MPBlue PPC client release 0.0.4 (2 Viewers)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    Regarding a roadmap or what to plan for or what to shoot for. Has anyone looked at the Xlobby HTPC frontend? It has support for PPC control and also for touchscreens. Anyway take a look at the movie that badabing made for the skin he created:

    The link to the thread for the post can be seen on the xlobby forum:

    Once I saw the movie I decided - THAT would be what we should be aiming for with a PPC control of MediaPortal. It would be the ultimate! I just look around to see what can be done and thing Media Portal can do this also! I am willing to wait and sooner or later I will be helping out a little more.

    What do you guys think?



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 14, 2005
    Man that video was sweet.... I am hoping we can add some quick search functions to MP like in the video.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    ASiDiE said:
    Man that video was sweet.... I am hoping we can add some quick search functions to MP like in the video.

    The video was for a touch screen skin, but most of those screen could be in the PPC version.

    I've seen another HTPC frontend that has as very nice PPC control - MainLobby (it is closed development and mainly flash based).


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2005
    I assume the video was the pc interface, not the ppc controller. Either way, I like the ease in choosing albums and songs and the like, as well as movies etc.

    For the ppc, I don't know if your gonna want to have it load album art in that way, since that might slow down the app. I like having it display album art for the now playing song (at least as an option) and would love to have it display lyrics (marriage with the mylyrics plugin) if I so desired. Most important features for the music library for my still are ability to browse albums/songs/playlists/genres etc on the ppc, add or navigate selected songs/playlists, and being able to read the now playing info on a song (and the next), currently broken now.

    Ideally I'd like to do the same thing with videos and tv, pictures, etc. Two ways of looking at this, one is as a controller (that provides local feedback) or as a receiver for streaming audio, video, data etc.


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2004

    Sorry for not getting back any sooner... had some holiday, and needed to finish some projects around the house...

    apparently there is a new kid on the block also developing a PPC client.. Interesting.

    I hope we can merge our ideas..
    (of course this has acted as a kickstart to start wrting code again :)
    silly human reflexes.. when someone is challenging you, You always want to perform better :) )

    I've been experimenting with alternate graphics libraries ( a bit too much, partly why it took so long..) but I got none of them working, sor for now I'm sticking with plain old GDI..

    Now playing is working again, I'm now adding some support for powerstates (resume from standby, etc..)

    I also tackled the issue with unknown albums, I had to take a good look on how MP handled this, and used the same routines...

    since MP 0.2, there is also an easy way (i think) to get coverart, so I would like to get this working also...

    I hope to get a release by the end of the week..

    Mr S

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