OnlineVideos 0.33 (19.09.2011) (4 Viewers)

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Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    Exactly the same here - just wanted to post it when I saw the post of trylok ;)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    Thx for testing! And good to hear it's working now.

    I do get the same timeouts (only on iTunes Trailers Site), but it looks like Apple is somehow blocking requests :(
    If you try again after about 2 minutes it will be working again.


    Portal Member
    March 22, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    Ok, i didnt notice it until now, because normaly i watch trailers to the end :)
    :D for your great work!


    Portal Pro
    September 6, 2006
    West Coast Archipelago
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    Any clue to why anything on Viasat only plays for 5 to 10 minutes?

    2010-10-13 09:58:21.973632 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 65835

    2010-10-13 09:57:11.167968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]Preparing graph for playback of [url][/url]
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.176757 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.481445 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Now active
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.481445 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Renderer successfully added
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.481445 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Inactive
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.481445 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device 
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.481445 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.482421 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: added filter:Default DirectSound Device to graph
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.484375 [Info.][OnlineVideos(32)]: [OnlineVideos]Start prebuffering ...
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.513671 [Info.][OnlineVideos(32)]: Added filter: File Source (URL) to graph
    2010-10-13 09:57:11.582031 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Request
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.762695 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Client type: 3
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.763671 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Client digest offset: 173
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.823242 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Initial client digest: 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.824218 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: 6F 4A 82 6E A8 8A D4 24 68 6A 97 CF 92 D6 2A 43 AD C5 A9 A3 86 62 61 AD DE DE 8C FE 54 3E 2D 60 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.926757 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Type Answer   : 3
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.927734 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Server Uptime : 525149694
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.927734 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: FMS Version   :
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.929687 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Trying different position for server digest!
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.930664 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Server DH public key offset: 782
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.931640 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest: 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.932617 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: 0D F4 F6 D7 EF 18 70 5F BC 1D AD 15 0C CB E7 AD 2F 8B C1 B9 FB 1E F5 62 DB 9F 41 A7 4B 8C 48 3C 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.932617 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Client signature calculated:
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.933593 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: CA CA F0 DA F5 5D 1A D7 69 2A 15 E2 7A 0A FA D7 7D C3 EA 77 76 35 F5 D8 FC CD 11 FB EF C3 54 90 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.933593 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Client signature digest position: 173
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.934570 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Digest key: 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.935546 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: E8 E2 92 97 58 2C 81 A1 17 9D 6C C8 07 77 06 68 73 6F E1 29 A6 94 59 DE D8 FE F4 C2 44 02 CC BE 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.935546 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Signature calculated:
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.935546 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: A4 2D A5 72 80 D8 74 D1 3F 7D 9B 90 2E A9 97 7D B7 BF 68 5F 4C C2 96 93 E4 C3 AD 2B 4A 2A 0F 88 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.936523 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Server sent signature:
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.936523 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: A4 2D A5 72 80 D8 74 D1 3F 7D 9B 90 2E A9 97 7D B7 BF 68 5F 4C C2 96 93 E4 C3 AD 2B 4A 2A 0F 88 
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.937500 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.937500 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Handshaking finished....
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.941406 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Sending connect
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.965820 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: app : ondemand
    2010-10-13 09:57:12.966796 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: tcUrl : rtmp://
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.608398 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: HandleServerBW: server BW = 1250000
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.609375 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: HandleClientBW: client BW = 1250000 2
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.610351 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: received: ping, type: 26
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.611328 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Ignoring SWFVerification request, swfhash and swfsize parameters not set!
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.624023 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _result
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.624023 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.625000 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.625000 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: fmsVer,  STRING: FMS/3,5,4,1003
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.625976 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: capabilities,  NUMBER: 127
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.625976 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: mode,  NUMBER: 1
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.626953 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.626953 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: level,  STRING: status
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.626953 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: code,  STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Success
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.627929 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: description,  STRING: Connection succeeded.
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.627929 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: objectEncoding,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.628906 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.628906 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: version,  STRING: 3,5,4,1003
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.629882 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_result>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.629882 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: received result for method call <connect>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.632812 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Sending createStream
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.634765 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Sending ping type: 3
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.635742 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: onBWDone
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.635742 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.636718 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <onBWDone>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.637695 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Sending _checkbw
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.738281 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _result
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.738281 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 1
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.739257 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.739257 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 1
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.740234 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_result>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.740234 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: received result for method call <createStream>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.742187 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Sending play: 'flash/sweden/tv3/Gumball/2010/gumball_101'
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.743164 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Sending ping type: 3
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.744140 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwcheck
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.745117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2147499905
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.745117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.746093 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: Length: 10240
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.746093 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.747070 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.951171 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwcheck
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.952148 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2147499906
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.952148 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.953125 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: Length: 20480
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.953125 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 1
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.953125 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.954101 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: received: chunk size change to 4096
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.955078 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: received: ping, type: 4
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.955078 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: received: ping, type: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.956054 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: onStatus
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.956054 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.957031 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.957031 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.957031 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: level,  STRING: status
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.958007 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: code,  STRING: NetStream.Play.Reset
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.958007 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: description,  STRING: Playing and resetting flash/sweden/tv3/Gumball/2010/gumball_101.
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.958984 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: details,  STRING: flash/sweden/tv3/Gumball/2010/gumball_101
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.958984 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: clientid,  STRING: ^HTI4r6u
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.958984 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <onStatus>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.960937 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: onStatus: code :NetStream.Play.Reset, level: status
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.962890 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: onStatus
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.963867 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.963867 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.963867 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.964843 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: level,  STRING: status
