New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate (2 Viewers)


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  • December 11, 2008
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    • #11
    AW: Re: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    These errors are just from selecting the plugin from the menu and exiting the plugin.

    When I select the plugin I do not see any lists of files to edit at all, so I do not even get as far as attempting to edit any video. However, because my german translation is not excellent I am not sure if I have set up the plugin correctly in the configuration (same problem as SilenTYL is having).

    I also found that the en.xml only works with the generic English setting, and not English (UK), but that is a minor problem.



    OK, please look at the root of recordingfolder if there is a XML where somewhere are this string: "1/6".
    if you are in UK you can try to rename the languageXML to en-uk.xml. Maybe this help.



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 5, 2009
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    The only xml files with the string "1/6" are two recordings where the episode number is 1 of 6 (which is displayed as "1/6")

    Other than that, there is nothing.



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    • #13
    AW: Re: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    The only xml files with the string "1/6" are two recordings where the episode number is 1 of 6 (which is displayed as "1/6")

    Other than that, there is nothing.


    OK, this is it. In my XML`s is the number only 1 or 2 or 3 ......... not 1/6 or 4/23. I read the numbern in my Plugin as Integer and in your XML is it a string. I will fix this at the next Version. But please send me one of these XML to

    Thanks for this Bugreport.
    If you like test the Plugin you can edit the XML in the Editor and make the 1/6 to 1.



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 5, 2009
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    I have emailed it to you.

    I presume that this will be the same for any content such as 1/4 or 3/4 or 2/6 etc?

    If so, then all of my xml files are in this format in the episode number, so it will take a long time to edit each one.

    I will wait for the update to the plugin I think (I am lazy) :p



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  • December 11, 2008
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    • #15
    AW: Re: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    I have emailed it to you.

    I presume that this will be the same for any content such as 1/4 or 3/4 or 2/6 etc?

    If so, then all of my xml files are in this format in the episode number, so it will take a long time to edit each one.

    I will wait for the update to the plugin I think (I am lazy) :p


    OK, no problem, please check the dll in the Link. Copy the dll in the MediaPortal/plugins/Windows - Folder
    Please report me. Thanks


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 5, 2009
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    Immediate Success!!!! I wasn't expecting you to fix it that quickly (I feel guilty for saying I was too lazy to change my .xml files :oops:)

    It isn't very often that there is a new plugin which could completely change how I use my HTPC, but this could be one of them :D. With this plugin, I may never need to use my wireless keyboard again!!!

    I haven't yet saved an edited video yet, but I have the following comments on the user-interface which might help:

    1) If you press "backup" when using the plugin, it exit's the plugin rather than going to the previous menu (which is usually what is wanted - for example, if you select the wrong recording, then you want to go back to the recording selection menu rather than quit the plugin).

    2) When selecting the recording the english translation says "Save Video" but would be better to use "Edit Video" in this context, then "save video" when the cut markers are complete.

    3) I can not seem to get a cut at the end of the recording. Usually you would want to cut the very end off the recording (after the programme has finished), it might be worth a shortcut button like "select end" as if you let it play to the end it stops and refreshes to the start of the recording.

    4) Currently the recording selection screen shows in "folders view", it would probably be best in a database type view, especially with the current MP bug which fails to delete empty recording folders after the recording is deleted.

    5) In the recording selection screen it would be useful if the button highlight jumps automatically to the "save video" button of the enter key is pressed with a recording highlighted. This will reduce the number of key presses required select and start editing a video.

    6) In BlueWide, the timeline bar seems to flash continually and is not located below the video image as shown in the screenshots provided by you.

    7) In the recording selection screen there is no default highlighted button, so to get to ".." you have to press down, then enter. It would be better if ".." was the default button (or the first recording in the folder).

    8) The episode internet lookup function is such an amazing feature, but it seems to default to german database results. Can the search results language be configured based upon the language choice?

    9) The keypad navigation through the video is a really simple and very effective feature. The ability to change the jump size depending upon if the video is playing or paused is also a very clever idea. However, the jumps only seemed to work when the video was playing and not when it was paused.

