New plugin : DreamDboxTV (2 Viewers)

Which receiver typ do I use ?

  • Neutriono (DBox)

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • Enigma V1 (e.g. DM7000)

    Votes: 37 53.6%
  • Enigma V2 (e.g. DM7025)

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • I do not know ?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Portal Member
December 21, 2009
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Croatia Croatia
To manually registering/ unregistering VLC COM-components:
1.) Click "Start>Run" and enter "cmd"
2.) Change to the folder were you installed VLC 1.0 and enter "regsvr32 /u axvlc
3.) Change to the folder where you installed VLC 0.8.6 and enter "regsvr32 axvlc

i try this but i got error loadlibrary axvlc failed the specified module could not be found

i dont have number 2

only 3 C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC, but vlc version 0.9.8a

could u add my msn and help me about this problem

tnx and all the best


New Member
January 7, 2010
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Germany Germany
Hello, i`m new here and want use my Dreambox 600PVR (Cable)in MP.
So i Installed the last Version of My DreamDBox TV an now i get this Error:

Some Paths of C:\programme\team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\language\mydreamdboxtv not found...

where can i get the Language File (German) ?

I found the Language Files in your First Version of the Plug In. So i have correct the Problem.
Please add the Language Files to your Zip Folder.

But now comes a new one:
When i click on "My DreamDBox TV " comes this Message:
Error nothing to play. Channel is not playable !
Next Problem:
MediaPortal Dialog

Der Wert 0 ist für emSize ungültig. emSize muss größer als 0 und kleiner als oder gleich System.Single.MaxValue sein.

I use 2 Monitors in my System.
When i switch from Radio or Video Folder to DreamBox TV, doesn`t Stop the Radio and DreamBoxTV crashes.


Portal Member
January 31, 2008
Hi banga,

the plugin requires VLC 0.8.6h. All later version are different and cannot be used. So please install the correct version and it will work. The file axvlc.dll is alway present in the installation folder of VLC up to the current version. If you get an error, you may be in the wrong directory. Just find the correct one and use regsvr32 to register it.



Portal Member
January 31, 2008


    30.7 KB


New Member
January 7, 2010
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Germany Germany
i know to have install Version 0.8.6 h. I did this, but it doesn`t work correctly. When starting the Plug IN the first time on a new installed PC, so i get streaming pixel Errors. I closed MP and reeboted my PC 2-3 Times and it works. Hmm??
- The TV-Programm Button is disabled and i get no EPG.
- TV Bouquets Groups are not saved. The Plug in starts allways with the first Boquets (missing last Position memory)
- Record doesn`t Work. Whitch settigs i have to do and what Software i need ?
- Short pressing right Mouse Button is with Touchscreen not possible. How to get otherwise Program Infos?
Can you Program a simply Button? Or Better... Right click opens a Menu in Fullscreen Mode for other options (Prog Info, EPG ....)
(i use Win 7 with Multitouch)

I miss Volume Buttons on the Screen. I use MP completely with Touchscreen without Remote Control. I have at the Moment no chance to set the Volume.
Gives in MP any Setup options to enable Volume Sliders ? I found only the Top bar.
The Main Menue from MP is very difficult to control with Touchscreen. Menue Scolls up and down and its difficult to stop on the right Button.
How can i disable Menu scrolling?
Can you stop Radio before opening DB TV ?

1. Listen Radio
2. Switch to Main Menu and press DreamDB TV
Radio doesn`t Stop und you get no Picture from DreamDB TV when TV switch to on. Only Audio works.
3. Switch to Full Screen. U see shortly the TV Programm an then Crashs the Plug in with the Message:

MediaPortal - Full Screen OSD

Der Wert 0 ist für emSize ungültig. emSize muss größer als 0 und kleiner als oder gleich System.Single.MaxValue sein

Parametername: emSize


Portal Member
January 31, 2008
Hi djwenne,

did you configure the plugin using "MediaPortal Configuration"? What happens if you press the "Get Bouquet from receiver" button within the MyDreamDboxTV plugin configuration? All bouqets should be read from the receiver and stored to disk. If this is successful you should be able to see all bouquets and channels directly within the MediaPortal main application.

If that doesn't work, maybe your Dreambox or it's firmware is incompatible with the MyDreamDboxTV plugin.

I have a Nokia DBox II but no Dreambox. Those Dreamboxes are quite too expensive. If I will ever buy a new box, I will consider a QBox, but not a Dreambox.



New Member
January 7, 2010
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi djwenne,

did you configure the plugin using "MediaPortal Configuration"?


What happens if you press the "Get Bouquet from receiver" button within the MyDreamDboxTV plugin configuration? All bouqets should be read from the receiver and stored to disk. If this is successful you should be able to see all bouquets and channels directly within the MediaPortal main application.
Yes i see the Bouquets and it works, but the Plug In starts allways with Bouquet 1 (Alphabetical??)
When i select Bouquet 2 and starting MP next Time, so i`am again in Bouquet 1.

I think its very easy to fix my Problem.

First, please send the "Stop" Button fom the Top Bar when entering DreamDBTV, then run your Plug in and save the Last Position of the Bouquets. Thats all.

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