*NEW* InfoService v1.85 - Feeds/Twitter Reader [16-01-2016] (2 Viewers)


Community Plugin Dev
January 7, 2007
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Germany Germany
Für diejenigen die kein Englisch können oder einfach keine Lust auf das Englische Forum haben, dachte ich dass ich ein deutschen Thread aufmache. Da meine Englisch Kenntnisse auch nur eingeschränkt sind, kann ich bestimmt hier den deutschen Usern besser helfen als im Englishen Thread.

Wünsche euch viel Spass damit und freue mich auf Feedback ;)


InfoService ist ein Plugin für MediaPortal mit dem es Möglich ist, eure Feeds zu lesen und auch in einem WebBrowser Fenster anzuzeigen. Außerdem ist es möglich eurer Twitter timelines zu lesen und auch neue zu posten. Zudem kann man einen Feed/Twitter Ticker und Wetter Information auf dem Homescreen anzeigen lassen (Nur wenn es der Skin unterstützt).


  • RDF, RSS, RSS2, ATOM Feeds herunterladen und in MediaPortal lesen
  • Feed und Twitter Ticker auf dem Homescreen anzeigen lassen
  • Kompletter Feed in einem WebBrowser anzeigen und lesen
  • Alle Twitter timelines herunterladen und lesen
  • Twitter Status aktualisieren
  • Automatisch Twitter Status Updates posten, wenn eine Serie oder Film angeschaut wird
  • Alle Links in einer Twitter Nachricht können mit dem WebBrowser Plugin geöffnet werden
  • Wetter Information (+ 5 Tages Vorraussage) auf dem Homescreen anzeigen
  • Anzeige der zuletzt hinzugefügten Serien und Filme auf dem Homescreen (Im moment nur Möglich mit MPTVSeries)


Projekt Seite


Komplette Dokumentation - Wenn man Fragen rund ums Plugin hat, ist man hier genau richtig


Download der letzten stabilen Version (1.85) als MPE1 Paket
Download der letzten stabilen Version (1.85) als ZIP Paket

Version v1.85:
[+] Added load paramaters (feedIndex, feedTitle, feedGuid, feedItemIndex, twitterTimeline, twitterId, twitterItemIndex). More about that on InfoService Github Wiki.
[+] You can go now directly to twitter/feed if you click the "Ok" button on your remote if the News/New Tweets popup is display
[+] Added developer mode. More about that on InfoService Github Wiki.
[*] Improved News/New Tweets popup (New dialog, better to read). Thanks to wizard123
[*] Include skin files for Titan and TITANIUS
[-] Fixed #infoservice.feed.img is not set everytime
[-] Fixed clearing of property #infoservice.twitter.selected.mediaimage
[-] Fixed problems of two many new feed messages on some feeds
[-] Fixed wrong error "Empty consumer key/secret" when pressing "Get PIN!" in the twitter config

Version v1.82:
[*] Updated Spanish translation
[-] Fixed wrong help text (%show%) for update twitter status on movie/series watching

Version v1.81:
[-] Fixed crash on second twitter update

Version v1.8:
[+] Re-enabled Twitter
[+] New property for twitter: #infoservice.twitter.selected.mediaimage. It holds the first image which is attached to a tweet
[+] Added popup on new tweet (configurable with timeout)
[*] Memory footprint improvements
[-] All over bugfixes

Version v1.74:
[+] Proxy support
[+] Support for caching to a network drive/unc path
[+] Added Czech language
[-] Fixed some caching problems

Version v1.73:
[*] Disabled twitter client. Twitter changed the API. Sorry no time for a new twitter libary :(
[i]Compatible for MediaPortal 1.7 Pre-Release

Version v1.72:
[+] Added support for the NotificationBar plugin
[*] Removed public timeline from twitter. Twitter doesn't support this anymore
[-] Fixed twitter client. Status update, authorization and all Timelines should now work aigain
[-] Some special characters will now displayed correctly again
[i] Compatible for MediaPortal 1.4 Pre-Release

