New DVB subtitle filter (TsReader based) (1 Viewer)


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  • January 7, 2005
    I'm using teletext subtitles, it's stable. Only problems I encounter is when I switch channels. Sometimes Mediaportal hangs for almost a minute, I'll try a later SVN before logging a bug report(using 31/10 right now)

    I tested the current SVN TsReader source codes with teletext pin enabled. Unfortunately that crashes also randomly with seeking. So it's not possible to enable the teletext pin in the SVN



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  • March 25, 2006
    Stockholm, Sweden
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    I'm using teletext subtitles, it's stable. Only problems I encounter is when I switch channels. Sometimes Mediaportal hangs for almost a minute, I'll try a later SVN before logging a bug report(using 31/10 right now)

    I tested the current SVN TsReader source codes with teletext pin enabled. Unfortunately that crashes also randomly with seeking. So it's not possible to enable the teletext pin in the SVN


    Such a pity.

    I only have the problem when DVB subtitles are enabled(with the teletext mod). Strange thing is that I can't see anything in the logs(checked both server and client).

    What happens is that when I do a channel change the picture freezes and Mediaportal becomes unresponsive. I can hear the "clicks" when I press the remote. I have to bang ALT+F4 to get out of Mediaportal, usually takes 4-5 mins.

    The only trace I have is in the event viewer:
    Faulting application mediaportal.exe, version, stamp 4727d90b, faulting module msvcr80.dll, version 8.0.50727.762, stamp 45712238, debug? 0, fault address 0x0001507a.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at

    I'll update to the latest SVN tomorrow and see if the situation improves(noticed a few changes to TsReader).


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 4, 2005
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    Denmark Denmark
    I tested the current SVN TsReader source codes with teletext pin enabled. Unfortunately that crashes also randomly with seeking. So it's not possible to enable the teletext pin in the SVN

    Glad to hear it, then i can stick with the new C# implementation without feeling that i wasted my time :) It will still be a little while before it will enter SVN though, im very busy with work currently.


    Portal Pro
    March 3, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    YLE (Finland) changes subtittles

    For Tourrettes and other finnish people. bY Following the link below you can find a longer story. Is this change good or bad for us?

    9.11. klo 16:01 YLE parantaa digitaalisten televisiokanavien tekstitystä, joka on aiheuttanut osalle käyttäjistä ongelmia. YLE on tähän asti pitänyt kiinni siitä, että sen käyttämä tekstitys on edistyksellinen ja standardien mukainen ja vika on ollut digibokseissa.

    YLE sanoo vastaavansa nyt katsojien palautteeseen ja muuttavansa tekstitystekniikkaa maanantaista alkaen. TV2:lla muutos tapahtuu kolme päivää myöhemmin, 15. marraskuuta.

    Yle muuttaa tekstitystä siten, että kanavilla jatketaan digitaalisen tekstityksen käyttöä, mutta pääkielen tekstitystieto pidetään käytössä kiinteästi.


    Portal Member
    July 4, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    For Tourrettes and other Finnish people. By Following the link below you can find a longer story. Is this change good or bad for us?

    For me it looks like that there will be burned subtitles on picture and digital texts will be available as before. So, there will be 2 subtitles on screen if you deside to see hearing aid subtitles on Kotitikatu for example. In that case it would be good to have non transparent background digital subtitles available I think.

    Not sure thought, just what I understand about changes.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    YLE is changing the DVB subtitling only a little bit. For example has incorrect information (it's saying that subtitles would be burned in the video... :D )

    Currently YLE has been using dynamic subtitle PIDs (i.e. if the show doesn't contain subtitles the subtitle stream isn't available in the transport stream.) This has been causing issues to lot of setop boxes (but not to TVE3 :) ). In Future YLE puts always the subtitle PID in the PMT even when the show doesn't have subtitles.

    What this means to TVE3 / MP? Nothing. Subtitles will continue to work without any needed code changes.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 4, 2005
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    Denmark Denmark
    I have just committed the 'new' teletext implementation. Nothing should really have changed for you guys, except that it should not crash now. If it does crash, please provide all log files. The interesting part will most likely be in MediaPortal.log as 99% of the teletext stuff is done as part of MP now. You dont need to change your setup (except of course that you need to use TsReader and have the dvbsubtitles entry in your mediaportal.xml etc).

    Changes will take effect starting from rev.16500. Please remember to update BOTH the server and the client!

    I am working on resolving the timing issues i had with those few samples, but i need more samples. If anyone has uploaded samples with teletext subtitles, could you please make sure you place them in the "Teletext subtitles" subfolder of tsdumps?


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    Hi ziphnor !

    good stuff :)

    did u check the files I've upped to the TS dump account ?
    they are located in sub folder ; /gibman/
    check out --> Colors-2007-10-11-09_00.ts



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 4, 2005
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    Denmark Denmark
    did u check the files I've upped to the TS dump account ?
    they are located in sub folder ; /gibman/
    check out --> Colors-2007-10-11-09_00.ts

    I had forgotten about that one ( i used it for some testing in the old version ). Good thing you brought it up, in testing it, i found out i just screwed up some of my own code with SVN. I fixed that now :)

    Where did you record this from? It appears to have the interesting property that the data unit id for the DVB packets carrying the teletext data ids it as not carrying subtitle data (so i disregard them), but apparently they do contain teletext pages that are marked as subtitle pages.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 14, 2006
    Kgs. Lyngby
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    Denmark Denmark
    Changes will take effect starting from rev.16500. Please remember to update BOTH the server and the client!

    Unfortunately rev16500 crashes on my PC. I have so far experienced crashes after:
    1. Starting TV can cause immediate crash.
    2. Watching TV for a relatively short while also caused crash.
    3. Zapping to channel on different card also caused crash (similar logs to point 1).

    Logs for case 3 attached.


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