    I hope these points are helpful. I will try to edit and save a video later and pass on more comments later.

    Thanks for developing a fantastic plugin!

    Automerged post


    I have just tried to save an edited video, but I can not move the highlighted button across from the "Cut Here" button to the "Save Video" button.

    Also, as well as the video timeline flashing, the 5 screenshot thumbnails do not show in pause mode.

    There is no error.log when I run it now, but below is the MediaPortal.log extract from when I ran the plugin.

    2010-12-04 13:48:01.406250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GUIControlFactory.Create: #textboxscrolldelay.details is not a valid value for Int32.

    at System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value)
    at System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromString(String text)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIControlFactory.ConvertXmlStringToObject(String valueName, String valueText, Type type)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIControlFactory.UpdateControlWithXmlData(GUIControl control, Type controlType, XmlNode pControlNode, IDictionary defines, String filename)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIControlFactory.Create(Int32 dwParentId, XmlNode pControlNode, IDictionary defines, String filename)

    2010-12-04 13:48:01.406250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Parent: 1208 Id: 32
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Using language en
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Translation not found for field: FrageParseVideoFile. Using hard-coded German default.
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Translation not found for field: FrageParseSerienfile. Using hard-coded German default.
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Translation not found for field: GetNewFilename. Using hard-coded German default.
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Translation not found for field: SeriesEpisodeNumber. Using hard-coded German default.
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Translation not found for field: Unknown. Using hard-coded German default.
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Translating skin
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.671875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Es wurden 53 Aufnahmen in der aktuellen Ansicht geladen.
    2010-12-04 13:48:01.671875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Gebe aktuelle Aufnahme zurück. Aktuell: D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.xml
    2010-12-04 13:48:05.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Gebe aktuelle Aufnahme zurück. Aktuell: D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.xml
    2010-12-04 13:48:05.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Gebe aktuelle Aufnahme zurück. Aktuell: D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.xml
    2010-12-04 13:48:13.890625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: VideoReDo Version: - Nov 18 2010
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: DLL Version : MediaInfoLib - v0.7.35
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Inspecting media : D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Parse speed : 0.3
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: FrameRate : 25
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Width : 720
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Height : 576
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AspectRatio : widescreen
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoCodec : MPEG VIDEO VERSION 2 [ "mpeg video version 2.png" ]
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: Scan type : interlaced
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: IsInterlaced : True
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoResolution : SD
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: VideoDuration : 8507460
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioRate : 48000
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioChannels : 2 [ "stereo.png" ]
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: AudioCodec : MPEG AUDIO VERSION 1 LAYER 2 [ "mpeg audio version 1 layer 2.png" ]
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: HasAudio : True
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: HasVideo : True
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: HasSubtitles : True
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper: NumSubtitles : 1
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.609375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: framerate on file D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts is 25
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.609375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: RefreshRateChanger.SetRefreshRateBasedOnFPS: current refreshrate is 60hz - changing it to 50hz
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.609375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: RefreshRateChanger.SetRefreshRateBasedOnFPS: using internal win32 method for changing refreshrate. current is 60hz, desired is 50
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.812500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play(D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts Video)
    2010-12-04 13:48:17.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading external players plugins
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.FoobarPlugin.FoobarPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:Foobar2000. author: int_20h/rtv
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.ITunesPlayer.ITunesPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:iTunes. author: Frodo
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.WinampPlayer.WinampPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:Winamp. author: int_20h
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.140625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer play:D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts radio:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.140625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.140625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: D3D: BuildPresentParamsFromSettings using 50Hz as RefreshRate
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:play D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.218750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: GetInterfaces()
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.453125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Add TsReader to graph
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Open file: D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:OnRequestAudioChange()
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Audio stream: no preferred AC3 audio stream found, trying mpeg instead.
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Audio stream: switching to preferred MPEG audio stream 0, based on LANG eng
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.515625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: OnVideoFormatChanged - streamtype=MPEG2 resolution=720x576 aspect ratio=16:9 bitrate=15000000 isInterlaced=True
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.531250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Add codecs
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.546875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: added Video Mixing Renderer 9 to graph
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD10) to graph
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: ffdshow Audio Decoder to graph
    2010-12-04 13:48:18.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Render TsReader outputs
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Pixel Adaptive capable
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: BOB Vertical Stretch capable
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: setting pixel adaptive succeeded
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.171875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: OnInitialized
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.171875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: position:0, duration:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.171875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStarted() D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts media:Video
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.437500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: In den Einstellungen ist 'CutOnPlay' auf 'True' deshalb wird ein erster Marker gesetzt.
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.468750 [Info.][(24)]: PlaneScene: Crop: top:1, bottom:1, left:1, right:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.484375 [Info.][(24)]: PlaneScene: Crop: top:2, bottom:2, left:2, right:2
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.500000 [Info.][(24)]: PlaneScene: Crop: top:3, bottom:3, left:3, right:3
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.687500 [Info.][(11)]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 720x576
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.687500 [Info.][(11)]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 600x360
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.796875 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:53 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.812500 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:54 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.812500 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:55 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:19.828125 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:56 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:29.421875 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:0 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:30.796875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:1872967917 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:30.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 1872967917 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:30.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:30.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:187.2967917 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:3673497916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.312500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 3673497916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.312500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.312500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:367.3497916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.593750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:5473877916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.703125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 5473877916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.703125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.703125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:547.3877916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:31.937500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:7274537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.093750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 7274537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.093750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.093750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:727.4537916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.250000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:9074537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 9074537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:907.4537916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.593750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:10874537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.734375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 10874537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.734375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.734375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:1087.4537916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:32.890625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:12674537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 12674537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:1267.4537916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:14474537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 14474537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:1447.4537916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.500000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:16274537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 16274537916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:1627.4537916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:33.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:18075596666 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.000000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 18075596666 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.000000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.000000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:1807.5596666 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:19875596666 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 19875596666 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:1987.5596666 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.437500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:21675596666 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.562500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 21675596666 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.562500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.562500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:2167.5596666 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.765625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:23475756041 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.906250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 23475756041 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.906250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:34.906250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:2347.5756041 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.109375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:25275846041 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.250000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 25275846041 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.250000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.250000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:2527.5846041 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:27076306040 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.515625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 27076306040 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.515625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.515625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:2707.630604 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.750000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:28876476039 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 28876476039 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:35.