Ok I finally figured out the problem.
It looks like you have a duplicate hidden set of of episode records for One Piece.
This probably occurred some time in the past when you used the config to import episodes.
(You had two different groups which both used the same AniDB of 69)
I'm trying to figure out how I can fix the data, but don't see an easy solution.
For now I would advise against importing episodes from the config screen.
I started poking around the database and I only see one group with an AniDB_ID of 69 (AnimeGroupID=423). (EDIT: I guess you mean that this happened some time in the past.) I'm not that familiar with SQLite but it looks like foreign keys are not turned on in the DB (at least according to the FireFox plugin)? Anyhow, with some guesswork this is what I pieced together to try to wipe out all the One Piece files/hashes from the database so I can just re-hash the One Piece files in my brute force approach:
DELETE FROM CrossRef_File_Episode WHERE FileID IN
(SELECT FileID FROM CrossRef_Episode_FileHash WHERE Hash IN
(SELECT Hash FROM FileLocal WHERE FileNameFull LIKE '%One%Piece%')
DELETE FROM CrossRef_Episode_FileHash WHERE Hash IN
(SELECT Hash FROM FileLocal WHERE FileNameFull LIKE '%One%Piece%');
DELETE FROM CrossRef_Languages_FileHash WHERE Hash IN
(SELECT Hash FROM FileHash WHERE FileName LIKE '%One%Piece%');
DELETE FROM CrossRef_Subtitles_FileHash WHERE Hash IN
(SELECT Hash FROM FileHash WHERE FileName LIKE '%One%Piece%');
DELETE FROM FileLocal WHERE FileNameFull LIKE '%One%Piece%';
DELETE FROM FileHash WHERE FileName LIKE '%One%Piece%';
Let me know if that looks OK or if I just really fubar'd my database
The good news about doing this is that the import picked up every single file and re-hashed them, and they are now all showing up as "unrecognized files". The bad news is that they're all "unrecognized files" instead of being automatically linked to the One Piece series.
I don't have time to fiddle with it more today but tomorrow I can try deleting the AnimeSeries and AnimeGroup entry to see if the plugin will just pick up all the files again so I don't have to manually associate close to 300 files.