My Music Videos - V0.41 (5 Viewers)

How are your music video files named

  • Artist - Title

    Votes: 149 85.6%
  • Organised some other way

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • However they came

    Votes: 16 9.2%

  • Total voters


Portal Pro
November 7, 2005
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
That didn't work.

I reinstalled the plugin and put the new dll.
No way to open plugin section in MP Configuration:

2009-09-26 10:10:07.515690 [Warn.][Config Main]: Plugin Manager: Plugin MPMusicVids.GUIMain is incompatible with the current MediaPortal version! (File: Music Videos.dll)
2009-09-26 10:10:07.609440 [Info.][2]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicVids.db3

Then I deleted the DB and tried again:

2009-09-26 10:13:45.250065 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Music Videos.dll
2009-09-26 10:13:45.875065 [Info.][Config Main]: SQLiteClient: MusicVids.db3 cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:ERROR detailed:table Settings has 6 columns but 5 values were supplied query:INSERT INTO Settings VALUES('c:\ffmpeg.exe', '5', 'Music Videos', '.avi.mpg.mkv.wmv.divx.ts.ogm.vob.mp4.m4v.mpeg.m2v', '0.4')
2009-09-26 10:13:45.890690 [ERROR][Config Main]: SQLiteClient: MusicVids.db3 cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:ERROR detailed:table Settings has 6 columns but 5 values were supplied query:INSERT INTO Settings VALUES('c:\ffmpeg.exe', '5', 'Music Videos', '.avi.mpg.mkv.wmv.divx.ts.ogm.vob.mp4.m4v.mpeg.m2v', '0.4')
2009-09-26 10:13:47.031315 [Warn.][Config Main]: Plugin Manager: Plugin MPMusicVids.GUIMain is incompatible with the current MediaPortal version! (File: Music Videos.dll)
2009-09-26 10:13:47.593815 [Warn.][Config Main]: Plugin Manager: Plugin MPMusicVids.MusicVidsMain is incompatible with the current MediaPortal version! (File: Music Videos.dll)

So there's no way for me even to re-scan the DB, although I wouldn't like in any case to loose the data, as I changed manually English info, which is of no use for me, to Russian


Portal Pro
June 19, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Right that is an issue.

Sorry ive been working on 0.5 and some of the code for the next version has slipped into the previous version.

If you could send me your db i will update it here and allow you to use the plugin.

If anyone else is having this issue with the plugin not starting, send me your db and ill update it manually so it can work (preferrably only if you really cant afford to lose your data like bounguine



Portal Pro
June 19, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Assuming you mean page 12?

Thanks for the plugin!
Just tested it and have some questions.

1) Is there any opportunity to delete a song or an artist from the DB? For example if I delete the file. << Yes delete the file

2) Is there any opportunity to rename an artist (once for all the songs of this artist or song by song)? << Yes click pencil icon, Is working now

3) How can I manually add an artist and his songs, if the artist is not found in the online DB)? << Manual artists are now supported - see manual import on bottom of main screen

4) I have two songs: << Manual import will work for both the cases mentioned below. After scanning puts title 2 with artist 1, manually import it to artist 2, or manually import it to your own Artist1 & Artist 2
Artist 1 – Title 1.*
Artist 1 & Artist 2 – Title 2.*
The second (Artist 1 & Artist 2) is not found when scanning and I have to choose Artist 1 for the song to be added. When scanning finishes I have Artist 1 with two songs (Title 1 and Title 2).
How can I add Artist 2 for the second song (Title 2) and have two artists in the left (artists’) panel:
Artist 1 (with Title 1)
Artist 1 & Artist 2 (with Title 2)?

5) Is it possible to make an extra feature for adding after scanning several artists for one song so that I have in the left (artists’) panel not:
Artist 1, Artist 2 (with Title 2)
Artist 1 (with Title 2)
Artist 2 (with Title 2)
This might be convenient when browsing artists in such cases like:
Renaud Garcia-Fons, Jean-louis Matinier, Yves Torchinsky, Jacques Mahieux – Alborea.* << use manual import, load the file as many times into the lefthand window as there are artists and save it each time with each new artist.


Portal Pro
November 7, 2005
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
I guess, I need your help.

