OK - Yes I am lame but I don't know how to play this game on the plugin. Could someone come up with a short set of instructions that could help me (maybe someone else that may want to play this on MP)?
Look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku for a good Introduction in Sudoku.
In the plugin you can let you show/block wrong numbers/moves on the left site. If "Show Invalid Moves" is selected Wrong numbers are red, right numbers are white and the start numbers are black. You can not edit the start numers.
If all fields are filled out and no number is red ("Show Invalid Moves" is selected) you have found the solution. In the next release you will find a "Game Over Box" with the result.
I hope this will help you.
The Soduko fever has reached aour family now and I tested the plugin now, and it works really well.
Feature request: Cosmo, you intended to grade the sudokus with diiferent grades of difficulty. Don´t know how to do that, but...
...this morning there was a Sudoku on a kids page in our newspaper. It simply had much more numbers uncovered to start with.
So this brought me to the idea to add a kids level to the plugin, sounds an easy task, but than I am no programer, so I might be wrong there. What do you think about the idea?
IMOON or Cosmo - how about a buddy image that would looks similar to:
Please note that this is VERY rough(actually just a concept). I was just looking to see if it was worthwhile for me to go ahead and take the time to finish it. What do you think?