alle movies, too.
But if i switch the view back to Libraryview are only the 16 or 4 Movies.
ok.... So in folder view they are all there.
Then there has to be something wrong with the 4 nfo files causing some confusion.
Can you post those 4 nfo files so we can get a look at them....
Well, it seems there just might be an issue with these.
All 4 have some type of corruption within them.
planes seems to be the worst. here is a little of it....
Höhenangst, genauer ein Sprühflugzeug mit Höhenangst
That looks all a littlebit crazy for me, cause before i start today the new installation the movies where already in my movie folder.
But there was some other different problems, therefore i start the new installation today.
It looks, always when i install MP2.1 a new problem cames with.