BeeJay, some thought from me about your config
page in your <download>t</download> section is wrong.
It's http status code is "302 Moved Temporarily" which tells us about redirection to another page.
So link should be<hash here>.torrent
UPD: It's a maddness there
Somehow you need to set<hash here>.torrent as referer in you request which tells that you came from the same page.
Full story:
If your request your download link you've been redirected to<hash here>.torrent. Script on this page requesting this page again so now you have right referer and actual torrent file can be downloaded after that.
Mytorrents has no ability to set custom referers to http requests.
Hope you can understand my english.
i face a issue with MT 0.69.6, uTorrent 3.1.3 (build 27120), MP 1.2.3 with Glass nova skin, webUI works nice, webUItoken is disabled.
I perform a search with TPB and i can choose a torrent, destination folder, a label (empty) but cannot run the downloading. I cannot see it in uTorrent.
It worked once (torrent was well started) but did not show up in the active torrent.