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.964843 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: code,  STRING: NetStream.Play.Start
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.965820 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: description,  STRING: Started playing flash/sweden/tv3/Gumball/2010/gumball_101.
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.965820 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: details,  STRING: flash/sweden/tv3/Gumball/2010/gumball_101
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.966796 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: clientid,  STRING: ^HTI4r6u
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.966796 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <onStatus>
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.966796 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: onStatus: code :NetStream.Play.Start, level: status
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.971679 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: |RtmpSampleAccess
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.972656 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  BOOLEAN: FALSE
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.975585 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Set duration: 1350,96
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.975585 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: audiodatarate: 128
    2010-10-13 09:57:16.976562 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: videodatarate: 800
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.119140 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwcheck
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.119140 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2147499907
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.120117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.120117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: Length: 30720
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.120117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.121093 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.526367 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwcheck
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.527343 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2147499908
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.527343 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.528320 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: Length: 40960
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.528320 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 3
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.529296 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
    2010-10-13 09:57:17.732421 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (628943 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.237304 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwcheck
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.238281 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2147499909
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.238281 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.239257 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: Length: 51200
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.239257 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 4
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.240234 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.645507 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (1257635 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.848632 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwcheck
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.848632 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 2147499910
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.849609 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.849609 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: Length: 61440
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.850585 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 5
    2010-10-13 09:57:18.850585 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.256835 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  STRING: _onbwdone
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.256835 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.257812 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: NULL
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.257812 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 78
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.257812 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Property: Name: ,  NUMBER: 706
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.258789 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: server invoking <_onbwdone>
    2010-10-13 09:57:19.561523 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (1884634 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.468750 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (2510846 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.582031 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 2303/229557 KB (1%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.698242 [Debug][OnlineVideos(32)]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.734375 [Info.][OnlineVideos(32)]: [OnlineVideos]Prebuffering finished.
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.741210 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper: isTv:False, isRadio:False, isRTSP:False, isAVStream:True
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.741210 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: MediaInfoWrapper: disabled for this content
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.742187 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play([url][/url] Video)
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.744140 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]VideoPlayer:play [url][/url]
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.745117 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Now active
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.792968 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]VideoPlayer:Duration:0
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.793945 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Audio; Name=Audio - MP3, stereo, 44100 Hz (libavcodec), Filter=ffdshow Audio Decoder, Id=0, PDWGroup=1
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.827148 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.850585 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStarted() [url][/url] media:Video
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.853515 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9Helper: Playing -> Repainting, Frames 50
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.892578 [Info.][(35)]: planescene:PresentImage() frame:50 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.893554 [Info.][(35)]: planescene:PresentImage() frame:51 enabled:True allowed:False
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.940429 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Repainting -> Playing, Frames: 52
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.988281 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: crop T, B  : 0, 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.988281 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: crop L, R  : 0, 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.989257 [Info.][(35)]: PlaneScene: video WxH  : 720x416
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.989257 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: video AR   : 45:26
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.990234 [Info.][(35)]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1280x1024
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.990234 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: AR type    : Normal
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.990234 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.991210 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: src        : (0,0)-(720,416)
    2010-10-13 09:57:20.991210 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: dst        : (0,142)-(1280,882)
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.296875 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: OnlineVideos.GUIOnlineVideos deinit
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.310546 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.338867 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: OnlineVideos.Player.GUIOnlineVideoFullscreen init
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.339843 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loading AR modes from "movies" section...
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.351562 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\myonlinevideosOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.368164 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\myonlinevideosOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.394531 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (3139448 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.455078 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: crop T, B  : 0, 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.455078 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: crop L, R  : 0, 0
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.455078 [Info.][(35)]: PlaneScene: video WxH  : 720x416
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.456054 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: video AR   : 45:26
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.456054 [Info.][(35)]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1280x1024
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.456054 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: AR type    : Zoom14to9
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.456054 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.456054 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: src        : (45,0)-(674,416)
    2010-10-13 09:57:21.457031 [Debug][(35)]: PlaneScene: dst        : (0,96)-(1280,928)
    2010-10-13 09:57:22.208007 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (3767836 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:22.853515 [Info.][OnlineVideosInfosSetter(29)]: [OnlineVideos]Setting Video Properties.
    2010-10-13 09:57:23.120117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (4396764 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:23.936523 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 4603/229557 KB (2%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:24.031250 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (5022985 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:24.939453 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (5649368 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:25.853515 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (6276019 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:26.761718 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (6904137 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:27.289062 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 6909/229557 KB (3%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:27.669921 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (7532529 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:28.482421 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (8157967 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:29.391601 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (8783895 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:30.299804 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (9408974 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:30.642578 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 9214/229557 KB (4%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:31.208984 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (10037796 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:32.017578 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (10663873 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:32.928710 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (11291200 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:33.837890 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (11916512 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:33.949218 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 11519/229557 KB (5%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:34.747070 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (12543613 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:35.657226 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (13169026 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:36.467773 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (13794276 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:37.376953 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (14422555 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:37.404296 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 13817/229557 KB (6%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:38.284179 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (15047805 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:39.198242 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (15676073 