My Films 5.0 alpha testing (1 Viewer)

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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: My Films 5.0 alpha testing

    I am have a couple of problems right out of the starting gate. I'm using Windows XP SP3, MP 1.2 Beta, default wide skin,
    also now when i try to open the plugin section of MP configuration i get this error:

    "Failed to locate 'Nlog, Version=1.0.0505, Culture=nutral,PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c'.
    Note that the configuration program must be executed from/reside in the MediaPortal folder, the execution will now end."

    When i uninstalled My Films i can access the plugin section of MP configuration fine but after a reinstall of MY Films i get the same error again. :confused:

    I know i must be doing something wrong because i've had this all running before a while back before upgrading to MP 1.2.
    As error tells, the Nlog.dll is not found. I assume, it is installed here by some other plugins - so I added it to the installer to be installed, if missing - will be in next test version.
    You can copy this file into MP program dir for now:

    I also reworked the AMCupdater user dialog to be more user fornedly (imho) - so with next release should be easier to use.
    Re title handling (filename vs. path) - I moved this setting to first tab, as it is one of the things users might have to change...


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Re: My Films 5.0 beta testing

    EDIT: The updater script need some work of the first 15 movies 13 needed to have manual picks. When the same movies were scaned with Motion Pictures only 50 of 675 needed to have manual picks. i'll post from the log after it's done with this second folder.
    TLD you must provide logs and settings files when reporting such results or we have no way to identify the issues.

    As you know there are a ton of settings and something is not working correctly for you. I am currently getting 95% correct results on 1K films and I have many foreign and 'offbeat' films. (Compared to Moving Pictures scripts where I am lucky to get 60% correct matches). So there is definitely something wrong.

    EDIT: by settings files I mean both MyFilms.xml config file and the MyFilmsAMCSettings_xxxx.xml settings file created for your specific config.


    Portal Pro
    October 26, 2007
    Rainy Washington
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    Sorry about not attaching logs i should know better but here they are from last nights run, i haven't tried getting back into "MP configuration/ plugins" yet so that error wont be there but i'm going to install the new version now and if the error pops up i'll post logs.

    I put the rest of the movie folders in last night and let it run all night with the "Don't ask" box ticked, AMC updater got 350 hits and 250 misses.
    I will install the new version before doing the misses over and we can see how it does, as i said before most of the movies it asked about before i left the box ticked could have used the result the updater picked as the rest of the results were only similar names.


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    NP TLD, thanks for logs - I think they will be very helpful to solve some installation variables.

    I am no expert on debugging, but I noticed you have a few issues that could cause problems in config. One is the HtmlAgilityPack - I have read elsewhere that there are conflicting versions in diff plugins (sorry can't remember more atm). The other issue appears to be SubCentral in your error.log file. I am sure Guzzi will know more as soon as he sees it.

    Did you install the Addons with MF for SubCentral and Browse the Web during install?

    You have a lot of errors in your AMCU logs which would explain the poor results. It is the same error in most cases. I only had one such case but same error. So we should probably wait until Guzzi has a look and can fix that.


    Portal Pro
    October 26, 2007
    Rainy Washington
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    NP TLD, thanks for logs - I think they will be very helpful to solve some installation variables.

    I am no expert on debugging, but I noticed you have a few issues that could cause problems in config. One is the HtmlAgilityPack - I have read elsewhere that there are conflicting versions in diff plugins (sorry can't remember more atm). The other issue appears to be SubCentral in your error.log file. I am sure Guzzi will know more as soon as he sees it.

    Did you install the Addons with MF for SubCentral and Browse the Web during install?

    You have a lot of errors in your AMCU logs which would explain the poor results. It is the same error in most cases. I only had one such case but same error. So we should probably wait until Guzzi has a look and can fix that.

    Yes i installed the "addon" package. i don't use "SubCentral" but i do use "Browse the Web" so i wanted the interface between "Browse the Web" and "My Films".

    What is "HtmlAgilityPack" anyway?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Re: My Films 5.0 alpha testing

    Sorry about not attaching logs i should know better but here they are from last nights run, i haven't tried getting back into "MP configuration/ plugins" yet so that error wont be there but i'm going to install the new version now and if the error pops up i'll post logs.
    Please be aware that the "additions" are only modded dlls for usbcentral and browsetheweb - you should install the "full" versions before and only update them with MF. I added them to the testpackage, because those changes are not yet released (Subcentral 1.1 will have it, BtW I am not sure, but it's commited to the trunk source code).
    If you don't install the plugins before installing MF, there will be probably several missinbg components - as MF test installer does NOT provide full installation for them.

    I put the rest of the movie folders in last night and let it run all night with the "Don't ask" box ticked, AMC updater got 350 hits and 250 misses.
    I will install the new version before doing the misses over and we can see how it does, as i said before most of the movies it asked about before i left the box ticked could have used the result the updater picked as the rest of the results were only similar names.
    Re matching:
    Found a bug with year hint processing, which is causing a lot of exceptions - will fix that.
    In general: Matching shoudl be very much depending on the configuration of AMCupdater - as there is most things accessible via the setup tabs, like cleanup regex expressions, handling rules, etc. So finally it would be nice to find some nice presets we can use as initial values to get "good results" for common use cases.
    Will make new version available with the fix mentioned above - 982 does not yet contain it.
    Main diference to use case I tested most is that you use filename instead of folders - so this is good, as it gives feedback for it.
    I changed the "interaftive dialog" in 982 test version to show source and resulting search title - so this should make identifying problems easier even without checking logs.
    Thanks for testing and helping.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Guzzi, glad you found the bug so fast! It's like frogs in a basket eh? You open the lid to put one fix in, and two more pop out!


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Re: My Films 5.0 alpha testing

    Hey Guzzi, glad you found the bug so fast! It's like frogs in a basket eh? You open the lid to put one fix in, and two more pop out!

    Always glad if it's only two ;-)


    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2007
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    :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Hundreds of changes and new features!!!! I will need several days to do some testing.
    Fantastic work!!!!! Thank you, dadeo and guzzi. Im returning from xbmc


    Portal Pro
    October 26, 2007
    Rainy Washington
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    I am using the "Centralized Data" feature and have changed the paths for fanart, covers and the catalog to UNC and copied Myfilms.xml to client. everything is working on the server but the client is getting fanart but isn't getting covers.

    I have default wide on server and aMPed 4X3 on client, i tried it with default wide on client too but no joy. Both are windows XP SP3

    EDIT: I found that if i delete the movie from the DB and rerun the updater and recopy the MyFilm.xml to the client the cover shows up. I'm thinking because i didn't have the UNC path when i first scanned it may have caused a problem but the fanart worked?
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