My Event Guide (6 Viewers)


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  • March 3, 2009
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Quater you are team captain so you get to name the plugin :D

    KiwiJunjlist is gonna make it look cool :cool:

    and I will hopfully make it work :confused:

    Sounds like we almost have a plan

    GO TEAM KIWI (even if there is only 3 of us)


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    That event finder covers quite a bit, Is that the source you are planing on using?

    Maybe we should name the plugin? .......

    Personally I think we should defintiely use Mukuna as it's a really really good guide for clubbing, it's very simple and contains all the information on the one page, and that is what I am personally interested in. The downside is it's clubbing only, and only really supports chch/wgtn/akl/dun ; it has very limited support for gigs elsewhere, however i think the 4 main centres is probably 'good enough'

    I will have to check out the other gig/event guides to see what else is available, but eventfinder is a probably the best general events listing there is also ticktek Ticketek New Zealand

    Quater you are team captain so you get to name the plugin :D

    KiwiJunjlist is gonna make it look cool :cool:
    and I will hopfully make it work :confused:
    Sounds like we almost have a plan

    GO TEAM KIWI (even if there is only 3 of us)

    Sounds good, we just need team mascott and the skin coder =)


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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team

    That event finder covers quite a bit, Is that the source you are planing on using?

    Maybe we should name the plugin? .......

    Personally I think we should defintiely use Mukuna as it's a really really good guide for clubbing, it's very simple and contains all the information on the one page, and that is what I am personally interested in.

    I will have to check out the other gig/event guides to see what else is available, but eventfinder is a good one. there is also ticktek Ticketek New Zealand

    Personally I think we should defintiely use Mukuna as it's a really really good guide for clubbing, it's very simple and contains all the information on the one page, and that is what I am personally interested in.

    I will have to check out the other gig/event guides to see what else is available, but eventfinder is a good one. there is also ticktek Ticketek New Zealand

    Quater you are team captain so you get to name the plugin :D

    KiwiJunjlist is gonna make it look cool :cool:
    and I will hopfully make it work :confused:
    Sounds like we almost have a plan

    GO TEAM KIWI (even if there is only 3 of us)

    Sounds good, we just need team mascott and the skin coder =)

    I might be able to do some skin coding.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 3, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team

    I'll PM Beazle he would be great for the skin side

    Can we steal "Goodnight Kiwi" for our mascot


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Possible NZ Gig Guide Sources (support all cities, but i just show chch for examples)

    Mukuna - Christchurch Gig Guide - JAGG
    Event Finger - Canterbury Events - What's On Canterbury - Eventfinder
    Muzic.Net.NZ - Christchurch Gig Guide
    NZ Herald - Gigs in Christchurch - Gig Guide - NZ Herald
    Under The Radar - Christchurch - Gig Guide - Undertheradar
    Ticketek - Ticketek New Zealand
    Facebook events (Not city or country specific)-!/?sk=events
    Fourcorners NZ Events -


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Main screen - B3W Concept



    * Need to add Page up/down/Page number for navigation
    * Need to add some sort of icon or text label if we want the guide to show multiple cities, otherwise you don't know which city an event belongs to.
    * User can also see a facebook icon on the far right if event is listed in facebook and he has marked his facebook attendance as Yes/No/Maybe
    * Might also be possible to add a $ free icon, because munuka lists some gigs as free, and there might be some simple logic for eventfinder to figure out if a gig is free. However I've noticed that munuka sometimes doesn't mark gigs as free when they are free, so this might not be that useful

    Alternative main screen navigation concept
    Only display 1 day at a time
    Left / Right changes to prev / next day
    Up/Dn scrolls through the list
    Pg Up/Pg Dn/Ch+/Ch- jumps up/dn the list
    Enter/ok loads Dialog info box on the event
    F9 key loads settings dialog box

    Dialog info box when you click ok / enter on an event - B3W Concept



    Need to add an 'x' in the corner to edit the dialog box with mouse
    Need to add 1. , 2. , 3. to the options list for faster navigating with remote / numpad
    The dialog box needs to be a bit larger or the layout changed because the additional info for eventfinder/facebook sometimes has a lot more text than munuka which just sometimes has time/cost in the additional info bit

    Settings Dialog box when click F9 or info button on remote - Mockup not needed at this stage

    1. Display Order
    - Toggle: Group events from the same city together (vs showing them in alphabetical order based on venue)
    - Toggle: Group events from the same guide together (vs showing them in alphabetical order based on venue)

    2. Choose city(s) - Choose which city(s) to scrape/display in the guide
    - List of cities, and toggle button to enable/disable them

    3. Choose guide(s) - This lets you choose which guides will be scraped (eg. Munuka,Eventfinder,Facebook)
    - List of gig guides with toggle button

    4. Rank guide(s) - If duplicate event, the info from highest rank guide is displayed
    - List of gig guides from above, you can up/dn them to change the rank

    5. Notifications - Alter notification dialog options for the process plugin notifier
    - Toggle: Display dialog box reminding you of any upcoming favourite events
    - Toggle: Display dialog box reminding you of any upcoming event that you are attending on facebook
    - Toggle: Display dialog box reminding you of any upcoming event that you are maybe attending on facebook
    - Toggle: Display dialog box reminding you of any upcoming events that your facebook friends are attending
    - Notify me ____ hours in advance of events
    - Toggle: Do not display notificaition during fullscreen video

    6. Facebook options
    - Toggle: If you mark an event as not attending then don't show it in the guide

    X button in top right corner, navigate to using the right arrow, use this to exit the settings box