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:2887.6476039 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:36.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:30682746039 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:36.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 30682746039 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:36.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:36.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:3068.2746039 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:43.421875 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:0 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:43.437500 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:1 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:48:44.593750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:32523872289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:44.734375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 32523872289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:44.734375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:44.734375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:3252.3872289 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:44.921875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:34323892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.031250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 34323892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.046875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.046875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:3432.3892289 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.218750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:36123892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.343750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 36123892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.343750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.343750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:3612.3892289 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:37923892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.609375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 37923892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.609375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.609375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:3792.3892289 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.718750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:39723892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 39723892289 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:3972.3892289 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:45.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:41523892288 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 41523892288 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:4152.3892288 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:43323892288 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.375000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 43323892288 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.375000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:48:46.375000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:4332.3892288 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:48:58.562500 [Info.][(11)]: planescene:presentImage() frame:0 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-12-04 13:49:00.046875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:45198535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:00.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 45198535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:00.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:00.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:4519.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:00.343750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:46998535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 46998535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:4699.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.031250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:48798535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 48798535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:4879.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:50598535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.328125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 50598535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.328125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.328125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:5059.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.343750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:52398535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 52398535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:5239.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:54198535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 54198535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:5419.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.671875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:55998535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.828125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 55998535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.828125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.828125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:5599.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:57798535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 57798535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:01.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:5779.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:02.031250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:59598535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:02.218750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 59598535622 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:02.218750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:0
    2010-12-04 13:49:02.218750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:5959.8535622 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.109375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:61405682914 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 61405682914 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.234375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:6140.5682914 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.765625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:63209649164 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.875000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 63209649164 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.875000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:03.875000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:6320.9649164 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:65011547498 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.312500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 65011547498 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.312500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.312500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:6501.1547498 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:66811927497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.687500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 66811927497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.687500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.687500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:6681.1927497 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:04.984375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:68612957497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 68612957497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.125000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:6861.2957497 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:70414007497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.531250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 70414007497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.531250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.531250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:7041.4007497 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:05.890625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:72215007497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.000000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 72215007497 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.000000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.000000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:7221.5007497 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:74018086456 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.625000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 74018086456 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.625000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:06.625000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:7401.8086456 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:07.359375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:75824255415 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:07.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 75824255415 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:07.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:07.484375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:7582.4255415 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.015625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:77628041874 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 77628041874 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.156250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:7762.8041874 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.750000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:79432217916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 79432217916 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:08.859375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:7943.2217916 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:09.531250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer:seekabs:81237305625 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:09.625000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: pos: 81237305625 start:0 end:85088640000
    2010-12-04 13:49:09.625000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer seek done:1
    2010-12-04 13:49:09.625000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: current pos:8123.7305625 dur:8508.864
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.171875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStopped()
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.187500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: OnPlayBackStopped idFile=123 timeMovieStopped=8124 resumeData=
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvRecorded:OnPlayRecordingBackStopped Video D:\TV Recordings\A Mighty Heart - Film4 - 2010-12-02.ts
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: cleanup DShow graph False
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.250000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.546875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.546875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.546875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2010-12-04 13:49:20.562500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' not going back to default refreshrate
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.750000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1999
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.765625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1998
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.765625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1997
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.765625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1996
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.828125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify: stop
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Exiting
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PlugInManager.Stop()
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping FanartHandler.FanartHandlerSetup
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: FanartHandler.db3
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping IntelligentFrameCorrection.IntelligentFrameCorrection
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerSchedulerClientPlugin
    2010-12-04 13:49:25.843750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Stopping PowerScheduler client plugin...
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PowerScheduler client plugin stopped
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.Audioscrobbler.AudioscrobblerPlugin
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.Plugins.XFactor
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: PluginManager: stopping XFactorMusicInfo.Class1
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: fonts.SafeDispose()
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.328125 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.328125 [Info.][(2)]: TvCropManager: Stopped
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.328125 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: TVSeriesDatabase4.db3
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.328125 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: movingpictures.db3
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.343750 [Info.][(2)]: Playlist: Saving default playlist default.m3u
    2010-12-04 13:49:26.343750 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicDatabaseV11.db3