Version v1.71:
[+] Added support for the NotificationBar (https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/notificationbar.99207/) plugin
[+] Added Greek, Polish and Norwegian language
[!] There are still some untranslated parts :/
[i] If the NotificationBar plugin and the NotificationBar skin file are not installed, the standard MP Dialog will be used for new feed popup

Version v1.7:
[*] Disabled weather service until i found a new weather provider
[-] Wrong behavior when using a custom MediaPortal configuration (thx to migue333)
[-] Fixed for the most circumstances the stuttering feed/twitter ticker (thx to Pirppuli)
[i] Compatible for MediaPortal 1.3 Alpha and above

Version v1.66:
[+] Added popup on news update (configurable with timeout)
[*] Disabled recently added/watched features
[*] Improved image parsing from feed (more feed images for RSS feeds should be parsed, too small images will be dropped)
[*] Made log better readable
[*] Improved support for RDF feeds
[*] Improved downloading of Twitter profile images
[*] Updated support for WebBrowser plugin
[-] Fixed image loading from cache (if fails, will be redownloaded)
[-] Fixed encoding issue for feed text
[-] Fixed cache deletion
[-] Fixed couple of bugs and updated localization
[-] Fixed wrong epsiode number when posting a Twitter message
[i] Release for MediaPortal 1.2.0 and above
[i] Many languages files are not updated yet for v1.66 (only German and English). If you have some with untranslated labels please have a look in your language file

Version v1.62:
[-] Fixed weather crash bug

Version v1.61:
[+] New Properties: #infoservice.feed.itemtype and #infoservice.twitter.itemtype to replace hard coded labels in the skin (Feed items and Twitter items)
[+] Added new placeholders for ticker (%itemindex%, %itemsource%)
[+] Added setting of properties #infoservice.feed.INDEX.titles and #infoservice.feed.INDEX.img where INDEX is feed index (0 = all feeds, 1 = first one, 2 = ...)
[+] Added new language: Portuguese (Brazilian)
[+] Options can now be used with keyboard shortcuts (ALT + underlined letter).
[+] Added feed item filtering
[+] Added separate tickers masks and separators for normal feeds and all feeds
[+] "Browse The Web" webbrowser is now supported
[*] Improved loading of localization files
[*] Better logging of parsing errors
[*] Improved image parsing from feed
[*] RecentlyAdded items now have age, will be removed after 7 days
[*] Current thread is now logged, too
[-] Fixed threading problems when updating GUI components
[-] Fixed some problems with recently added
[-] Fixed some typos in recently added
[-] Fixed feed & twitter selection on GUI screens
[-] Fixed update problem when users changes weather location via weather screen
[-] Fixed crash, if feed title is very long
[!] Many languages files are not updated yet for v1.61 (only German and English). If you have some with untranslated labels please have a look in your language file

Version v1.6:
[+] Added Danish, French, English (US) and English (GB) language
[+] Added support for local feed files
[+] Added check if the added feed file / feed url is a valid feed before adding feed
[+] Added own configuration file
[+] Added Blue3 skin files
[+] Added property #infoservice.feed.selected.sourcefeed
[+] Added selection for second line of the "All Feeds" view. The user can now select to show feed publish time, the source feed name or both.
[+] The used Webbrowser plugin (WebBrowser, GeckoBrowser or other) can now be selected in the advanced configuration
[+] Last selected feed/twitter item will be selected on open Twitter or Feeds page
[+] Improved tweeting of TV series/shows a lot!
[*] Changed Blue3Wide and Blue3 to show the feed image instead of feed item image
[*] Reworked SkinSettings. SkinSettings will now overwrite user settings, but the will not saved permanently
[*] Cache folder of twitter and feed is now configurable in the advanced configuration
[*] Overridden settings by skin are marked in the configuration dialog now
[*] Duo MediaPortal code change in property system, changed some weather and Recently Added properties (See Skin changelog v1.5 to v1.6)
[*] Removed MaxTemp and MinTemp from weather today properties, because they are not right for some cities
[*] Log file is now not locked while MediaPortal is running
[-] Fixed some logging issues
[-] Fixed recently added system
[-] Fixed some weather inconstancies.
[-] Fixed some rare crashes duo threading issues.
[-] Fixed false download of other files (only image files are now downloaded) by the Feed Service
[-] Fixed language misspellings for English and Italian
[i] Compiled against MediaPortal 1.1.0 RC4
[!] Duo the use of a own configuration file, you have to setup InfoService again, sorry