    Notifications Dialog Box - Mockup not needed at this stage

    - Display event information
    - Date, Venue, Title, Additional info
    - Fav icon, FB icon, Guide icon(s)
    - MSN icon + any friends attending on facebook
    - Reason for notificiation eg. Kiwijunglist is now attending this event
    - addition options as in the dialog box
    - Jump to the gig guide
    - Toggle favourite / notification
    - Update facebook events attendance (only displayed if event listed on facebook)
    - View more information on web page
    - X button top right corner to exit the dialog box

    Scraped database fields

    * Scraped database fields for each event in every guide
    "Venue" - Scraped location of the gig/name of the club etc.
    "Title" - Scraped title of the event
    "Date" - Scraped DD/MM/YY of the event. If an event is listed as 03 Aug - 06 Aug, then create 4 entries in the database for each date.
    "User Facebook attendance" - Scraped only for facebook events, Yes/No/May be/Undecided
    "Friends Facebook attendance" - Scraped only for facebook events, list of friends names who are attending the event

    * Scraped fields if user clicks on a gig in the guide to view more details
    this could be done at the time the user clicks, rather than in advance for every gig, which might use a lot more data, take a lot more time.
    "Additional Info" - Scraped Additional info/description
    "URL for more info" - Scraped website url to visit if the user wants more info

    Additional possible tags we could consider
    "Free Tag" if scraper determines a gig is free
    "Image Tag" some of the guides have an image for each event, we could include an image on the gig details dialog page.

    Also: Some of the guides have more than one url that we could potentially visit for an event.
    eg. look here ->
    Possible urls are
    1. Just visit the actual event page in the eventfinder guide -
    2. Visit the venue information page -
    3. Event information page - http://www.canterburyfilmsociety.or...660&modal=false&inlineId=modalRegisterWrapper
    If we wanted to implement this then when the user selects view website, they get a list of all these 3 urls the scraper would define the menu option name for each url, in the case of eventfinder we would have "View: Eventfinder page, Venue page, Event page"

    How to scrape Munuka Guide

    Listing of all chch events - Christchurch Gig Guide - JAGG
    Listing of a single event details so you can scrape the 'more info' url for web browser - Topia at Sullivans Irish Pub - JAGG


    How to scrape eventfinder guide

    Listing of all chch events -
    Listing of a single vents details so you can scrape the 'more info' url for web browser and also the additional info text -


    Also i think the Ticked Info: field should also be scraped and the text added to the start of the additional info text field.

    How to scrape facebook events listings



    As far as I can tell from viewing the facebook website in my browser, the scraper might
    have to scrape each event page to get the venue information for each listing in the events list
    This might be different with a facebook API. Also the venue information has to be approximated
    by taking the first line of the location field on facebook. From looking at all my facebook events
    it looks like the first line of location makes an accurate guess of the venue.
    Facebook events also doesn't have a city field so the city field would be blank, unless it's tagged
    as a duplicate event, in which case the city field can be populated by the other guide.

    How to handle duplicate events

    If an event has an identical venue field and date field then it is a duplicate event
    ie. the same event has been listed in multiple guides
    In this case only 1 listing is created in the guide
    The listing information is pulled from the highest ranking guide in the ranked list of guides in the settings section of the plugin
    The guide icon in the main list shows the highest ranking guides icon
    In the info dialog window, multiple guide icons can be shown
    If the user selects 'view more info on webpage' for 'duplicate event' then he is presented with option as to which webpage he wants to view, eg. the one from munuka, facebook or eventfinder.

    How to handle alternative venue names
    Sometimes different gig guides use different names for the same venue.
    eg. "Base" in munuka is called "Base Bar" in eventfinder and "Base Nightclub & Bar" in facebook
    This means that an event will not be marked as duplicate and you will see an entry from every guide for the same event.
    Not sure if this is a good idea or not but the user could setup an alternative venue text replacement field in the MP Config setup for the plugin
    Alternatively we could host the alternative venue list on a website and the plugin could update the list. This list could either be maintained by the plugin developers or there could be a way for any user to edit the list.



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  • June 10, 2008
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    Re: Kiwi Development team


    Ok that's all the conceptual implementation i can think of at the moment, let me know if there are any situatiuons I havn't covered.

    Also if we are definitely proceeding for gig guide, maybe rename the thread title?


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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team


    Ok that's all the conceptual implementation i can think of at the moment, let me know if there are any situatiuons I havn't covered.

    Also if we are definitely proceeding for gig guide, maybe rename the thread title?

    lol I think you have been thinking about this for awhile. will just have to get my head around everything you have posted. :p


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    yeah spent the last 3 hrs on it. The hardest part would be coding it, but if you get the concept and cover all the potential problems before coding starts, hopefully it means less revisions are needed. I'm not sure if sa_ddam213 realises how much work he has volunteered for =) :D

    If we skip the facebook stuff might be easier to implement, but personally i think it would be really useful to have the facebook events i've taged as attending / maybe attending viewable in the guide, otherwise I still need to use my PC to see what gigs I might goto in the weekend.

    The features involving friends attending events and notifications would be a less useful feature for me personally.

    Favourites would be a useful feature and perhaps when you enter the plugin there is a splash screen showing favourites/any gigs marked as attending/maybe attending in facebook. The splash screen exits when you press enter, then you are presented with the guide. If the guide is scraped everytime the user enters the plugin, then the splashscreen would be good to display while the scraper engine is scraping the guide.

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