I have a small issue with the skin not displaying correct. This may not be skin related as my client install is working fine. See the text displaying in my screen shots, #SKINTRANSLATION. Open to ideas? I have tried clearing the skin cache.
How did you get that screen exactly
I tried the same form shares and album views and I got this...
Will look into Music Browsing Skin Properties, but I only use shares view and that's only available in database views...
Feel free to have a go yourself
Great skin!, im starting to use this in preference to StreamedMP now There are a few minor things I would like to see altered and then it would be perfect!
Do you plan on adding skin support for any more Plugins in the future? Im mainly looking for HTPCInfo to be skinned.
Im not sure if this is the right place to ask for a feature request, but here goes...
I am mainly thinking of the OnlineVideos plugin here, but it would also work well with Music Videos and others. I would really like a "Big Icons + Text" view, as the current views are all well and good but in each view I feel like something is missing.