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    ok i successfully edited a video with this plugin

    it requires VideoRedo Plus (NOT TV SUITE)

    i first cleared the start cut with the context menu (right-click)
    then ran the AD Detective (from the right-click)

    i tried the ad detective in mediaportal and in videoredo and came out with the exact same result!! this is great!

    the file created by mediaportal is a .mpg ...also good ! this makes certain the original is not overwritten by mistake

    a few onsiderations for the future:

    1) if the ad detective works then it works forever! please automate the process and hide it or something.....allow us to use mediaportal to do other things while we wait for the .mpg file to be let us watch tv or do something else as we "know it works"....then let us know its finished with a popup message

    2) the film strip is useless... there is no need to show it as we can see the video position by looking at the video itself

    3) if the film strip must be shown then move it to the bottom of the screen as it covers the video frame when using blue2wide with 1920x1080

    glad to see this functional !!!!!!!


    MP Donator
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  • December 11, 2008
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    Austria Austria
    • Thread starter
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    • #18
    AW: Re: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    My english is very bad, but i give my best.

    Immediate Success!!!! I wasn't expecting you to fix it that quickly (I feel guilty for saying I was too lazy to change my .xml files :oops:)

    It isn't very often that there is a new plugin which could completely change how I use my HTPC, but this could be one of them :D. With this plugin, I may never need to use my wireless keyboard again!!!

