Example. Besides the mediaportal box i have one running mythtv. All recordings there are ein .ts and i have mapped it as a drive on the mediaportal box and access the recodgins trough 'my videos'. I have also an external drive with a lot of recordings in .ts
majland, if you would be so kind to upload a couple of short samples recorded on your myth box to the ftp described in the first post, it would be appreciated.
I've recorded two small samples from dr1 and put them in the folder "dr1 recorded with mythtv "
1101_20071001101637.mpg I know there is no subtitles in the first half - until the "speak" from the norwegian begins. The teletext subtitle is empty.
1101_20071001102805.mpg This is probably better. There is no teletext subs (VLC shows the time) but there is dvbsub along with her speak from about 10 sekunds into the sample.