MyTorrents 0.70 Stable [Updated 13-10-2012] (6 Viewers)


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July 30, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
That works, thanks! Now to get it working with HDBits.

I haven't read through all 57 pages, but is there any way this works with
Aka, see something recommended or on your calendar, and automatically link it to "search torrents" ?

Would looove to see that.


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  • January 3, 2008
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    First, it is already integrated with last and mp-tvseries plugins. To test it you should enter context menu (F9/Info) when episode/season/series/film is selected in trakt/mp-tvseries and locate "Search torrent ..." item. I will add this info to wiki.
    I have plans to extend integration with trakt/mp-tvseries i.e. autosearch new episodes of you tv series and autodownload them but don't expect this soon.
    Second, there are several options to add new site to plugin:
    1) you must know regex to make parsing expression. Knowing how to recompile plugin with custom http request parameters is good too.
    2)If i have access to site I can add it myself (have no accout for hdbits, sorry)
    3) you can give me sample of page so I can try to make regex myself. Please, remove all your personal data from html code first. If page contains rss feeds they can have your personal data too.
    4) If the site have search api I can try to add it without using regex. In this case i need api reference (description). I nkow only one site with such api - btn.


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  • January 3, 2008
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    Some news in order to prevent questions about developing process.
    1) I finally made a hack to support hidden menu on all screens. So it will be possible to switch i.e from rss to watchlist or search screen without entering main screen.
    2) Skin progress:
    - DefaultWide is done
    - Avalon is done
    StreamedMP and Black Glass skins was done previoulsy. Just need to fix changed control IDs.
    Unfortunately, I decided not to make Frames skin files. I really like this skin and I want to add Frames support but it's impossible for me now to make skin from scratch without mockups. I'm still hate skinning btw :(
    3) Recent fix for 3.1.2 should improve general compatibility with all versions including future ones. Hope now each new version shouldn't brake mytorrents.



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  • December 8, 2007
    Casa del Bristow-Stagg
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    OK Finally got this all working and searching with Kick Arse and PublicHD, only problem is, once I tell it to download the torrent and select the destination and label it returns unable to download, yet the logs say:
    [12:24 AM 8/04/2012] search torrents KAT heroes Default
    [12:24 AM 8/04/2012] search complete :100
    [12:24 AM 8/04/2012] Download [] started.
    [12:24 AM 8/04/2012] Torrent List loaded


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    It could be wrong download link or site authorization problem.
    I have to see you config file


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  • December 8, 2007
    Casa del Bristow-Stagg
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    There is no Authentication with the sites I've chosen and the link that it retrieves is correct (copy and paste it into web browser and it downloads torrent), happy to be wrong though :) I've attached MyTorrents.XML and the MyTorrents.log, no errors were thrown so there is no error.log. There's no issue with connecting to the WebUI for utorrent as I'm able to retrieve and action existing torrents.

    Also it's a little strange that when searching for a torrent from My-TVSeries that it nominates the second search engine listed in your XML files so I've had to structure it so that @All is the second listed searchengine. Should it perhaps default to @All instead of the second in the list?

    Thanks for all your hard work Edalex! Looking forward to finally getting this thing fully integrated (been meaning to do this for months and FINALLY have some spare time )


    • MyTorrents.xml
      4.7 KB


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    I choose TPB as searchengine for MP-TVSeries as most popular and common. i thought search by @All could be not fast :)
    Actually, we need custom item like "mtvseries engine" with preferrable engines in it.
    And I'll try to test your sites but destination choosing is not working in my setup after skin rework :( Need to fix it first.
    P.s I will include your sites in 0.70 package if you're not against it.


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  • December 8, 2007
    Casa del Bristow-Stagg
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Well as u can see I don't have TPB in my setup so it grabs whatever is second rather than specifying. I like the idea of an @mtvseriessetup ;)


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Just realized that destination selection is not working in 2.2.1. I will fix it soon. My apologies to all 2.2.1 users. :(

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