I can't seem to connect. My anidb login info is correct but I just keep getting login failed. I've opened the ports (I think) even tried disabling my firewall
I can't seem to connect. My anidb login info is correct but I just keep getting login failed. I've opened the ports (I think) even tried disabling my firewall
Can you post your MyAnime.log file please.
spite said:I'm probably just missing something.
I forwarded ports, bypassed the router connecting straight to the net and completely disabled my firewall.
spite said:I'm probably just missing something.
I forwarded ports, bypassed the router connecting straight to the net and completely disabled my firewall.
Can you try one thing for me.
I can see that you have two local IP addresses.
Can you go into your config screen. On the first tab (bottom right) is a textbox called "Preferred Local IP Address".
Can you enter
At the moment it is using your other address.
Why the question mark for mediastream skin fixes? Did I break or uglify something?
Can't wait to test it!
pur_berger said:Sorry if this might only be related to teh RC of the new version (I did the test yesterday so had no chace to use the new one) - but have seen that the hshing - import process is not working with the RC.
The files are hashed and send to ANIDB but not recognised at all (only two out of 160 imported epsiodes where ecognised before I have ended to impoort). When I switched back to the last release it worked as expected. Well - the episodes are no new ones - as I did excedently delete all databases (NEVER use the last uninstall option of MP ) I need to run everything from the scratch ...
pur_berger said:Also - wasn't there a plan to get back the "Year" option? Or is it only availible when configuring a own view?