[03-24 12:14:33,685] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] GetWebData-GET: 'http://youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=59AlJSXBVCU&has_verified=1'
[03-24 12:14:36,150] [MPMain ] [INFO ] Preparing graph for playback of 'http://r10---sn-4g57knd7.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?itag=22&signature=5C303144D39881C5693FA0A873CE311E4ECB1DE9.302B98D117F36DA4E7CED706B480391EB026F9D8&ms=au&id=e7d0252525c15425&fexp=924619%2C914048%2C929315%2C933611%2C937417%2C913434%2C936910%2C936913%2C934022&sver=3&expire=1395682994&key=yt5&ip='
[03-24 12:14:54,184] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Start prebuffering ...
anyone else has the issue that:
This issue started to occur without any changes to the system. However, it started at the same time google made changes to YT that broke a few YT apps on iOS/WP.
- YouTube
- select any video
- start playback
- nothing happens - you can still navigate through the list of videos. MP is NOT froozen.
- ~15 to 20 seconds later, OV starts to buffer
- ~30 seconds after I tried to start the playback, it finally starts to play
Upgraded to 1.8 in the hope it would fix it, but still the same issue. Will provide logs in the evening.
There is no AV on my MediaCenter.Just to check: are you sure you have excluded the mediaportal directory in your virusscanning software?