My PodCasts (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 1, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
It would be somewhere c:\program files\team-mediaportal\mediaportal\log\mediaportal.log

Please first try the podcast that is not working and then post the log file, because the logfile is reset every time you start mediaportal.



Portal Member
March 26, 2007
Great plugin fcsobel. :lol:
Will it be included in the next MP version? I think it should - that would be really nice!

I think too. Thank you for this great plugin. In fact it's because of this plugin a choosed MP.

I've not had much luck getting .mp4 or .mov files to play in mediaportal. It's a shame since so many video podcasts are not in wmv format. Does anyone know how to get these to work in mp?

What about .flv Flash Player format from Youtube and others ?

I got your videopodcast working on my machine:

I compiled the podcast plugin on my self, he he. Please try the attachement.

You also need an external player to play these kind of files. I use the FLVPlayer.dll and VideoLAN.dll.


PS.: I compiled it against the latest svn's.

"You also need an external player to play these kind of files. I use the FLVPlayer.dll and VideoLAN.dll.".

Could you detail this part. How do you use en external player to play these kind of files ? What do you do with these two dll ?


Portal Member
May 31, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Good Morning,
here the Logfile after I want to play the Podcast...

it came only a black screen. After I press Stop, I became the normale Podcast screen.


Portal Member
July 17, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany

I think you are using 'Version: SVN Build 1ab1 (2008-01-23 / 5:00 CET)'.
Please try my compilation in this thread. It is compiled against the latest SVN's. I corrected the cause of the Exception in your logs. There might be a change in the method call from MP stable to SVN. The method MediaPortal.Util.Picture.CreateThumbnail needs an additional boolean parameter. Maybe any dev could confirm this.


2008-02-02 09:24:44.906250 [Info.][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:confused:ystem.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean MediaPortal.Util.Picture.CreateThumbnail(System.String, System.String, Int32, Int32, Int32)'.
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIRssBaseWindow.DownloadAndCache(String imageUrl, String title)
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIRssBaseWindow.ShowOutlines(Opml opml)
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIRssBaseWindow.SelectOutline(Opml opml, OpmlOutline outline, ViewMode mode, Boolean DoClear)
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIRssBaseWindow.ShowSites(Boolean DoClear)
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIRssBaseWindow.ShowSites()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIRssBaseWindow.OnPageLoad()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Rss.GUIPodCasts.OnPageLoad()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)


Portal Member
May 31, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Good Morning,

I have download and install your compilation, but I became the same problem. When I Click a Videopodcast, I became only a black screen. By press Stop or Back the screen go back to MyPodcast.


Portal Member
March 26, 2007
I installed the VLC external plugin to read my mp4 podcast.

To make it working you must install the VLC plugin and add .mp4,.m4v files in the configuration window (start MP configuration tool)


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
VideoLan plugin setup

I just got the videolan plugin working in mediaportal and found the process a bit confusing so I put together this step by step guide.

1) Install latest VideoLan program from:

2) Copy 'libvlc.dll' from '\<VLC root directory>\VLC' to the MP root folder

3) Download the VideoLan.dll from:

If your pc is RAR challenged you can get a copy of a freeware program like tugzip to un-rar it

When you extract grab the one from the SVN folder. The other one errors out in setup.

Copy the VideoLAN.dll to your Mediaportal /Plugins/ExternalPlayers folder

4) Start Meditportal configuration, find the VideoLan plugin under plugins and enable it.
Click on configure and add in the file formats you want it to hanle like ".mp4,.mov...etc.

- Now you should be able to play .mp4 and .mov files. I suggest you save some to disk first and see if they play from there before you try and view them from podcasts.

- And before you you try to view videos from a feed in My Podcasts make sure you can view them using the stand alone VideLan program. If you have problems there it will be the same in My Podcasts.

- So far I see a long wait before some feeds start playing. I think it's downloading the file in the background and starts playback when the whole file is down.

Some feeds to try:

If you find good videolan tips and settings, please share them:

Good luck!


Portal Pro
April 24, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I updated to the last version of my podcasts from this thread and now i can`t ad any new podcast, they are in the list the configuration, but in MP i can`t see any of them and i also can`t ad a new one with the search funktion

Any tips?

thanks cubii

I have the same issue.

I also have this problem...
I didn't when I had the stable version installed, I had it up and running. Now I have a SVN and this problem pops up...
Any suggestions anyone?

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