Awesome work man. Thanks for coming back to us.
Only remaining problem seems the joint folder display. This joint display is still broken when you have subfolders.
When you navigate in these folders and you come back via the ".." field you get in the joint display the content of only one folder presented. (the one which contained the folder where came back from)
think something is wrong with the skin files, see attached image..
Using MP 1.0RC2 and Anime Release 0.19
ah.. nevermind, just a stupid noob mistake here..
i had placed the database file under the wrong folders, you should really include a little about installing the plugin in your readme file...
Put it under: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Programdata\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database
(if you are using a english windows version or any other language the programdata would be called application data i think, stupid windows )