I think that link is for the current version, file dates are still through June. New release should be in a couple of days, looking forward to testing it.
I'm having trouble getting this app to run on my ppc. It loaded acouple of times, but wouldn't transmitt via bluetooth (though my ppc and HTPC could connect to each other). Now MPblue won't load at all. I recieve this error
An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found
at System.Uri.CreateThis()
at System.Uri..ctor()
at MPBluePocket.frmMain.InitSettings()
at MPBluePocket.frmMain..ctor()
at MPBluePocket.frmMain.Main()
I have the client in the Program's folder of my PPC. Not sure what else I could do to get this plugin to run. Any suggestions on how I could get this running?
- crashes on shutdown should be fixed
- on first use the setup was polluted, this also is fixed
- now playing works again.. It is using UDP, so it does not work using activesync connections...
- coverart is available
a few downsides:
- now playing info is not cleared when playback is stopped.
- coverart does not clear when an album without coverart is played..
I changed quite some things on the engine, now using threading and async calls to the server.. this is all very new to me, so the implementation might be a bit buggy, it did'nt crash on my machine, but that's no reason why it should'nt on yours..
installation is the same as usual..
the server part (MPBlue?dll) should be copied to BOTH the root of mediaportal AND to the plugins/process folders.
hope it all works fine..
Zeta, I think i fixed the issue with unknown albums, but there is still someting fishy going on when I attempt to play via artist for some of them..
I can't really see what is going on, maybe you can figure this out?
Ok, I ran a test with my music database indexed but without the setting to treat tracks in individual folder as album. This gives me multiple unknown albums for for every song under an artist without album info.
Read songs ok, played ok, shows now playing info (including coverart!) Now, If I turn visualizations on MP to fullscreen, mpblue stops getting the new now playing info, it stays on the previous song until fullscreen visualizations are turned off.
Also, in media library if I click albums or genre first (when it scans fo rthe first time) it opens artists, not albums or genre. This is a previous bug I mentioned before.
I'm building a new music database with the unknown albums created from folders to see if that problems been remedied.
Awesome update man. I think you might have a winner here.
Ok, built a new music databas, this time had it treat tracks in individual folders as an album. Now if I don't have albums selected under for tracks under an artist, it does not list them as individual unknown albums but as one unknown album under artist.
Now, mpblue does not lock when I select this unknown album, but it will not expand to list the songs under that album and it will not play the unknown album folder. I can still play all the songs by that artist by selecting artist name, but I can't see the specific songs in the unknown folder.
If I do not set this checkbox when making a music library, then each song without an album has its very own unknown album folder containing one song. I can select individual songs to play and list them, but it is cumbersome.
So, I see three possible solutions. First being you are able to adjust mpblue to read from these unknown album files created by media portal. Simplest way I think to test is just to save a couple songs with unknown album, set the checkbox and build test database.
Second, can you screen so that if no album shows up, it just lists the songs rather than the unknown album. This may be a media portal issue, not something you can change.
Lastly, I could of course just put bogus album names in for songs without albums, but this might screw up lyric searches etc. I of course cpuld put the real album names in, but I really don't want all these albums appearing in album view that have 1-2 songs in them. I was thinking of using WMP to take all songs with no album and call the album UNKNOWN, turn off that checkbox to treat tracks in individ folders as album and that should fix it. However, I figure I'll see if you can do anything with this info first.
One last point, you really need to index the songs to artist otherwise mpblue locks when loading music library.
Ok, another bug, if my pda goes into standby, then now playing stops functioning. I have to exit mpblue, start again, then it has the current time only of the playing track. If I navigate to another song, or the next starts then all the info is sent. Again, I have to close and restart mpblue in order to get it working again.
Zeta, thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it..
first things first:
- When MediaPortal now playing is fullscreen the info on the PDA is no longer updated:
this seems to be an issue within Mediaportal... apparently the now playing screen is sing different properties.. I will post a bug report for this..
- first tap on the treeview always opens up artists:
will need to look into this
- Tagreader should not affect the MPBlue server.. the underlying databases in MP are still the same.
- PDA standby issue:
I'm aware of this; I purchased the Smart device framework from opennetCF. this includes some stuff for handling powerstates of the device.. wich should enable me to handle the reconnect.
- index issues.. already reported this as a bug, but no reply yet.. will try again since the music portion is being worked on again..
- looks like some more work is required on the unknown albums handling..
what is the speed of the coverart? does it load fast enough? curretly I'm resizing the image to 100x100 px on the server to limit the amount of data traveling across the wire(less)