MPBlue PPC client release 0.0.4 (1 Viewer)


MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2005
    Stuttgart, Germany
    hobbes487 said:
    In order to check to see if the server is running enter this address in a browser of another computer on the network: http://machinename:9000/MPMusic.soap?wsdl

    You should get an xml file displayed. if you dont, then there is something wrong with the server. maybe port 9000 is taken?

    I have tried this already before posting :wink:
    This is the reason way I was looking for a way to check the port 9000 on my system.
    I have disabled completely the firewall and all sw which could use some ports, but I still cannot connect.
    Can the server answer to commands like ping?


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 1, 2005
    Stuttgart, Germany
    I might have found the problem, it seems that the plugin itself is not working correctly, I get the following error in MP:
    09/07/2006 10.12.42 MPBlue is loading...
    09/07/2006 10.12.42 Unable to start plugin:MPBlue.MPBlueServer exception:System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
       at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
       at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
       at MPBlue.MPBlueServer.Start()
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.Start()
    What can it be?


    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2005
    Stuttgart, Germany
    EqualRightsForWerewolves said:
    did you check the portnumber mpblue is set to in the plugin configuration? by default it's 9000,9000 - it should be just 9000.
    Thanks a lot... that was the problem!!!
    Now the connection is established... it seems to work well, except for some crashed sometimes... :wink:


    Portal Pro
    November 27, 2004
    Tilburg, Netherlands
    I'm having problems with MPBlue. I'm using The server is running because sometimes (rarely) I can see the current playing track on my pocketpc. Any action gives me the hourglass. Can't control anything.
    Selecting now playing gives a number (e.g. 51)
    thanks for advice


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2005
    I had long search freezes as well but fixed it by indexing my music database. Here are the instructions buried well back on this thread on how to do that.

    go to and download the latest version of SQLiteBrowser
    After installing this, launch it (obviously..)
    and open your musicdatabase (it might be wise to make a backup first)
    typical location is here - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\musicdatabase4.db3 (I think it is 5 now)

    goto Edit => Create Index

    enter a name (IX_Song_idArtist might be a good name)
    Enter the following values
    Table to index: song
    Field to index: idArtist
    Indexing order: doesn't matter
    Duplicate Values: not sure about this one, Allowed is the safest

    Save the music database and start media portal. This works with, haven't tried newer versions. Also, the Now Playing does not work properly with the current MPBlue, any progress on fixing that Mrsensitive?


    Portal Pro
    November 27, 2004
    Tilburg, Netherlands
    zetavu, I tried your suggestion but it didn't really work. I was somewhat surprised btw that there aren't indices already on these tables. I can imagine indices speeding up things but something broken can't be fixed I guess. Let's wait a little for some development


    Portal Pro
    September 4, 2005
    Is there something that can be done to accelerate development here?

    What is under planned development, what do people expect of this plugin, could anything be done to bring in more developers?

    I just purchased a PDA specifically to use with this plugin.

    I think that a road map with realistic, desired features would be nice. Also, some kind of buglist.

    btw, anyone see this:?

    Cool me thinks...


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