@gibman, can you check this special part?[2013-03-10 15:06:46,583] [391519 ] [21 ] [DEBUG] - card: tuned user: HNHPD5 subchannel: 0
[2013-03-10 15:06:46,584] [391520 ] [21 ] [ERROR] -
System.InvalidOperationException: idChannel is invalid
at Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.CardManagement.CardHandler.UserManagement.AddSubChannelOrUser(IUser user, Int32 idChannel, Int32 subChannelId)
at Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.CardManagement.CardHandler.CardTuner.AfterTune(IUser user, Int32 idChannel, ITvSubChannel result)
at Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.CardManagement.CardHandler.CardTuner.Tune(IUser& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)
So it seems currently "by design". Needs more investigation for a proper solution!//No support for channel moving, or merging with existing channels here.
//We do not know how ATSC works to correctly implement this.
I think I found the issues:
The error handling for point 2 needs to be fixed and we need a solution how to avoid tuning errors.
- The empty names are caused by commented code (done by mm with "TODO" statement). I enabled this part until better code is available
- Scanning of multiple transponders fails, because only first tune request succeeds. All further tunes don't change the tuned frequency, so you get only the channels from first frequency repeated.
- Analog scanning seems to be broken, probably "channel sanity check" related:
@gibman, can you check this special part?[2013-03-10 15:06:46,583] [391519 ] [21 ] [DEBUG] - card: tuned user: HNHPD5 subchannel: 0
[2013-03-10 15:06:46,584] [391520 ] [21 ] [ERROR] -
System.InvalidOperationException: idChannel is invalid
at Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.CardManagement.CardHandler.UserManagement.AddSubChannelOrUser(IUser user, Int32 idChannel, Int32 subChannelId)
at Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.CardManagement.CardHandler.CardTuner.AfterTune(IUser user, Int32 idChannel, ITvSubChannel result)
at Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.CardManagement.CardHandler.CardTuner.Tune(IUser& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)