OpenLounge uPnP MediaServer (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
September 11, 2006
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
MP3 and stuff doesnt really support Ablum art I believe, sure I would be able to embed th property with a link to a folder.jpg if present in the folder. Thats how MP works I believe.

this is incorrect.

with ID tags 2.0 the is the ability to insert a small jpg inside the mp3 as meta data. itunes for instance uses this to access album art
I have not seen this used by any MP3 ripper that is available to me. And this is a very inefficient way to store images, every MP3 file has the image embedded. I prefer the folder.jpg concept most hosts and MP use. Specially since if I need to extract the image from the mp3 to a file and then add it as a tag to the UPnP info it is a very crappy sollution. I am willing to add the folger.jpg that MP uses for display to the tags.


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Most of you guys still have MP 2.2.0 or 2.3.0 RC1 in your sigs or system specs, even though the 2.3.0 stable release has been out for months. Are you really that far behind? The reason I ask is that I wanted to know if this plug-in is compatible with the 2.3.0 stable release. Who has tried it and what were the results? Also, what were the results of any attempts to serve a HW uPnP client? I just got a Freecom MusicPal, only to discover that it wants WMP 11 as a uPnP server. Since I already found out that WMP's DB performs poorly with my collection (over 30k tracks), this is not an option for me. I would far prefer to use MP, whose DB performance puts M$ to shame! Thanks in advance for any comments!


    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Yeah I am ;)

    I am not over yet since I have a 3 system setup of MP, tv server and UPnP network with 3 thin hardware clients, and a X10 home automation setup all over MP.
    So migrating has some quirks that I had not have time for.

    I do have the stable 2.3.0 on one machine with most of my stuff running. So I can confirm that all seems to work well with 2.3.0. I had trouble working the tv server client plugin though, and have not looked into a sollution for that.

    But that said, MP does not use a media DB for serving music like WMP. But navigates through folders. So yeah that does work better but.... the MPTinoUPnPserver loads the db into memory after manually navigating this structure. So even though your running performance would be much better then WMP the load time will be long. So I suggest you think about how often you need to load your MP with this plugin present and then decide what perfomance hit you prefer. The bad navigation or extreme load times.
    I have only 5k songs and it loads about 5 minutes reading each song for its id3 tags and building the db, so yours might take up to 30 mins.
    I have been thinking about rebuilding that part of the plugin to fill and biuld while navigating through the folders, much like how MP does it, but that voids features like album navigation and stuff like that, something I do not use, but other might.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Thanks for the response. I'm a bit confused about the download though. The download link has "0.4 beta" in the wiki title, but the file I get is "". What's the story?


    Portal Member
    November 20, 2007
    I think the reason why it doesnt work through a swicth is in the switch, many switches block communication protocols like UPnP. But you will have to check your switch to see how to enable that.

    The switch won't do any filtering at all, unless you are talking about a high end (i.e. expensive) switch. The original post stated both computers being in the same subnet, so a router can be discarded as well.

    FWIW, if the problem still persists, I would try to locate it on any firewall installed on the computers involved.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Since setting up this plug-in, MP spends 5 minutes trying to start it, then gives up and proceeds (see attached log).
    Any idea what might cause this?


    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Yeah it browses and analyses all your mp3 files.
    That way it doesnt need to while you browse, and it is the only way to build the global playlists etc.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Thanks for your prompt response. I understand that the plug-in needs some time to scan the directories. However, after spending all that time, it doesn't seem to start properly. Here is an excerpt from the log:
    2008-02-02 13:55:14.153958 [Info.][MPMain]: MPTino uPnP Media Server Plugin failed to start :( AddDirectory() Error   bei MPTino.UPnP.MediaServer.Core.MediaServerCore.AddDirectory(DirectoryInfo directory, String Alias, ShareTypes AllowedType)
       bei MPTino.UPnP.MediaServer.Core.CmdAddDirectory.Execute()
       bei MPTino.UPnP.MPPlugin.UPnPMediaServer.MediaServer.AddMediaPortalShares(String TypeOfShare)
       bei MPTino.UPnP.MPPlugin.UPnPMediaServer.MediaServer.AddMediaPortalShares()
       bei MPTino.UPnP.MPPlugin.UPnPMediaServer.MediaServer.Start()
    What might the problem be?


    Portal Pro
    September 11, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thats odd, and offcourse the error doesnt tell much more then that it crashes trying to load and parse the folders.

    So might there be a file in your folder that is corrupt or maybey some file that is not media or playlist and maybe it dies on that.
    Hard to tell like this.
    First try to only add folders to the folder list that narrow down the range, so first a sub folder like genre (I dont know how you manage your files ;)) and then keep adding till it crashes again

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