My Usenet (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Anyone else who is having the same problem as eloo (no results for newzbin) please let me know. We're having a bit of a hard time getting to the bottom of the problem.


Portal Member
February 12, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi there I am also having the same problems when using the Newzbin search function I have tried refreshing cookies and still get the same problem. The other sites work fine. I am using the blue two skin and release with the latest svn.


Portal Member
February 12, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
I dont know if this is of any use to you in figuring out the Newzbin search problem, but i noticed that when you click the get cookies button under nzbmatrix settings, a box comes up that says cookies stored. When you do the same for Newzbin no box comes up. Hope this helps towards a fix.


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Thank you both for responding. I'm still trying to figure this one out as it seems to be pretty random, but I'm trying to find some kind of pattern that will narrow down the reasons here.

I dont know if this is of any use to you in figuring out the Newzbin search problem, but i noticed that when you click the get cookies button under nzbmatrix settings, a box comes up that says cookies stored. When you do the same for Newzbin no box comes up. Hope this helps towards a fix.

That's definitely a problem. There should be a message box that pops up if the cookies were successfully stored just like with NZBMatrix. Is that happening to everyone else as well? The only reason for this problem that I have been able to come up with is a username/password problem. Telling me that definitely helps, though. That's very important as I think that's probably what I should focus on for the time being.

By giving my cookie values to eloo he could retrieve results from Newzbin no problem, but his username/password were correct. Can both of you open up your myusenet1.xml file and triple check your username and password? I doubt that's the issue because honestly, what are the chances that all of you messed up typing in ONLY your Newzbin password.

I'm going to add some more detailed debugging to the config window. Can you all download it when I post it and send me your logs? Also, are there any errors in your configuration.Log or error.log?


Portal Member
February 12, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
These are logs from immediately after trying to run the search function. Once you post the modiefied version i will repost them.

Hope they help


Portal Member
February 12, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi there i managed to figure out a temporary work around for the Newzbin search problem. It may not work for anyone but I though it might be worth posting.

Goto C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
then look for a cookie file called cookie:<username>@v3.newzbin (if you dont have one go to and sign in)

Open the cookie file and look for the numbers for NzbSessionID and NzbSmoke.

You then need to copy and paste these numbers into C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows\newzbin.xml replacing the numbers that are already there.
Save the file.

You should now be able to use the New search function for newzbin. Once you have typed in your search you will have to press refresh feed to bring up the results. It doesnt seem to work for the search by attribute function.

Hope this info helps :)


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America

Thanks for that. I had actually suggested that to eloo as well for a temporary workaround. I've got a couple of questions for you though. What version of the plugin are you using? If you still have a newzbin.xml file then I assume you are using one of the last versions? I guess this problem has existed for some time. It's odd that browse by attribute doesn't work, but regular searching does.

I think I've narrowed down where the problem is thanks to the tip about the missing message box and eloo's logs. I'm not positive what's causing it, but I've figured out what I believe may be happening.

Thanks again for the help and if you can I'll need some logs from you when I post a new debugging build.


Portal Member
February 12, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
hi there i thought that i was using the latest version. I downloaded it from the downloads section of the main site. I have downloaded 0.4 now and have it running. The get cookies box now displays, however now i cant get any searches to come up.

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