I recall that Meedio had a theme that used a flash based utility to scroll the news feeds. I wonder if there is a similar plugin for MP that is also flash based. If so, then we can look at the source to figure out how they make that happen.
Have you looked at the non-flash previews to see if you can deal with them?
The YouTube plugin for MP has a way of playing flash embedded videos. I have contacted the author about how to do it.
I will try to implement the non flash trailers once i get home (about an hour). Hopefully that won't be too hard.
P.S. Are you a new convert from Meedio? I noticed you only have 2 (very inciteful) posts so far. If so, welcome. I was once one myself.
Hopefully MP will be able to do everything you want. How is the Netflix Manager working for you now? What else would you suggest?
My ratings on movies I've rated as well as the Netflix rating for those I haven't (yellow stars for mine and red stars for theirs). From a space perspective, this could be a string of stars or a star with a number in the center.
Th ability to filter (hide) movies I've seen (rated) from selective RSS feeds (such as Top 100, HD DVD and Blu-ray).
Gray out the Play Trailer if you can't
For movies that are already in my queue, the Add to Queue button should be grayed out and show "Already in Queue"
An option to play a series of trailers from any of the feeds. In other words, play the trailers for the entries in my recommendations list. Then, optionally allow me to select Add to Queue or Ignore. Options for this would include a pause prompt at the end of each trailer and an overlay like a logo bug mapped to a single remote button that I could press while in the trailer.
An icon and rating for friends entries
The ability to combine my queue view with my wife's queue (she shows as a friend but is on the same account). Perhaps flagging each entry with the owner or two seperate views (combined with friend flagging).