Version v1.5:
[+] Added recently added feature, which shows you the recently added movies and series
[+] Improved twitter client
[+] A brand new twitter screen with all twitter messages and timelines
[+] Post twitter status updates
[+] Open web links in a twitter message in a WebBrowser window
[+] Download all twitter timelines, not only one
[+] Post automatically twitter status update, if you watching a video
[+] Twitter uses now OAuth to connect
[+] Faster overall download times of feed and twitter
[+] Improved logging (for better error detection)
[+] Added multilanguage support (English, German, Italian, Dutch and Spanish for now)
[+] Weather is now updated as soon as you change your weather in the MediaPortal weather GUI
[+] Many new properties (See Skin changelog v1.32 to v1.5)
[+] Added skin settings (See Skin developer guide)
[-] A tons of bugs fixed, so many to count them all
[i] Completely rewritten!
[i] InfoService is now open source!

Version v1.32:
[-] Fixed empty entry in the normal home menu

Version v1.31:
[-] Fixed forgotten humidity property for each day (night and day)
[-] Fixed some forgotten translations

Version v1.3:
[+] Added a "last updated" property for feed, weather and twitter
[+] Added a button to download the default feed name on the Add Feed dialog
[+] Added much more weather properties. See thread/readme for details
[+] Added possibility to change the ticker layout
[*] Default settings are now loaded if the plugin is used for the first time (Feed ticker with MediaPortal RSS on, Weather on)
[-] Fixed no image download for atom feeds
[-] Fixed that the plugin is not showing on the normal home screen
[!] Removed Monochrome skin files

Version v1.2:
[+] Added option to disable/enable the feed item publish time
[-] Fixed the rare crash when downloading twitter timeline, hopefully ;)

Version v1.1:
[+] New propertys #infoservice.feed.separator/ #infoservice.twitter.separator which holds the separator string of feed/twitter line
[-] False feed image is showed when "Show all feeds on home" is activated and after entering InfoService screen
[-] Fixed download location of feed images
[i] Duo the false download location of the feed images you can delete the folder "C:\Temp\InfoService\"
[!] The webbrowser part of InfoSerivce moved into a separate WebBrowser plugin. So if you want to read your feeds completely, you need the WebBrowser plugin which can be found here ...

Version v1.0:
[+] There are to much changes to list them Mainly bugfixes and a better browser handling. Try and test yourself.

Version v0.99.3:
[*] Changed zoom keys on remote and keyboard to Play previous/next key
[-] Fixed false sizing of browser window, if MediaPortal is not in fullscreen mode
[-] Fixed no weather download (Sorry for that)

Version v0.99.2:
[+] Added default zoom option for each feed
[+] Added option to change zoom steps
[*] Improved browser zooming feature
[-] Fixed false size of feed browser

Version v0.99.1:
[-] Fixed false resolving of #infoservice.weather.today/dayX.img.small/big.filenamewithoutext and changed name of #infoservice.weather.today/dayX.img.small/big.filename to #infoservice.weather.today/dayX.img.small/big.filenamewithext
[-] Fixed feed downloading problem with some feeds

Version v0.99:
[+] Added and changed propertys #infoservice.weather.today/dayX.img.big/small.fullpath, #infoservice.weather.today/dayX.img.big/small.filename, #infoservice.weather.today/dayX.img.big/small.filenamewithoutext
[+] Added possibility to read the whole feed in a browser window (incl. zoom)
[-] Fixed not showing of own feed image

