*NEW* MP-TVSeries v2.2.3387 SVN Test Release [10-APR-09] (4 Viewers)


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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    Croatia Croatia
    huuuuh... when using #TVSeries.Fanart.PageTitle in B&W skin i always get "-.PageTitle" as result. on other skins result is fine :( and i have no idea what's wrong... help?

    Yes, properties are case sensitive. Use '#TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle' instead. There happened to be a typo for that skin property in the documentation, so sorry if you copied it from that.

    hm, but b3w and streamed mp both have #TVSeries.Fanart.PageTitle in the xml and it works..

    if i use #TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle i get "#TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle" as result.. its driving me crazy seeing the b3w and streamedmp skins working normally.. sometimes (depending if i call the fanart window from series (no fanart) or seasons (fanart) view) i get "C:\Documents and Settings............." as a result. i think its the #TVSeries.Fanart property thats causing this but i can't understand why only b&w skin...


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    huuuuh... when using #TVSeries.Fanart.PageTitle in B&W skin i always get "-.PageTitle" as result. on other skins result is fine :( and i have no idea what's wrong... help?

    Yes, properties are case sensitive. Use '#TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle' instead. There happened to be a typo for that skin property in the documentation, so sorry if you copied it from that.

    hm, but b3w and streamed mp both have #TVSeries.Fanart.PageTitle in the xml and it works..

    if i use #TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle i get "#TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle" as result.. its driving me crazy seeing the b3w and streamedmp skins working normally.. sometimes (depending if i call the fanart window from series (no fanart) or seasons (fanart) view) i get "C:\Documents and Settings............." as a result. i think its the #TVSeries.Fanart property thats causing this but i can't understand why only b&w skin...

    Sorry, Documentation is correct....just misleading I guess since the case is different for the other properties.

    Im not sure why this is not working for you though, maybe try deleting your skin cache?


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 27, 2008
    Rijeka, Croatia
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    Croatia Croatia
    Yes, properties are case sensitive. Use '#TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle' instead. There happened to be a typo for that skin property in the documentation, so sorry if you copied it from that.

    hm, but b3w and streamed mp both have #TVSeries.Fanart.PageTitle in the xml and it works..

    if i use #TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle i get "#TVSeries.FanArt.PageTitle" as result.. its driving me crazy seeing the b3w and streamedmp skins working normally.. sometimes (depending if i call the fanart window from series (no fanart) or seasons (fanart) view) i get "C:\Documents and Settings............." as a result. i think its the #TVSeries.Fanart property thats causing this but i can't understand why only b&w skin...

    Sorry, Documentation is correct....just misleading I guess since the case is different for the other properties.

    Im not sure why this is not working for you though, maybe try deleting your skin cache?

    yeah, tried everything..

    pretty sure it's the #TVSeries.Fanart property thats causing problems:

    1. when called from series view (no fanart) that property is set to "-", hence #TVSeries.Fanart.Pagetitle is "-.PageTitle"
    2. when called from season or episode view (fanart) that property is se to full path to image, hence #TVSeries.Fanart.Pagetitle is "C:\Documents and Sett...snip....PageTitle"

    i have noticed this behavior before when i was making DriveFreeSpace plugin.. if there is a gui property named #Something with value "First" and gui property named #Something.Nice, the skin will parse second one as "First.Nice"..

    at the time i didn't realize it was skin dependent. anyone knows where to look, what to set to avoid this?

    i'm stuck atm..


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    i would first like to thank you all for this great plugin.

    but i would like to see a little change into this wonderfull plugin.

    in the settings window called "import" when a user clicks on "path" a browser shows but there is no way to enter \\ so i cant access my server... i would really like this to be the other browser because i would like to have the adress bar.

    i hope more would agree with this?

    and i would not like to map the network drive i prefer to browse the server directly without help from browsing through "Network" icon.

    sorry for my english... (got a problem with spellchecking in firefox 3.1beta3)


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  • July 26, 2008
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    in the settings window called "import" when a user clicks on "path" a browser shows but there is no way to enter \\ so i cant access my server... i would really like this to be the other browser because i would like to have the adress bar.

    i hope more would agree with this?

    Agreed :)

    It is issue 145 on the issues list, but currently has low priority.

    If you feel this is an important issue to you, please vote (add a star) on it at :

    Issue 145 - mptvseries - Ability to use UNC paths to specify Video storage areas - Google Code


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    thank you. but i figured out how to get my firewall on my linux server to make my share visible in "network neighborhood" so it works for now..


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    this is wierd.... i cant open MP-TV Series in configuration.... i just get a JIT error message....


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    sure how do i do that? do i run watchdog?

    the wierd part is that it worked 14h ago...

    now i cant open it... might be a REGEXP...

    is there a way to whipe a database or something? (its a fresh install so i dont care.. :p)

    i solved it by deleting the db file...


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  • August 18, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    hi, dont know devs plans, but i think it would be a very good idea to release a mpi tvseries now that 1.0.1 is comming and the "my extension" plugin seems to work.

    i know there are issues to be solved, but there will always be. ive been testing and currently everything was working very good. so why not offer a mpi for clean installs with 1.0.1??

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