NightmareRambo77 said:LordMessi,
Do you know if the fix for the visualistation fullscreen has gone into the CVS , as i would love to test it out to see how it goes, thanks
Who did it, and when?
NightmareRambo77 said:LordMessi,
Do you know if the fix for the visualistation fullscreen has gone into the CVS , as i would love to test it out to see how it goes, thanks
SteveV said:I rejected the patch, not because a patch file was submitted, but because a fullscreen visualization might cause an unexpected display resolution change. Since a fairly large percentage of MP users use MP with a TV type of display, there is a likelihood that a resolution change might use a scan rate that could at worst; cause damage to the display and at best; place the tv in a mode where it is incapable of displaying an image.
SteveV said:With these albums, have you tried unchecking the "Skip albums with existing coverart" option? Also, the coverart grabber should report errors in the log file. It would be helpful if you could post relevent portions of the mediaportal.log file. All entries should begin with "coverart grabber:" (or similar--I'm at work and don't have access to mp).
2/15/2006 10:25:46 PM Cover art grabber:getting folder count for \\Media-server\Music\Donald Fagen...
2/15/2006 10:25:46 PM Cover art grabber:2 folders found
2/15/2006 10:25:46 PM Cover art grabber:getting pending cover count...
2/15/2006 10:25:46 PM Cover art grabber:2 covers queued for update
2/15/2006 10:25:47 PM Cover art grabber:getting cover art for [Donald Fagen-Kamakiriad]...
2/15/2006 10:25:51 PM Cover art grabber:AWS Response Returned 1 total pages with 2 total results.
2/15/2006 10:25:51 PM Cover art grabber:2 records retrieved in 00:00:04.171 (2.086 seconds per image)
2/15/2006 10:25:51 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUICoverArtGrabberResults init
2/15/2006 10:25:52 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:\\Media-server\Music\Donald Fagen\Kamakiriad\folder.jpg 200x236 format:X8R8G8B8
2/15/2006 10:25:52 PM texturemanager:added:\\Media-server\Music\Donald Fagen\Kamakiriad\folder.jpg total:1 mem left:157286400
2/15/2006 10:25:52 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:thumbs\MPTemp0.jpg 301x300 format:X8R8G8B8
2/15/2006 10:25:52 PM texturemanager:added:thumbs\MPTemp0.jpg total:2 mem left:157286400
2/15/2006 10:25:58 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUICoverArtGrabberResults deinit
2/15/2006 10:25:58 PM texturemanager:dispose:\\Media-server\Music\Donald Fagen\Kamakiriad\folder.jpg frames:1 total:3 mem left:155189248
2/15/2006 10:25:58 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
2/15/2006 10:25:58 PM texturemanager:dispose:thumbs\MPTemp0.jpg total:2 mem left:155189248
2/15/2006 10:25:59 PM Cover art grabber:getting cover art for [Donald Fagen-The Nightfly]...
2/15/2006 10:25:59 PM Cover art grabber:AWS Response Returned 1 total pages with 4 total results.
2/15/2006 10:25:59 PM Cover art grabber:4 records retrieved in 00:00:00.625 (0.156 seconds per image)