MyWorldMap plugin V 1.0 RC5 (Google Maps and Virtual Earth) (2 Viewers)


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Excellent work lkuech .... :D

    Just a couple of minor issues:-

    These error messages appear frequently in the error.log file

    [ERROR][MPMain]: No translation found for id 110234
    [ERROR][MPMain]: No translation found for id 110235
    [ERROR][MPMain]: No translation found for id 110236
    [ERROR][MPMain]: No translation found for id 110237
    [ERROR][MPMain]: No translation found for id 101002

    placing the following entries in the strings_user.xml file removes the error messages, but I am not sure if this is the correct solution?

    <String id="101002" prefix="My ">Worldmap</String>
    <String id="110234" prefix="My ">Worldmap</String>
    <String id="110235" prefix="My ">Worldmap menu</String>
    <String id="110236" prefix="My ">Worldmap search</String>
    <String id="110237" prefix="My ">Worldmap search results</String>

    Also, I think that the skin file “MyWorldMapMenu.xml” in both BlueTwo & BlueTwo wide contains a slight error. This line


    under the Placemarks button should be



    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2007
    pretty much in the center
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    @Anthrax: Thx for the flowers ;)
    They were due...

    So there is still a lot to do ;)
    This said, I'd like to share some thoughts on future improvements:

    1. Me personally would prefer googlemaps set by default. Could be made configurable to fit everyone's needs...
    2. When looking for a placename the search could be started right after hitting done/fertig on the visual keyboard instead of additionally clicking search afterwards...
    3. The last location could be remembered and restored on the next launch of the plugin...
    4. As mentioned before, placemarks and favourites would be the sweetest topping
    5. Don't wanna get crazy on this but 3D (GoogleEarth) is impossible, isn't it?!?
    6. Stop me, if I'm going to far ;)


    PS: I'm glad to see you intend on making things skinnable and figured the extreme seriousness of my request. Can't wait to go from dirty orange to "matschgrau" or "quietschgrün" by myself. ;)


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    Hi would prefer "quitschgrün"

    Point 3 is already implemented. But the window management of the plugin is not good enough right now and because of this it does not always save the settings on exit.

    Simply use the "show previous menu" key 3 times after using the search... the plug in then know that all dialogs are closed and the save function should do her job if you leave the plugin.

    The next version will be much more reliable at this point.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    New version!

    Take a look at the first thread to find the information what is new.



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004

    I finally got around installing it, but can't get it to work :-( It doesn't even show in the main menu.

    2007-06-05 19:34:00.093750 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] Start to initialize Worldmap plugin Windows
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.093750 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] Initialize Worldmap menu
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.093750 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIWindowManager: Could not find window 10235
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] the window with the ID 10235 has been added to the windowmanager!
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] Initialize Worldmap search
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIWindowManager: Could not find window 10236
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] the window with the ID 10236 has been added to the windowmanager!
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] Initialize Worldmap searchresult
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIWindowManager: Could not find window 10237
    2007-06-05 19:34:00.109375 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] the window with the ID 10237 has been added to the windowmanager!

    It's telling me it can't find 10236 which is the MyWorldmapSearch.xml but that is definitly in the skins folder and it's ID is indeed 10236. I looked if another xml has that id, but that is not the case.
    I could not find any other errors or msg in the log.

    Any ideas?

    Edit: forgot to say I'm using 0.3


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    What I can say from the logs you have posted is that everything looks like it should be... The plugin first checks if a window is already initialized (the result is a message like "GUIWindowManager: Could not find window 10xxx") and if the window was not found it creates it and add it to the windowmanager (the window with the ID 10xxx has been added to the windowmanager!).
    So if you don't see the plugin (not in the main menu and not in the plugins section) then there must something else wrong.

    Do you see the plugin in the configuration?

    Maybe the version 0.3.1 will help you. But you will have to wait till my upload becomes validated.



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    Hmm, I switched to B2 Wide for a moment, and it showed up. Exited, switched back to spinsafe revolve and it worked too (but it def. wasn't before, I restarted MP multiple times).

    So never mind, seems to work now. Sorry about that.

    Edit: Ok after playing around with it, it's very nice. But it keeps crashing on my (MP as a whole) reliably after moving around for a while. Perhaps catch any exception at some top level method so at it least it doesn't bring down MP (for me this is deadle as it means no recordings).

    Anyways, perhaps this can help you:
    ExceptionType: System.Threading.ThreadStartException
    Message: Thread failed to start.
    Source: mscorlib

    Stack trace:
    at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal(IPrincipal principal, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
    at System.Threading.Thread.Start()
    at System.Threading.Thread.Start(Object parameter)
    at MAPS.ThreadedDownload.ProcessDownloadQueue()
    at MAPS.ThreadedDownload.ImageThread(Object stateInfo)
    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.906250 [Debug][MPMain]: [Worldmap] Refreshing Mapimage. lon:lat:zoomL:zoomF:mapT -118,135986328125:34,0218887329102:15:2:GMHybrid
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.921875 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]: MediaPortal: Unhandled exception occured
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.968750 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]: Exception   :System.Threading.ThreadStartException: Thread failed to start. ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal(IPrincipal principal, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
       at System.Threading.Thread.Start()
       at System.Threading.Thread.Start(Object parameter)
       at MAPS.ThreadedDownload.ProcessDownloadQueue()
       at MAPS.ThreadedDownload.ImageThread(Object stateInfo)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.968750 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]: Exception   :Thread failed to start.
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.968750 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]:   site      :Void StartInternal(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal, System.Threading.StackCrawlMark ByRef)
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.968750 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]:   source    :mscorlib
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.968750 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]:   stacktrace:   at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal(IPrincipal principal, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
       at System.Threading.Thread.Start()
       at System.Threading.Thread.Start(Object parameter)
       at MAPS.ThreadedDownload.ProcessDownloadQueue()
       at MAPS.ThreadedDownload.ImageThread(Object stateInfo)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
       at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)
    2007-06-05 20:23:25.968750 [Info.][MapTileDownloader]: MediaPortal: stop...


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Inker: The ThreadStartException should be history since version 0.3.1. I guess you have tested with version 0.3, right?

    wewe: Yes, I do. But I want to implement all planned features first... and I guess till Iam ready with this the next stable is there that supports it anyway...



    Portal Pro
    August 3, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    yes, "the sparrows pipe it from the roofs" (die Spatzen pfeifen es von den Dächern) that will be there in june ...


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