My PodCasts (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 28, 2007
Home Country
France France
Jean-Marc, that is the best idea I've read on this forum! It must be because you're closer to the equator! Thanks.

here it's important to have time to go to the beach, so we always try to find the easiest and simplest way for everything...

Of course, Miro could eat up your disk space fast depending on what you download. But that sounds easy enough to manage.

In Miro settings, you can define the maximum HD space Miro will use. And you can delete the podcasts you have seen into MP (using for example one of the options under the F9 key of your keyboard.)

I played around with Miro a while ago, but found it hard to use and slow on my machine. But those I'm sure can be fixed.

Miro is very simple to use: you select the podcasts you want to download and then you select options for every selected podcast. After that you don't have anything else to do: just let Miro working on the background and it will download the selected podcasts when available.
Into the thumbs video folder, you can put images for the podcasts.

As for that SAF pack--the jury is still out for me on that one. I tried it before and it broke everything. So I went back to ffdshow tryouts. But, I'm willing to try again, I just don't want to reinstall MP and reconfigure it all like the last time!

SAF works really fine: but it is important to eliminate all other coddec stuff you may have on your computer (PowerDVD, FFdshow, etc...). Follow Hoborg's intructions and you will be able to read everything within MP. I don't have FFdshow, PowerDVD and everything is fine with a very low CPU usage even with HD movies and my old graphic card !

Anyway, thanks for the tip on Miro!

You are wellcome!


Portal Member
July 27, 2008
Home Country
Italy Italy
Hi! to everybody.
I'm not able to make it work properly this plugin
I'm able to see some rss video, but not the majority of the others.
As I'm not a native English it's a little difficult for me to read a lot of pages and I'm confused about the versions of MP and the versions of the plugim

I'm using the MP RC3. In order to see the "mypodcasts" I have to install the
found here
or the older version that you find in the first page of this thread?

after I will try to understand why I receive so many "Unable to play the video", "unable to play the audiostream" and so on.

In the meantime, if somebody can provide me some workable rss links, this will help me in understanding the problem.

Thank you!!


Portal Member
July 27, 2008
Home Country
Italy Italy
still have my problems with myPodcasts.
there are some other plugin that permit to manage the podcasts?
thank you


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  • February 24, 2008
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    I can get it to work for audio (mp3) podcasts but not video, it is a real pity it is still not being developed!


    Portal Member
    July 27, 2008
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    to me the podcasts are the most important thing in a HTPC
    somebody are able to see them with mediaportal and this plugin, so, perhaps it's only a matter of configuration and settings.
    for examples I can see this podcast
    MEDC 2005 Video Podcast
    but not many others.
    can you try it, to see if it works on your pc.
    Perhaps, together, we can find the right solution...

    in any way it's a pity that a so important plugin is not enough developed!
    Help us each others


    Portal Pro
    May 26, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I know this is a little off subject but maybe you should have a look at Boxee. They are sending out Alpha releases if you sign up and it is a desktop client and can be launched from within mediaportal.. I honestly have pushed for a Miro backend and the likes of for months, no one on Mediaportal seems to get the appeal of On-demand podcasts/RSS Video...

    But any way... You know OnlineVideos excepts most RSS feeds,not to hard to add...


    Portal Pro
    May 26, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    As far as I know... Just download the latest version 0.50 and go edit the onlinevideos.xml file which is in c:\Program Data\Team MediaPortal\onlinevideos.xml

    Hope that helps


    Portal Member
    July 27, 2008
    Home Country
    Italy Italy

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