OnlineVideos 0.33 (19.09.2011) (1 Viewer)

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  • December 10, 2007
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    AW: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Now it is working. I had to enable h264/avc in ffdshow.


    New Member
    May 24, 2011
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Hey love the plugin, I'd say it's by far one of my most favorite plugins for MP...hands down...

    I did just want to point out that the Tube+ channel has difficulty with URL's as in most videos are not found due to the URLs... no big deal for me :) just wanted to let you know...

    Thanks for all your hard work...keep it up!!!!:D


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  • September 27, 2009
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Are these videos playable through the website? Because I did see some cases where a complete listing was provided on the site, but no videos were playable. That was one of the reasons why I was a bit reluctant to include this site...


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    May 24, 2011
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Good point i definitely should have checked that earlier and before I posted sorry about that... yeah the videos aren't working on the site so that's most likely the problem also I notice some categories on the Miro channel timeout when loading...I changed the loading time to about 90 seconds, but still timing out I may need to increase the timeout or check out the site to make sure it's OK...I'll post up later with results



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  • August 30, 2006
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Sorry, I read the wiki and did a thread search but no help.
    The download feature downloads the video and thumbnail and places it in a directory I specified. But now what? I've seen mention that there is a "Downloaded" menu item inside OV, but I can't see it (using StreamedMP and on 1.2b of MP).

    If I download a video, and wait for the "Finished" thing to appear, when I next go to play the same video, it just streams it even though it's just downloaded it. That makes no sense - why not just play the downloaded one?

    For those of us on slow net connections or pay for how much data we download, it makes sense to download and save it. And for trailers, amassing a collection of trailers is the best option - but that's a discussion for a different thread I suspect.

    Am I missing something? The download capability is only briefly described in the wiki but I don't see the point if you can't actually watch them instead of streaming it.


    Moderator - Spanish Forums
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  • August 4, 2007
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Sorry if this has been discussed, but there's something I don't understand...

    How Onlinevideos makes "Codecs" label inside config? I mean... for example... I'm right now using LAV Splitter as default source splitter for many containers (in fact, all except FLV, where I use your modified filter that allows to see total video lenght, thanks!)... So if I play any .avi file with Graphstudio, File Source and LAV Splitter are used to open it... then... why OnlineVideos "Codecs" label shows Avi Splitter as default? Also mp4,m4v,mov section is empty, while I can play any of those containers with no problem (inside or outside OnlineVideos). I'm trying to make some sites work that now give me some codec related error when tried to play (********, for example). That's why I ask. Error.log for every video inside ********:

    2011-05-25 10:07:48.659975 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: [OnlineVideos]OnlineVideosPlayer: Failed to render file -> vmr9

    This site uses standard flv container, which plays with no problem for other sites/offline content. That's why I can't see where's the problem.

    Also I find some other sites that buffer videos, but they don't play, with no display error (******* for example). Error.log says:

    2011-05-25 10:01:56.789849 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: Exception   :System.ArgumentException: Caracteres no válidos en la ruta de acceso.
       en System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path)
       en System.IO.Path.GetExtension(String path)
       en MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Play(String strFile, MediaType type)
       en OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.GUIOnlineVideos.Play_Step5(PlayListItem playItem, String lsUrl, PlayerFactory factory)
       en OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.GUIOnlineVideos.Play_Step4(PlayListItem playItem, String lsUrl, Boolean goFullScreen, PlayerFactory factory, Nullable`1 factoryPrepareResult)
       en OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.GUIOnlineVideos.<>c__DisplayClass57.<Play_Step3>b__54(Boolean success, Object result)
       en OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Gui2UtilConnector.ExecuteTaskResultHandler()
       en OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Gui2UtilConnector.<>c__DisplayClass5.<ExecuteInBackgroundAndCallback>b__3(Int32 p1, Int32 p2, Object o)
       en MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.CallbackMsg(GUIMessage msg)
       en MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.SendMessage(GUIMessage message)
       en MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.DispatchThreadMessages()
       en MediaPortalApp.FrameMove()

    BTW, I would also like to report some broken sites (no url error for every video tried): metacafe and dailymotion.

    That's it. :)



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  • April 26, 2008
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    AW: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    The Codec Tab is only informational to get some help or info about the codec that are registered on the system. Onlinevideos tries to find the splitter for a filetype from the registry which is currently not always the correct one. Wait for 0.30, where you can test playback right inside the codec tab now :) It will play a file from a server, analyze the graph and tell you what splitter is used.

    That second error you posted is MediaPortal checking for illegal characters in the url of the file to be played :( Not sure why it is doing that, might be fixed in 1.2

    I'll try to find some time and fix metacafe and dailymotion.


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2005
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    This 'Illegal characters' error is something that my setup is suffering from too. Quite annoying, because my wife is a frequent user of online video's. This is an error that I first saw when I upgraded to MP 1.1.3.

    offbyone, this has nothing to do with your plugin, right? Any suggestions on how to solve this? Thanks.

    BTW: great plugin!


    Portal Member
    May 4, 2008
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    Re: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    Also getting the above with *******.


    Moderator - Spanish Forums
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  • August 4, 2007
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    Re: AW: OnlineVideos 0.29 (29.04.2011)

    The Codec Tab is only informational to get some help or info about the codec that are registered on the system. Onlinevideos tries to find the splitter for a filetype from the registry which is currently not always the correct one. Wait for 0.30, where you can test playback right inside the codec tab now :) It will play a file from a server, analyze the graph and tell you what splitter is used.

    That second error you posted is MediaPortal checking for illegal characters in the url of the file to be played :( Not sure why it is doing that, might be fixed in 1.2

    I'll try to find some time and fix metacafe and dailymotion.
    0.30 seems good step forward... Thanks for the effort.

    I'm planning to upgrade to 1.2 Beta, once all plugins I use have compatible version. Then I'll retry and see more about that illegal url issue.

    Don't hurry about Metacafe&Dailymotion. I hardly use them, and I asume 0.30 is more important right now... :)

    Thanks again.
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