Don't know now if it's a global issue or MyAnime only - but when using 1.4 the "OK" button is not responding anymore. Tried with TV and Movies 7 Series too and there it seems to be fine.
Don't know now if it's a global issue or MyAnime only - but when using 1.4 the "OK" button is not responding anymore. Tried with TV and Movies 7 Series too and there it seems to be fine.
Sorry - should have been more clear - playing fails.Don't know now if it's a global issue or MyAnime only - but when using 1.4 the "OK" button is not responding anymore. Tried with TV and Movies 7 Series too and there it seems to be fine.
Are you sure the OK button doesn't work ?
I can select series and menu items using the OK button without any problems, just playing files fails..
Ok, I'll take a look to see if anything is broken
Seems the videodatabase object had some workover:
ResumeOrPlay: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Int32 MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoDatabase.GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData(Int32, Byte[] ByRef)'.
at MyAnimePlugin3.VideoHandler.GetTimeStopped(String fileName)
at MyAnimePlugin3.VideoHandler.ResumeOrPlay(AnimeEpisodeVM episode) in C:\Projects\SVN\JMM\trunk\animeplugin3\MyAnimePlugin3\VideoHandler.cs:line 191
As suspected (this is the new 1.3.100 databases.dll):
MediaPortal.Video.Database.VideoDatabase.GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData(ByVal Integer, ByRef Byte( ), ByVal Integer) As Integer
Added integer returns BDTITLE.
(b.t.w. many thanks for all your efforts!)
Damn, that means I'll need to do separate release for MP1.3 and MP1.4 now
I have not looked at the MP code before and I'm a mediocre .NET coder at best, but here's my two cents anyway :
I'm sure there's a object that will return the current DLL version, so how about using that value to branch to the proper call (yes, a bit dirty programming, but since this is the only showstopper as far as I can see it should be allowed, right?). BD support can be added in due time...
int idBDindex = 0;
byte[] resumeData = null;
if ((idMovie >= 0) && (idFile >= 0))
return VideoDatabase.GetMovieStopTimeAndResumeData(idFile, out resumeData, idBDindex);
return 0;