Here is the requested Screenshot, TV Fullscreen, while pressing "Y"
Hi again !
Thank you so much for your quick answer but it seems to me that i have seen it already .We want to keep the progress bar on the bottom of the screen, it was Spuk idea and i think it's new and look very well. Yes i know, it must be user-friendly,easily readable and it must look good. That will be very difficult .
I think the biggest problem is amount of information, current title, epg ,upcoming title, progressbar and time together. I agree ,it looks very nice, but as disaster123 says, not very readable as it is right now. My first tought was to change the epg lines, but things don't get better. Second tought was to go back to 2 bars, old fashioned but readable and clear.
If you have any other ideas, how to solve this problem, would be great.
spuck told me, that you are the guy for the TV-stuff. Have you seen the other changes I've made? (Timer with logos and bigger buttons, Channelname in TV-Search) ?