My Music - need your thoughts on how to improve and enhance (2 Viewers)

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  • April 22, 2004
    This is great news. Finally someone taking a look at the abandoned music part!

    Great opportunity to present my wishlist:

    1) Big display of the current song + highlight the current song in the view. The way it is now confuses me everytime.

    Description and suggestions in this post of mine:

    maybe even the above suggested now playing screen, maybe somewhere smaller also "Coming up"

    2) Full screen viz plus showing artist and song info at beginning and/or end of song (like on mtv) Problem is that full screen viz is in overlay and you needed vmr9. There is a commercial viz for wmp that works in mp as a work-around. can´t find the post at the moment

    3) more intelligent info gathering. if your mp3 tags are not perfect, and album is "unknown" mp will come up with albums containing "unknown" allthough artist and song title are in the tags. Problem is that the info source does not support much more intelligent search stings. At least block the unknown search.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    Re: Examples from SlimServer

    arnonm said:
    Managing Music is an art - take a look at the SlimServer from


    I'd love to have Santa get me a Squeezebox and then I could setup my linux server with a slimserver. Once my wife would see it working I'm sure we may then purchase another Squeezebox (plus speakers of course).



    New Member
    August 18, 2005
    Hi SteveV
    thx for your efforts with MP. I really like this software :D

    I have my music sorted like Artist/album/song. As far as I know, there is no opportunity to directly start play songs from an artist or an album. You always have to choose an artist, then an album and finally a specific song. In most cases i am not interested in a specific song, rather I want to hear any song from an artist or album.
    So, what do I want?
    I would like a "play" button (or maybe a random button) in the menu, so I directly, when I have found my favourite artist or album can start play it.



    Portal Pro
    December 14, 2005
    Gdansk, Poland
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    Denmark Denmark
    Another great feature for party-guys would be a queueing mode.

    At a party a uyg was using a program... "eJay" or something (not the music-making program). At start the program would shuffle from a party database. During the evening the guests will have access to the front-end where they are able to browse and search through the database and request a track. This track will then be queued behind any existing requests. Upon changing track the program would check if there are any requests in line and take the first of these. When there are no requests in the queue the program would pick out a random track from the database.
    User will not have access to modify the queue (of course), but an admin password is set up so that the administrator may enter the program to modify the queue or completely reset it.
    As I see the flow of the program it is a follows:

    1) The admin sets a password, enters the "Party Mode" and creates a "warm-up queue" of his choice.

    2) The program starts playing as guests arrive.

    3) A guest browses through the database and finds the best hit and queues it. There were 9 items in queue and now there are 10 items.

    4) The program runs and runs and runs out of requests.

    5) The program detects that the queue is empty after the current track and plays a random track from the database.

    6) Some guests go to the front-end and enters a lot of crappy tracks that are not good for dancing.

    7) The admin enters his password and deletes the items in the queue. He then admits that the guests are too drunk and should go home to sleep ;)

    I am sure that I am not the only one who would like to see this feature in MP as a part of My Music :)
    Of course the database from which it chooses these tracks are set up in advance as tracks suitable for partying and dancing :)


    Portal Pro
    December 14, 2005
    Gdansk, Poland
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    Denmark Denmark
    Another useful feature would be normalization.

    I don't know if something like this already exists, but it would be SO nice if you could somehow set MP to scan through the database or the current playlist and detect the average output of the different tracks and then NOT tamper with the track itself, but instead store the calculated adjustment, which should be done to a track, as a field in the database. When MP reads the track info it now knows how to adjust it's volume.

    An overall average level might be stored from the last scan of the database somewhere, so that when you add 100 new tracks you only have to scan these 100 tracks.

    Maybe there is a possibility to detect the output level of a track and have an output level that you want in MP and set it to normalize all the tracks played. Still only by adjusting internal volume and NOT the file.

    There are probably a lot of options and I'm no expert in sound, but this remains as a useful feature in my eyes, since the levels of my different tracks are different.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    Maedhros - I really like your party guy mode. That sounds very cool for people (guests) to come up to select songs they want to play.



    New Member
    December 14, 2005
    I've been messing with mp for a couple of days now and its a cool piece of software. Just one thing bothers me in my music, there are no options to change the way a track name is displayed.

    At the moment the ID3 data shown in list mode as :
    track number, artist, track name.

    I would like to change it so it only showed track name, but kept the album in order. I already know which artist it is so i don't really need this displayed.

    Also in playlist it shows the track number for every song, i think it should only show the artist and track name.

    If you added options in the settings part of mp so that ppl could choose how to display the name of tracks then that would be useful. I hope that makes sense, i may post a picture of what i mean.

    If there is a way to do this already then let me know.
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