OnlineVideos [2014/09/7] (5 Viewers)

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  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
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    OnlineVideos is not visible anymore in Mediaportal's Extensions Manager.. Any idea why?
    I still see it under "Installed Extensions" in my MP 1.7.1 setup. None of the plugins I have under "Installed Extensions" shows up under "Known Extensions", which I find a bit counter-intuitive, but maybe it is supposed to prevent a double installation.
    I don't show LAV Filters installed however, even though it must be there for OnlineVideos to work.
    I'm not sure how that happened; it's possible that I installed it manually myself, even though I like to do everything through MPEI.
    Does installing OnlineVideos through MPEI also move LAV Filters into the MPEI "Installed Extensions" list, or must one install LAV Filters first to manage its updates through MPEI?


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  • October 4, 2008
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    Maybe I have overlooked it and is it already an existing feature, however one I think would really be cool.

    I often see link to Youtube videos and found myself in a situation where I'm in too much hurry or can't open the volume to watch the video, so I add this video to my "watch later" feed. It would be awesome if I could connect my account of Youtube within OnlineVideos and then open my "watch later" or even other feeds.


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  • June 2, 2009
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    Maybe I have overlooked it and is it already an existing feature, however one I think would really be cool.

    I often see link to Youtube videos and found myself in a situation where I'm in too much hurry or can't open the volume to watch the video, so I add this video to my "watch later" feed. It would be awesome if I could connect my account of YouTube within OnlineVideos and then open my "watch later" or even other feeds.

    You can, If you go into MediaPortal configuration and then plugins, choose online videos and configure. Click on the sites tab and choose YouTube. You will see in the box at the bottom some options such as 'preferred format' if you scroll down in that box it allows you to enter your YouTube account name and password.

    When in MediaPortal and online videos. choose Youtube and then scroll to the bottom and you will find your favourites, watched feed and watch later feed as well as subscribed channels

    Herr R aus B

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  • December 22, 2007
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    Hi ho!

    I have two slight issues to report:

    a) ARD Mediathek still doesn't work at all here - all you get is "Sendung verpasst" in the menu, then when clicking it, nothing happens and if you go back, you have that same menu item twice. clicking it again gives you three of those entries and so on :) I mean - if that's a feature, it really can keep certain kinda ppl seriously busy - hats off! :)

    Did I miss any fix of the ARD Mediathek by any chance?

    b) Watching YouTube videos - be it search results or subcriptions - is kinda lottery these days. - ever more frequently I get the error message "Fehler beim Starten des Abspielens NoActiveProtocol" - this occurs randomly. Clips that played yesterday wont play today but maybe again tomorrow - you never now. It obviously neither depends on certain YT channels nor on video formats. Is this a known issue or is it just specific to my MediaPortal Addict Biotop here in Berlin? :)

    By the way - OB1 at least completely changed my TV watching habits during the last year with his wonderful plugin - thank you! :) Could you somehow teach the guys who did the YT addon for XBMC how to properly communicate with YT? Their addon is a cmplete mess at the moment - an epic ongoing non functioning fail... Did YT (google) change the APIs lately?



    PS: Versionwise I am all up to date with MP and OV - just my MP Forum profile is slightly oudated :)
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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
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    I am pretty sure that your "Das Erste" Site isnot up 2 date. If you had posted logs I coul tell easily. Installing OV is not making it use latest site implementations. Those are always downloaded. So you nee to let the autoupdate build into OV run.

    Herr R aus B

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  • December 22, 2007
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    Thanks for the reply and for assuming I wouldn't know what I am doing - great :)

    I run the latest MP and at least according to the plugin manager the latest version of OV. Furthermore OV is configured to update the sites on every system start - which it does according to the dialog, which appers when opening OV in MP.

    so far so good - i had a peek into the OnlineVIdeoSites.xml and found this:

    <Site name="Das Erste" util="DasErsteMediathek" agecheck="false" enabled="true" lang="de" lastUpdated="2012-06-05T00:03:19.7129992+02:00">
    <Description>Die ARD Mediathek ist ein Gemeinschaftsangebot der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) und der Deutschen Welle.</Description>
    <item key="baseUrl"><![CDATA[]]></item>
    <item key="dynamicCategoriesRegEx"><![CDATA[<li><a\shref="/kategorien/.*?\?documentId=(?<url>[^"]+)"[^>]*>(?<title>[^<]+)</a></li>]]></item>
    <item key="dynamicCategoryUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}/index.html]]></item>
    <item key="dynamicSubCategoriesRegEx"><![CDATA[<div\sclass="mt-media_item">\s*
    <item key="dynamicSubCategoryUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}/index.html]]></item>
    <item key="dynamicSubCategoriesNextPageRegEx"><![CDATA[<a\s+href="(?<url>[^"]+)"[^>]*>Weiter</a>]]></item>
    <item key="videoListRegEx"><![CDATA[<div\sclass="mt-media_item[^"]*">\s*
    <item key="nextPageRegEx"><![CDATA[<a\s+href="(?<url>[^"]+)"\s[^>]*>Weiter</a>]]></item>
    <item key="fileUrlRegEx"><![CDATA[mediaCollection.addMediaStream\((?<Info>[^\)]+)]]></item>
    <item key="fileUrlFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}{1}]]></item>
    <item key="fileUrlNameFormatString"><![CDATA[{0}-{1}]]></item>
    <item key="searchUrl"><![CDATA[{0}]]></item>