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:40.114257 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (16302129 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:40.756835 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 16127/229557 KB (7%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:41.022460 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (16930612 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:41.834960 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (17559332 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:42.744140 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (18184840 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:43.653320 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (18812513 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:44.109375 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 18431/229557 KB (8%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:44.564453 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (19440654 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:45.472656 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (20066252 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:46.383789 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (20691826 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:47.194335 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (21317548 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:47.411132 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 20734/229557 KB (9%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:48.106445 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (21942933 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:49.018554 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (22567960 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:49.928710 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (23195465 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:50.840820 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (23822027 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:50.865234 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 23080/229557 KB (10%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:51.750976 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (24447106 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:52.661132 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (25072427 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:53.470703 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (25700326 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:54.319335 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 25411/229557 KB (11%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:54.384765 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (26328268 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:55.297851 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (26954732 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:56.206054 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (27582135 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:57.121093 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (28211101 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:57.673828 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 27709/229557 KB (12%)
    2010-10-13 09:57:58.033203 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (28838463 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:58.942382 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (29465536 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:57:59.751953 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (30093839 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:00.665039 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (30721224 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:01.180664 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 30133/229557 KB (13%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:01.775390 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (31348283 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:02.585937 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (31974623 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:03.495117 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (32599877 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:04.405273 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (33227447 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:04.736328 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 32446/229557 KB (14%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:05.313476 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (33855466 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:06.222656 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (34481719 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:07.134765 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (35109476 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:08.041015 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (35736506 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:08.190429 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 34755/229557 KB (15%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:08.849609 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (36365034 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:09.758789 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (36990068 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:10.667968 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (37618178 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:11.492187 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 37062/229557 KB (16%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:11.580078 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (38244310 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:12.489257 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (38872414 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:13.301757 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (39498525 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:14.210937 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (40127330 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:14.844726 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 39363/229557 KB (17%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:15.119140 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (40755119 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:16.029296 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (41383429 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:16.942382 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Send bytes report. (42010561 bytes)
    2010-10-13 09:58:21.973632 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 65835
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.006835 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 41924/229557 KB (18%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.058593 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 45840/229557 KB (19%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.109375 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 50268/229557 KB (21%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.161132 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 54808/229557 KB (23%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.211914 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 59532/229557 KB (25%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.263671 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 64292/229557 KB (28%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.314453 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 69196/229557 KB (30%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.365234 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 74712/229557 KB (32%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.416015 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 80264/229557 KB (34%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.467773 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 85561/229557 KB (37%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.518554 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 90588/229557 KB (39%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.569335 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 95652/229557 KB (41%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.620117 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 101204/229557 KB (44%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.671875 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 107032/229557 KB (46%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.722656 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 112292/229557 KB (48%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.773437 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 117154/229557 KB (51%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.825195 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 122121/229557 KB (53%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.875976 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 127492/229557 KB (55%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.927734 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 132536/229557 KB (57%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:22.978515 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 137656/229557 KB (59%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.029296 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 142809/229557 KB (62%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.080078 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 147948/229557 KB (64%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.130859 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 153020/229557 KB (66%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.183593 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 158200/229557 KB (68%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.234375 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 163552/229557 KB (71%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.285156 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 168828/229557 KB (73%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.335937 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 173484/229557 KB (75%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.386718 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 178664/229557 KB (77%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.437500 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 183412/229557 KB (79%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.488281 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 188820/229557 KB (82%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.539062 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 193529/229557 KB (84%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.589843 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 198664/229557 KB (86%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.640625 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 204280/229557 KB (88%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.691406 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 209776/229557 KB (91%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.743164 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 214508/229557 KB (93%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.793945 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 219881/229557 KB (95%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.844726 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 225448/229557 KB (98%)
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.887695 [Debug][RTMPProxy(17)]: Request finished.
    2010-10-13 09:58:23.895507 [Debug][MonitorBufferProgress(8)]: [OnlineVideos]Buffering: 229557/229557 KB (100%)
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.970703 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer9: Cleanup DShow graph
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.988281 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Dispose
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.989257 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: SubtitleRenderer: starting cleanup
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.990234 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: SubtitleRenderer: cleanup done
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.990234 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Inactive
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.992187 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: Default DirectSound Device 0
    2010-10-13 10:02:57.993164 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: Enhanced Video Renderer 1
    2010-10-13 10:02:58.005859 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: ffdshow Audio Decoder 0
    2010-10-13 10:02:58.059570 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: ffdshow Video Decoder 0
    2010-10-13 10:02:58.060546 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: MPC - FLV Splitter (Gabest) 0
    2010-10-13 10:02:58.060546 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: File Source (URL) 0
    2010-10-13 10:02:58.060546 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2010-10-13 10:02:58.061523 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Process() player stopped...