Version v0.94:
[+] Readded the #infoservice.feed.alltitles property
[-] Removed forgotten debug code

Version v0.93:
[+] Added sorting for feed items, because some feeds are not sorted by date
[-] Fixed publish time was shown even if the feed item has no publish time

Version v0.92:
[+] Added feed item publish time to each feed item
[+] Added wait notification on manual update
[-] Fixed no update of weather and twitter data when pressing "Refresh" button
[-] Fixed no weather data for some timezones

Version v0.9:
[+] Added new button on InfoService window to show itmes of all feeds on basichome
[+] Added possibilty to change weather in MediaPortal (just change weather in the weather screen and wait for the next update)
[*] #infoservice.feed.itemimg will be empty if there is no feed item image found
[*] Old feed data is used if there was a download error
[*] Reverted back to use the MediaPortal weather configuration
[*] Removed property #infoservice.feed.alltitles
[-] Fixed bugs here and there ;)
[-] Fixed filling of #infoservice.feed.selectedindex
[-] Fixed weather data is off by one day

Version v0.85:
[+] Added new feed configuration dialog
[+] Added sort feature for your feeds in the feed configuration dialog
[*] #infoservice.feed.itemimg filled with default image if no feed item imaged is found
[-] Fixed last selected feed is not active on basichome after update
[-] Fixed no refresh of feed items in the infoscreen window after feed update
[-] Fixed that #infoservice.today.weekday and #infoservice.day2.weekday shows the same weekday

Version v0.81:
[-] #infoservice.feed.selectedfeed will now be filled
[-] Fixed crash if infoservice thumb dir not exists

Version v0.8:
[+] Added automatic download of feed logo (if feed logo is found)
[+] Added check if entered feed is an url
[+] Added feed download error dialog on infoservice window
[+] Added new option to change the max items per feed if you use the #infoservice.feed.alltitles
[+] Added new propetry items #infoservice.feed.selectedindex, #infoservice.feed.selectedtitle, #infoservice.feed.itemcount, #infoservice.feed.alltitles, #infoservice.feed.type and #infoservice.feed.selectedfeed
[+] Added plugin configuration to log output (Not the twitter user and password!)
[+] Feed item images are now shown in the listcontrol
[*] Better error handling for weather service
[*] Changed all property names for clearer indentification
[*] Increased the maximum of items to 100 for feeds and twitter (don't know why i've locked this)
[-] Fixed crash when weather.com returns a error
[-] Fixed some html encoding erros

Version v0.71:
[*] Removed word wrap between the conditions
[-] Fixed forgotten localization of forecast conditions

Version v0.7:
[+] Added new property #feeditemimg that holds a image of a feed item
[+] Added own configuration for weather
[+] Added possibility to read feeds and download pictures for feed item (only rss 2.0)

Version v0.6:
[+] Added support for RDF (RSS 1.0) and Atom feeds
[*] Again better error and log handling
[*] Changed property name from #rssfeed -> #feedtitles, #rssimg -> #feedimg as the plugin now supports more than rss feeds
[*] Removed the last separator on the feed and twitter line.

Version v0.5:
[+] Added possibility to add more than one rss feed
[+] Added possibility to change the rss feed on basichome with a dirty trick (hope it work as expected) :/
[*] Changed error and log handling
[i] Rewrite of ca. 75% code for a easier way to add more services

Version v0.22:
[*] Day labels are now translated by MediaPortal

Version v0.21:
[-] Fixed #day4label resolving
[-] Fixed #todaylabel resolves the wrong day

Version v0.2:
[+] Added a twitter ticker
[+] Added day labes for each day

Version v0.12:
[-] Fixed crash if there is no internet connection

Version v0.11:
[-] Fixed crash if no location is found
[-] Fixed crash if timeformat in rss feed wrong

Version v0.1:
[+] First release
Last edited:


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  • August 25, 2007
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    AW: InfoService v1.5 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [21-03-2010] *UPDATED*

    Hallo Edsche,

    MP Info Service ist ein wirklich tolles Plugin.