    This is the job of this plugin. :)

    I haven't yet saved an edited video yet, but I have the following comments on the user-interface which might help:

    1) If you press "backup" when using the plugin, it exit's the plugin rather than going to the previous menu (which is usually what is wanted - for example, if you select the wrong recording, then you want to go back to the recording selection menu rather than quit the plugin).
    Yes, this i will do for the next release, but you know, its a Beta. Give me a little bit more time to make the plugin better. but its a very goos comment.

    2) When selecting the recording the english translation says "Save Video" but would be better to use "Edit Video" in this context, then "save video" when the cut markers are complete.
    If you like you can edit the en.xml in the language-folder and send me this xml. Then i can give this in the next release.

    3) I can not seem to get a cut at the end of the recording. Usually you would want to cut the very end off the recording (after the programme has finished), it might be worth a shortcut button like "select end" as if you let it play to the end it stops and refreshes to the start of the recording.
    I it is activate in the config (default is it active) the you can make the last "Endcut" and click the button "Save" and the Plugin make automatically the "EndCut" at the End of the video. Try it !!

    4) Currently the recording selection screen shows in "folders view", it would probably be best in a database type view, especially with the current MP bug which fails to delete empty recording folders after the recording is deleted.
    Oh, it is a MP Bug? I can check in my code if the folder has a recording and only show the folder if it has a recording in there. Is it OK?

    5) In the recording selection screen it would be useful if the button highlight jumps automatically to the "save video" button of the enter key is pressed with a recording highlighted. This will reduce the number of key presses required select and start editing a video.
    A good comment. Comes to the ToDo. ;-)

    6) In BlueWide, the timeline bar seems to flash continually and is not located below the video image as shown in the screenshots provided by you.
    Its a Beta ;-)

    7) In the recording selection screen there is no default highlighted button, so to get to ".." you have to press down, then enter. It would be better if ".." was the default button (or the first recording in the folder).
    OK, on the ToDo

    8) The episode internet lookup function is such an amazing feature, but it seems to default to german database results. Can the search results language be configured based upon the language choice?
    Oh, i must look at my code, normaly the plugin take the MP-language. I`ll test it. Thanks

    9) The keypad navigation through the video is a really simple and very effective feature. The ability to change the jump size depending upon if the video is playing or paused is also a very clever idea. However, the jumps only seemed to work when the video was playing and not when it was paused.
    In your Log i can`t see that you paused the video. Can you test it again and send me the Log? Make sure you have the loglevel to Debug.

    I have just tried to save an edited video, but I can not move the highlighted button across from the "Cut Here" button to the "Save Video" button.
    I`ll test it.

    Many thanks for your comments, this help my awesome. Great work.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    I have just tried to save an edited video, but I can not move the highlighted button across from the "Cut Here" button to the "Save Video" button.

    u need to use your mouse..not a remote control ...for now at like to be able to use my remote to do this...

    also...i cannot bring up the context menu (remove cuts /use ad detective) unless the mouse is on one of the buttons ...if i try it kicks me out of the plugin

    ok for some reason now i do not get files created..ill test some more


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  • May 5, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    NoFear23m, your English is excellent.

    Hopefully my comments are useful, I know it is a beta, but the more comments you get the better you can make it!

    I have gathered some debug logs for you as requested (for the pause jumping problem). Please see the attached .zip file. I pressed the pause button about 6 times, before I started jumping forwards through the video (at about 16:40:45).

    Thanks to SiLenTYL's suggestion, I managed to use the mouse to click "save video". It opened up a menu with my hard drive directory, but I couldn't work out how to finally save the video.

    you can make the last "Endcut" and click the button "Save" and the Plugin make automatically the "EndCut" at the End of the video. Try it !!
    - I just found this after I sent my last post - Nice Feature.

    it requires VideoRedo Plus (NOT TV SUITE)
    - The link on the 1st post links to both VideoRedo Plus and TVSuite, and also refers to the the H.264 editing which is a TVSuite function only. NoFear23m - can you confirm that both versions of Redo work?

    I will try to edit the en.xml tonight and email it to you.


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