    Obviously there is no update going on, eventho OV tells me it was updating... I went to the site manager inside MP/OV and it doesn't show anything - i.e. non of the configured sites... great - i guess i set up the entire **** from scratch... *sigh* must be a currupted config file or so - and it is damrn long. not easy to find missing tags or characters :-(

    Is there any answer or explainationn to the described YT problem?



    OV and MP logs attached if of any help...

    Herr R aus B

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  • December 22, 2007
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    To really avoid any unexpected errors or side effects and to ensure user's ignorance compensation, I de-installed OV, cleared ALL configuration data, checked manually, that there were no residues of any kind and re-installed OV ( from mp1-installer). Then added the desired sites from the global selection using the configuration tool. In that global selection, the "Das Erste Mediathek" is marked as being reported btw (...) - anyways - I installed it and some more sites and now, the entry looks a little bit different:

    <Site name="Das Erste" util="DasErsteMediathek" agecheck="false" enabled="true" lang="de" lastUpdated="2014-06-06T19:11:25.8113461+02:00">
    <Description>Die ARD Mediathek ist ein Gemeinschaftsangebot der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) und der Deutschen Welle.</Description>

    But that wouldn't help much, because the site still doesn't work. Now it just shows that one "Sendung verpasst..." menu entry and that's it.

    The in-MP site administration screen btw. still doesn't show any of the sites i selected using the configuration dialog in the MP1 manager - i.e.: it remains completely empty. I thought, it might be a skin issue, so switched from "Default Wide" to "Titan" - but that wouldn't make any difference. Hitting the "update sites" button there flashes the respective OV dialog / info box for a fraction of a second and that's it.

    So now, I can access the desired sites right as I could before, ARD Mediathek still doesn't work and neither does the site administration screen in MP. Nothing really changed... A pity..

    Please find all possibly relevant files and logs attached...




    • OnlineVideoSites.xml
      18.9 KB
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    So, looking in the logs it's easy to see that you are having some kind of network trouble to connect to the global site webservice:
    [08-02 17:32:57,622] [MPMain ] [WARN ] Error on getting sites overview from server: System.Net.WebException: Fehler bei der Anforderung mit HTTP-Status 417: Expectation Failed.
    I am not sure why, because I can load up MP right now and see all the sites in the site manager.
    And for the same reason the build-in updater is not able to download the latest site dll or actually anything.
    Log says:
    [08-02 17:30:18,640] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Looking for SiteUtils and Hosters in OnlineVideos.Sites.offbyone (Version:, Compiled: 2014-04-17 20:07:49)
    But the new code for DasErste is in a dll from June 6th.

    So if you can figure out why your pc can't connect correctly to here:

    You'll be able to enjoy OV with latest updates.

    Herr R aus B

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  • December 22, 2007
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    There doesn't seem to be a generel network problem - I took that URL, put it into Chrome and Firefox and the web site with these web service entry points is being displayed properly. Not problems at all.

    I am clueless... I looked into the pligon folder (...\windows\onlinevideos...) - all files are from april 17th and this is the fresh installation from the latest mpe1 file available at the MP download site...

    May I again draw your attention to two facts I already metioned above:

    1) the Site Manager scren within MP (default wide) remains empty
    2) the auto update - eventho configured to run at every system start - doesn't do anything. i.e.: its even not showing that confirmation dialog asking whether one wants to proceed with that site update. at some time that didn't show up anymore... I cant remember when exactly, but must have been some days ago...

    I really dont wanna set up this client from scratch... :-(I wonder whether there is something misconfigured or corrupted in the underlying .NET framework.

    Anyways - I cant recogize any networking problems outside of MP... but maybe these sporadic "NoActiveProtocol" messages in YT are related to this and it's a network problem within MP. Assuming that, because I also tried to start the YT videos not working in OV using the broser and the YT portal on the same machine - no problems at all...

    Me silightly puzzled... :-(

    Is thre a way to download the newest version of all those DLLs and copy them to the plugin folder manually?



    PS: I agaoin looked at the "Sites verwalten" screen within MP - it is empty, but leaving it, for a fraction of a millisecond one can see the list of sites flashing... strange... (?)
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