Where is Salty ?
I am sorry, the documentation is aweful... I don't get things imported. I changed the file mask in the import tool and i renamed my series, but still no succes.
Even when I use the preformatted expression it doesn't work.
I also tried to rename files after the simple filename strings... it doens't work.
Does anybody have a tip how I should rename my series to work with the preinstalled lines in the importer!?
Or better, does anybody have a import line/expression/mask to import my series?!
My shows are stored in E:\TV\<SeriesName>\<SeriesName>.<SeasonNumber>.<EpisodeNumber> <EpisodeTitle>.avi
Example: E:\TV\Kyle XY\Kyle XY.1.08 Memory Serves.avi
I hope someone can help me!
This is how i have my TV Shows structure and i hadnt any problems upto now.
\TVShows\Prison Break\Season 1\Prison Break s01e01 - Pilot.avi
\TVShows\Prison Break\Season 2\Prison Break s01e02 - Manhuntavi
there is a simple expression already for the above and it works like a charm.
hope it helps
But when I hit the start button I get this error message:
Failed to locate assembly 'SgmlReaderDll, Version=1.6.2195.24675, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null'.
Note that the configuration program must be executed from/reside in the MediaPortal folder, the execution will now end.
Ah! Yeah, I only search for the error message but I couldn't find any relevant items... I've downloaded the plugin from the main site (plugin section). That version is stuck on .40ppatrick,
which version of TVSeries did you install? I think there was one were that particular dll was not included. The latest version is 0.41.
The link can be found on page 55 of this thread (in entry #545 written by Salty.dh).