    Unter Windows 7 kann man den Windows Desktop Skalieren (125% oder 150%). Nach einer Sklaierung ist der Font im RSS Ticker entsprechend der eingestellten Skalierung stark vergrößert und ruckelig.

    Da der Font von RSS Feed nicht im SKIN Cache abgelegt ist funktioniert der Trick auch nicht den gecachten Font zuvor bei 100% Skalierung zu sichern und erst dann den Windows Desktop zu sklaieren und ggf. den gesicherten Fontcache zurück zu schreiben.

    Wie schafft man es auch bei vergrößerten Windows Desktop unter Win 7 den Font des RSS Ticker wieder auf seine ursprüngliche Größe oder einen kleinere Größe ein zu stellen?


    Community Plugin Dev
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    • #3
    Re: InfoService v1.5 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [21-03-2010] *UPDATED*

    Der Ticker wird komplett von MP bzw. vom Skin dargestellt. InfoService gibt nur an was dargestellt wird aber nicht wie.

    Eventuell kannst du beim Skin selber die Fontgröße ändern. Öffne mal in deinem Skin die basichome.xml und nach #infoservice.feed.titles suchen und schauen ob man da was an der Fontgröße ändern kann.


    Portal Member
    March 13, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Re: InfoService v1.5 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [21-03-2010] *UPDATED*

    Hi lhcomputer,

    ich habe das gleiche Problem, allerdings mit der Version Meine Testerei ergab, dass es nicht mit der Skalierung zusammenhängt, sondern mit der Anzahl der angezeigten Feeds am Startbildschirm. Versuch mal in den Plugin-Einstellungen die Anzahl kleiner zu stellen("Max item for feed ticker"). Ich habe keine Twitter-Anzeige, nur Feeds.


    Community Plugin Dev
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    • #5
    Re: InfoService v1.6 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [06-06-2010] *UPDATED*

    Neue Version online ;) Im ersten Post steht der komplette Changelog und der Download. Beachtet bitte das ihr eure Einstellungen nocheinmal neu konfigurieren müsst, da InfoService jetzt seine eigene Config Datei benutzt :/

    Changelog v1.6
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added Danish, French, English (US) and English (GB) language
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added support for local feed files
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added check if the added feed file / feed url is a valid feed before adding feed
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added own configuration file
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added Blue3 skin files
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added property #infoservice.feed.selected.sourcefeed
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Added selection for second line of the "All Feeds" view. The user can now select to show feed publish time, the source feed name or both.
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] The used Webbrowser plugin (WebBrowser, GeckoBrowser or other) can now be selected in the advanced configuration 
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Last selected feed/twitter item will be selected on open Twitter or Feeds page
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]+[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Improved tweeting of TV series/shows a lot!
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Changed Blue3Wide and Blue3 to show the feed image instead of feed item image 
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Reworked SkinSettings. SkinSettings will now overwrite user settings, but the will not saved permanently
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Cache folder of twitter and feed is now configurable in the advanced configuration
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Overridden settings by skin are marked in the configuration dialog now
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Duo MediaPortal code change in property system, changed some weather and Recently Added properties (See Skin changelog v1.5 to v1.6)
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Removed MaxTemp and MinTemp from weather today properties, because they are not right for some cities 
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]*[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Log file is now not locked while MediaPortal is running
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]-[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Fixed some logging issues
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]-[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Fixed recently added system
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]-[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Fixed some weather inconstancies.
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]-[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Fixed some rare crashes duo threading issues.
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]-[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Fixed false download of other files (only image files are now downloaded) by the Feed Service
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]-[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Fixed language misspellings for English and Italian
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]i[/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Compiled against MediaPortal 1.1.0 RC4
    [color=#888888][[/color][b][color=#555555]![/color][/b][color=#888888]][/color] Duo the use of a own configuration file, you have to setup InfoService again, sorry


    Portal Pro
    March 16, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: InfoService v1.6 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [06-06-2010] *UPDATED*


    ich hätte da eine Frage,

    installiert habe ich das neueste streamedMP SKIN mit dem ich automatisch das INFO v. 1.5 Plugin habe. Nun, ich habe mir heute das neue INFO v. 1.6 mit dem MPIinstaller auf meinen WIN7 Rechner installiert und es quasi über das 1.5 gebügelt.