4) Would you explain how to change in my DB:
(artist) Manu Chao, (title) La ventura
(artist) Manu Chao & Les Ogres de Barback, (title) La ventura

5) How to make out of it:
(artist) Manu Chao, (title) La ventura
(artist) Les Ogres de Barback, (title) La ventura


1) I didn't see in MP Ojos de Brujo's image, although it is in the thumbs section
2) In Mp the pluging hangs when browsing artists or when stopping vids:

2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: Exception :Ошибка в приложении.
2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: site :Void PresentInternal(Microsoft.DirectX.PrivateImplementationDetails.tagRECT*, Microsoft.DirectX.PrivateImplementationDetails.tagRECT*, IntPtr)
2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: source :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: stacktrace: в Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.PresentInternal(tagRECT* sourceRectangle, tagRECT* destRectangle, IntPtr overrideWindow)
в Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.PresentInternal(tagRECT* sourceRectangle, tagRECT* destRectangle, Control overrideWindow)
в Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Present()
в MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)

3) I can't see ".mov" in extensions


Portal Pro
June 19, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
I guess, I need your help.

4) Would you explain how to change in my DB:
(artist) Manu Chao, (title) La ventura
(artist) Manu Chao & Les Ogres de Barback, (title) La ventura

Assuming you only have the one Manu Chao song, simply edit the artist name (click on pencil icon) and change artist name (and bio if you want). If you only want to change the one song, and you have multiple Manu Chao songs, go to manual import, load that file, and assign it to an artist you create called Manu Chao & Les Ogres de Barback. If you want to remove it from under Manu Chao, rename the file, then manually import it, then re-scan to remove the missing file.

5) How to make out of it:
(artist) Manu Chao, (title) La ventura
(artist) Les Ogres de Barback, (title) La ventura

As above essentially. Go to manual import, load the same file into the left window twice. Assign the first one to Manu Chao, and save batch, then assign the second copy to Les Ogres de Barback


1) I didn't see in MP Ojos de Brujo's image, although it is in the thumbs section << Ok. Will look into it... If you can send me the artist image from inside the thumbs\Music Videos\Artists folder I can see if its an image related issue, or a plugin/MP related issue
2) In Mp the pluging hangs when browsing artists or when stopping vids: The below is not from the MusicVids plugin directly, but possibly something I have caused... Seems like it may be related to a faulty image...

2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: Exception :Ошибка в приложении.
2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: site :Void PresentInternal(Microsoft.DirectX.PrivateImplementationDetails.tagRECT*, Microsoft.DirectX.PrivateImplementationDetails.tagRECT*, IntPtr)
2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: source :Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
2009-09-26 13:10:00.953125 [ERROR][MPMain]: stacktrace: в Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.PresentInternal(tagRECT* sourceRectangle, tagRECT* destRectangle, IntPtr overrideWindow)
в Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.PresentInternal(tagRECT* sourceRectangle, tagRECT* destRectangle, Control overrideWindow)
в Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.Present()
в MediaPortalApp.Render(Single timePassed)

3) I can't see ".mov" in extensions to add an extension, just type in .mov at the end of what is already there, it will be added automatically.


Portal Pro
November 7, 2005
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
4 and 5) If I press "Save batch" (the name seems to be a bit misleading though), I have this:

System.NullReferenceException: В экземпляре объекта не задана ссылка на объект.
в MPMusicVids.Data.DataManager.addArtist(String name, String biography, String image)
в MPMusicVids.Manual.saveButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
в System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)


If you only want to change the one song, and you have multiple 4) Manu Chao songs, go to manual import, load that file, and assign it to an artist you create called Manu Chao & Les Ogres de Barback. If you want to remove it from under Manu Chao, rename the file, then manually import it, then re-scan to remove the missing file.

5) Go to manual import, load the same file into the left window twice. Assign the first one to Manu Chao, and save batch, then assign the second copy to Les Ogres de Barback

Can you make it simple (actually it takes some seconds in SQLLite DB Browser):
For 4:
a) user manually adds new artist (without any song) assigning new ID in “Artists” then clicks on the song and uses dropdown menu with existing artists (changes artistID in “Videos”)
b) user clicks on the song and puts the new artist’s name assigning new ID in “Artists” and changing artistID in “Videos”

For 5:
user steps on the song and clicks “copy” adding new line in “Videos” with the same artistID, path and title then he does what I wrote in (4)

The existing (batch) procedure is good for adding artists (not yet in DB) together with their songs (not yet in DB)

* * *

Strange enough but it seemed to me last time that extention field was grayed :)

* * *

I tested the plugin on another PC - the same effect
Here's the thumb:
Ojos de Brujo.jpg


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
I've just added some .ts files (created from recorded TV using VideoRedo Plus) but the plugin isn't "seeing them" :( - doesn't even register that new files have been added when I scan the watched folder. They play in MP without any problems though if I view them via the "My Videos" plugin... Any ideas?

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