My Event Guide (3 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Event Finder

    What's Up
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    Event Finder
    Gig Finder
    Gig Guide
    My Plugin to scrape NZ based gig/event listings then display in useful format
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    My Gig Guide
    What's On
    What's On NZ
    Event Guide
    Event Guider
    NZ Events
    My Gigs
    My Gig Guide
    NZ Guide
    NZ Gigs
    Gig Bible
    Event Bible


    Portal Pro
    June 27, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    My plugin to scrap NZ based gig/event listings then display in useful format - personal fav, although needs to mention - created by a team of people half of which had no idea what was going on and only stumbled onto the project by accident and then hid in the corner.

    My media portal has just pooed itself with the unknown error of death so will be busy the next couple of nights fixing that


    MP Donator
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  • June 21, 2010
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    My plugin to scrap NZ based gig/event listings then display in useful format - personal fav, although needs to mention - created by a team of people half of which had no idea what was going on and only stumbled onto the project by accident and then hid in the corner.

    My media portal has just pooed itself with the unknown error of death so will be busy the next couple of nights fixing that

    Don't worry if you can't keep up there will soon be another project. :p


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I've created a public dropbox folder for the my event guide project.

    For those of you who don't know what dropbox is then view this youtube video
    YouTube - What is Dropbox?

    Basically it is a folder on your computer that is automatically synched with the internet.
    You can have the folder present on multiple computers and they will all automatically synch with each other.
    You get between 2-8GB for free account.

    I am creating a public folder in my dropbox that everyone in the project can synch files with.
    Try not to create large files (ie > 25mb in the project folder, unless it is really necessary)

    So please PM me your email addresses, I will send you dropbox invitations (we both get extra 250mb storage for each invite)
    I will also give you an email invitation link for read/write access for the project's dropbox.

    Note: If you change the files in the dropbox folder then it will change on all computers.


    PS. Dropbox is amazing, for those of you not using it, well you should use it because it's incredibly useful and simple to use.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi sa_ddam213

    I had further think about navigation in the main screen of the event guide.

    I think it's best if we have the option to display 1 day @ a time otherwise the list will be incredibly long. Alternatively we could have a hybrid system.

    Hybrid Version
    Initial screen displays all the events (multiple days) in one long scrollable list at the top of the screen it says "All dates"
    Hit the right arrow, top text changes to "Monday" (today) and all mondays events are displayed
    Hit right arrow again, top text changes to "Tuesday" (tomomorrow) and all tuesdays lists are displayed
    Hit right arrow again, top text changes to "Wednesday" (Day+2) and all wednesdays events are listed
    etc.etc... you can press the left arrow to go back a day, if you press left arrow while displaying 'today' then it will display the "all dates" list.

    Nonhybrid version
    as above just without the "all dates" list.

    Also - during navigation if the user hits the right arrow and the next day has no events listed, then instead of showing an empty list for that day it jumps to the next available date that has gigs.

    Also I am worried that if we display a list with "all dates" the list will be too long and might take to long to load, it's best if we can keep the guide 'snappy'
    Alternatively when you first enter the guide it will display todays list only, and then if the user wants to see "all dates" he hits the left arrow.

    Your thoughts?


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 3, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey Kiwi,

    I agree one list will be very long, But will use one list at first as we can figure out our sort methods after we have a working scraper/plugin.

    Scraper is coming along well, basicly it will read all tags on the HTML and read from a config.xml to decide what tags we want, that way people can write their own scripts for websites, Obviously this is not the fastest approach but we only need to update gig info once to twice a day (facebook etc can be updated each time plugin is opened) .


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    ok, sounds good. can we please have the following info scraped

    eventfinder - main list


    1. Title
    2. Venue
    3. Location (aka City)
    4. Date (obviously convert 'today' / 'tomorrow' to a proper date)
    5. Genre (sometimes this field will actually be blank, that is ok, be careful not to scrape the "more dates" text)
    6. Thumbnail url (or) DL thumbnail image

    eventfinder - individual event (this will be scraped on demand when you click on an event in the guide)


    7. Multidate (YES/NO) ; sorry, but this should actually be scraped from main list instead. look for text string "- more dates"
    8. Multidates array with all the dates if multiple, if only 1 date then value is same as #4.
    9. Address
    10. Price
    11. Venue URL
    12. More info website URL
    13. Long Description
    14. Event URL (the url of this page we have scraped)

    We don't have to necessarily have to use all these fields, but i feel that all these fields would be useful for the concept of the main screen which i will redo and add to dropbox when i have time. We might never use the url, but future mediaportal version should have ability to call a plugin with specific arguments, so in the future might be able to call a browser plugin with the website url.


    • scrape1.jpg
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    • scrape2.jpg
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