Let's see them one by one.[*] What will be displayed in this sidepanel if you select something else than active torrents or torrents in general
Just like uTorrent's WebUI, plugin should refresh them continuously (in every screen). Since this is an info stuff, no need to refresh in every 3 secs so as webui does.[*] Those labels at the bottom of the page, should be continuously updated, shouldn't they?
Of course, it's a only a label. And of course, status bar should be permanently displayed in every screen within the plugin.[*] The "Status" thing at the bottom, is it a label or a button? If it is a button what will it do?
I'm not sure what you mean.[*] Will every information be displayed in this "main" screen or did you have subscreens for some in mind?
Hola Ixreb,
i think i tortured you enough with my bad spanish
Sorry that it took so long now, but i was in RegEx hell due to those nasty accents you have in spanish. This should work now, i hope
This part goes into the beginning of the MyTorrent.xml to define the tracker.Code:<tracker> <name>DivXTotal</name> <url>http://www.divxtotal.com</url> </tracker>
And this part goes into the searchengine part, but perhaps you have to increase the number of pagesCode:<engine> <name>DivXTotal</name> <tracker>DivXTotal</tracker> <sort> <name>Default</name> <url>http://www.divxtotal.com/buscar.php?busqueda=%searchstring%&pagina=%page%</url> </sort> <sort> <name>Name</name> <url>http://www.divxtotal.com/buscar.php?busqueda=%searchstring%&orden=2&pagina=%page%</url> </sort> <parse>a href="[A-z "=./-0-9<>]*/torrent/(?<TID>[0-9]*)/[^>]*(?<TTitle>[^<]*)</a></p>[\r]*\n[ \t]*<p class="seccontgen"><a href="[A-z]*/" title="[^>]*>(?<TCategory>[^<]*)</a></p>[\r]*\n[ \t]*<p class="seccontfetam">(?<TDate>[0-9 -]*)</p>[\r]*\n[ \t]*<p class="seccontfetam">(?<TSize>[0-9.]*) (?<TSizeT>[A-z]*)</p></parse> <dateformat>dd-MM-yyyy</dateformat> <download>http://www.divxtotal.com/download.php?id=%id%</download> <options></options> <pages>1,2</pages> </engine>
Si tienes mas preguntas, solo escribe aqui o un pm.
not sure i like vrm's either, but something definitely needs to be done with the skinning eventually. it's very functional but it's pretty ugly
how about keeping vrm's top row
but removing the left pane and instead show the complete list of torrents, but with a header for each label in a bigger, bold font? so you can see everything at once but still know which shows are under which labels?
and how about having little logos beside the buttons, like a rss logo and status bars so you can quickly tell the progress of a torrent. the htpcinfo plugin has a really nice layout for streamedmp that you might want to copy.
anyway, none of this stuff is too important, just some suggestions. i'm fine with the way it is now actually.