My Anime plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • March 9, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks from me, too.

    So far this version is working quite well.
    Only remaining problem seems the joint folder display. This joint display is still broken when you have subfolders.
    When you navigate in these folders and you come back via the ".." field you get in the joint display the content of only one folder presented. (the one which contained the folder where came back from)

    Cheers & thanks again,


    Portal Pro
    January 14, 2008
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    Australia Australia
    Only remaining problem seems the joint folder display. This joint display is still broken when you have subfolders.
    When you navigate in these folders and you come back via the ".." field you get in the joint display the content of only one folder presented. (the one which contained the folder where came back from)

    Are you able to tell me what the folder heirarchy looks like and what files you have in them?

    Are you trying to split up different seasons of one show?


    MP Donator
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  • March 9, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    I split some series in subfolders for seasons and/or different subbing groups

    Description od discrepancy:


    • Folder "A:\Anime Series" 1 (contains n Folders)
      [*]Series Axy1 (contains folders + potential files)
      [*]Group a (contains exlusively files)
      [*]Group b​
      [*]Series Axy2
      [*]Series Axyn​
    • Folder "B:\Anime Series 2" (contains m Folders)
      [*]Series Bxy1
      [*]Series Bxy2
      [*]Series Bxym​

    In the joint view, you will have "Folder A" & "Folder B" sub-folders for different series alphabetically mixed

    Say you have two drives with(n+m) Anime folders on top level and you navigate to the "Joint View/Series Axy1/Group a" Folder.
    Here you have only files.

    Lateron, you want to go up in hierarchie:
    Using the "back" button (no other way)in "Joint View/Series Axy1/Group a" -> "Joint View/Series Axy1" ;
    In "Joint View/Series Axy1" you have the following structure:
    List shows
    • ..
    • Group a (folder)
    • Group b (folder)
    • file1 (optional)
    • file n (optional)

    Using "back" button brings you immediatly to mp-root menu; "My Animes"

    Using ".." brings you from "Joint View/Series Axy1" -> "A:\Anime Series 1", showing only
    • Folder A:\Anime Series 1 (n Folders)
      [*]Series Axy1 (contains folders + potential files)
      [*]Group a (contains exlusively files)
      [*]Group b​
      [*]Series Axy2
      [*]Series Axyn​

    with the n folders of this directory. The whole "Anime Series 2" folder is not displayed and you have to go back via ".." to the "My Anime root" with Favorites, Folders, etc" to restore the joint view



    Portal Member
    July 19, 2008
    think something is wrong with the skin files, see attached image..

    Using MP 1.0RC2 and Anime Release 0.19

    ah.. nevermind, just a stupid noob mistake here.. :p

    i had placed the database file under the wrong folders, you should really include a little about installing the plugin in your readme file...


    New Member
    August 2, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    think something is wrong with the skin files, see attached image..

    Using MP 1.0RC2 and Anime Release 0.19

    ah.. nevermind, just a stupid noob mistake here.. :p

    i had placed the database file under the wrong folders, you should really include a little about installing the plugin in your readme file...

    Have the same issue here, though I can't seem to find where to place the database file... Any hints? =)

    EDIT: In case this is a bug, on not just me being a newbi:
    I put the files into the MediaPortal folder, so that all the folders would overwrite (add the new files to) the existing folders.
    C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database (this folder wasn't there before)
    C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\...
    C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\...
    C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs (this folder wasn't there before)

    I am using MP 1.0RC2 and My Anime 0.1.9

    EDIT2: Also, could you please make the apps name be "My Anime", and not just "Anime". As it kind'a ruins the flow of the menu. =)


    Portal Member
    July 19, 2008
    Put it under: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Programdata\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database

    (if you are using a english windows version or any other language the programdata would be called application data i think, stupid windows :mad:)


    New Member
    August 2, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Put it under: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Programdata\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database

    (if you are using a english windows version or any other language the programdata would be called application data i think, stupid windows :mad:)

    Ah, thanks m8!


    Portal Member
    March 6, 2007
    Hey Guys, just wondering if a update version is in the mix yet? Or Should i use the current version for my system refresh? (I'm currently about 3 releases behind...)

    Also does the plugin support manually locating/pointing the database? (For using in multiple htpc networks)


    New Member
    March 5, 2008
    Backup and restore

    I am using myAnime 0.1.9 which works well for me under RC2. Now I have updated to RC3, even though the layout is broken under Blue3, the plugin still works, I switched back to Blue2Wide before modifing the xml for Blue3 and the plugin works again ok.


    I just have a small problem that I would like to avoid next time I update my Mediportal.

    Prior to installing RC3 I backed up my Databases (..\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database\AnimeDatabaseV10.db3) , thinking it would be enough to recover after a reinstall. Unfortunately only the metadata seems to have been included in the database file, I still need to input in the plug config every single folders containing each series. This makes a long a 250+ paths and names to input in the plugin's config window.

    - Is it possible to save this list for backup and restoring it after a reinstall?
    - Is it possible to have some kind of formatted text file to edit for this list?

    If so can someone point me to the correct procedure to do so?

    I don't mind doing the input once again but it would be great if I did not have to do it after each reinstall. Having a text file would also allow me to transfer my list to other clients with a simple search and replace path entry function.

    I am also willing to do some coding if it is necessary but I don't kow where to start to do so.

    Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

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