MyTorrents (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
View Mode Switching

Made some minor fixes to My Torrents and My Podcasts. Plugins should now remember the last View Mode you selected (Icons, list...etc). Also fixed a related bug; you may have noticed when switching Views that items from a previous list would get mixed in with the current ones. This has now been fixed. See the first post for links and instrcutions on install.

This bug was due to using the Clear() method on the FacadeView. I mention this because others may make the same mistake. You want to use GUIControl.ClearControl(...) to clear the whole list.

// This code is not so good:

// This is how you want to clear the list:
GUIControl.ClearControl(GetID, facadeView.GetID)


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
Wouldn't it be great to have an eMule plugin? there are RSS feeds for ed2k links too.

Send me a good rss feed and I'll give it a try. The RSS reader will read any feed. The code assumes everything is a torrent but that should be easy to change.


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005

The problem with this feed is that the links point to web pages like this one:

On the page there are one or more links to actually download the files. In this examples one link to download the entire collection and then one for the .ogg version and another for the .m4v version. The link for the entire collection always uses the same id (1473 in this example) so I could add code to map the link above to the link for the entire collection but this would be a hack and do you reallly want to download all versions of the file?

Do you have any other emule feeds? Does anyone else use eMule?


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
I hope µtorrent will work in a little time !?

I'm getting closer to making uTorrent work with the plugin. There are two possibilities.

One is talking to it's web UI. The web UI uses JSON to send data and query strings to control the torrents so it should be possible to display the list and let you control your uTorrent downloads. The JSON data seems to be missing labels and there is no documentation so It's going to take some trial and error to get it working. Also if they change the Web UI it may stop working until I can put out a fix. I think the WebUI is stil beta so thete will probably be changes.

Another possibility is using a real API to talk to uTorrent. I've been told that such a beast exists and is being used by a program called PwopCatcher. Check out this blog post and note the tight integration with uTorrent:

I've asked the author of uTorrent for permission to use the same API. I'll let you know what he says. The nice thing about the API is that it should work with uTorrent without having to setup and configure the Web UI.


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
uTorrent support

I have a beta version ready that supports uTorrent. This version is actually three plugins that work together. My Torrents, My Azureus and My uTorrent. The same way that My Videos works with My Trailers.

You must have the uTorrent Web UI installed and setup correctly for this to work!

You can get the plugins here. (See the readme for instructions)

As always, you should backup your current files just in case.

P.S: My PodCasts is also included becase it shares about 80% of the code with My Torrents.


Portal Pro
December 4, 2005
Screenshot of My uTorrent


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