    Beim Setup war es aber nur möglich Blue 3 wide und Blue 3 auszuwählen was ich auch getan habe. Unter C:/Programdata/Team Mediaportal/Mediaportal/Skin/StreamedMP ist aber scheinbar nur die alte INFO XML Datei vom 1.05.2010 vorhanden. Im Blue3 wide sowie im Blue 3 Skinordner dagegen die vom 6.06.2010.

    Muß ich da was rüberkopieren oder gar löschen ?

    Gruß Harald


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
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    • #9
    AW: Re: InfoService v1.6 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [06-06-2010] *UPDATE


    ich hätte da eine Frage,

    installiert habe ich das neueste streamedMP SKIN mit dem ich automatisch das INFO v. 1.5 Plugin habe. Nun, ich habe mir heute das neue INFO v. 1.6 mit dem MPIinstaller auf meinen WIN7 Rechner installiert und es quasi über das 1.5 gebügelt.

    Beim Setup war es aber nur möglich Blue 3 wide und Blue 3 auszuwählen was ich auch getan habe. Unter C:/Programdata/Team Mediaportal/Mediaportal/Skin/StreamedMP ist aber scheinbar nur die alte INFO XML Datei vom 1.05.2010 vorhanden. Im Blue3 wide sowie im Blue 3 Skinordner dagegen die vom 6.06.2010.

    Muß ich da was rüberkopieren oder gar löschen ?

    Gruß Harald
    InfoService unterstützt nur Blue3Wide und Blue3 out of the box. Soweit ich weiß unterstützt StreamedMP die Version 1.6. Du musst nur nocheinmal den StreamedMP Editor starten und nocheinmal generieren drücken.

    You may have noticed that InfoService 1.6 was released today. This is compatible with StreamedMP 1.2.0 but you must re-generate your BasicHome to ensure that the weather properties work.

    Also gar nichts löschen und auch nicht kopieren :)


    Portal Member
    March 13, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Re: InfoService v1.6 - Feeds/Twitter Reader und Wetter Infos [06-06-2010] *UPDATED*

    In meinem letzten Posting in diesem Thread ging es um das Problem, das der Font doppelt so groß im Homescreen war, wie er sollte. Die erste Vermutung war, dass es an der Länge liegt, dem ist aber nicht so. Bei mir lag es an Sonderzeichen in den Titelzeilen von den RSS Feeds. Die Lösung für das Problem ist eine Konvertierung von Unicode zu iso-8859-1, die ich in die Methode „FillAllFeeds“ eingebaut hab. Ist aber nicht ganz die passende Stelle, da es für alle Texte gelten sollte. Wenn man es in Schön machen möchte, müsste die gewählte Code-Page konfigurierbar sein, dann geht’s auch mit anderen Sprachen.

    Weil mir Langweilig war, habe ich die Sortierung in der gleichen Methode geändert, so dass die RSS-Feeds im Homescreen grundsätzlich nach dem PublishDate sortiert sind. Wenn man zwei Nachrichtenquellen hat, konnte man immer nur die Erste bei entsprechend vielen Feeds sehen. Die Änderungen sind in der FeedService.cs

    Und weil ich es witzig finde, lass ich mir die Feeds vorlesen. Mit einer entsprechend guten SAPI Stimme ist das auch erträglich :). Das befindet sich in der GUIFeed.cs.

    Wer es testen will, der kann ja mal die InfoService.dll in das Plugin-Verzeichnis legen. Die Änderungen basieren auf der Version 1.6


    • InfoService.zip
      164.1 KB
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      6.7 KB

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