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    I am aware of that problem but have no idea why it happens :(


    Portal Pro
    October 2, 2007
    Home Country
    Turkey Turkey
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)


    I can not any audio from youtube mp4 videos.

    If I download them ; grapstudio plays them without any problem.

    My codec settings are ffdshow for all ( including AAC decoder settting ). I am routing my audio through SPDIF to my receiver.

    What could be the problem ?


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 18, 2008
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    Maybe if this is such often ask question, wouldn't it be easy to write something like this in the first Post:
    Q: My Mediaportal Config always tells me that there is a problem with OnlineVideos.dll, what should i do?
    A: Simply delete the File OnlineVideos.dll from Plugins\Windows.

    That is more user friendly and avoids unneeded questions.

    Thank you. Much more sensible than telling noobs to format their local... *shakes head* Terrible behaviour.


    Portal Member
    January 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    For whatever it's worth you have the exact same problem as I and the logs match as well. Do you happen to run Windows 7 64bit?


    Yep, running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Is this a know fact that OnlineVideos does not work in Win7 64-bit?


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Re: OnlineVideos 0.25 (25.09.2010)

    Thanks, this is helpful. It raises another question, though: is watch-movies supposed to be on my list? I was wondering about it, but assumed it just wasn't hosted.

    Check your "manage sites"

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand this advice. I've gone to the configuration settings, and checked the list there carefully. I have switched on every site that seems to be available, but can't see watch-movies anywhere.
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