[Original Thread] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support (2 Viewers)

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  • October 14, 2008
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    Okay, I have fixed the things the testers found and have posted the new version 0.5.0. Take a look and let me know if you have any issues.

    What I would like to do is do a feature freeze (for now) and work out any bugs found and call this final release 1.0. I can then submit the plugin to MP and have it posted in the Plugin Download section.


    Wile E.


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  • October 9, 2006
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    Hey WilEC

    Installed .5 this AM and did my very unscientific testing. This looks amazing. I really like the new skin files (I'm using the B2W skin files in Bleazle right now), but is there an option to toggle the view? I don't need it, but if it's there I couldn't find it. I love the very simple system for identifying PlayNow movies in the search and other queues, the little red dot is small but obvious. But I haven't figured out the blue dot yet. Does that mean recommended? Already watched? rated?

    Search functionality is excellent. The addition of recommended and new release queues makes life that much better.

    From Ixian's review I was under the impression that remote commands should be working in x86. Stop, Play, and Pause are working on my system, but I don't seem to have any other commands. FF/RW cause the movie to restart from the beginning. IDK if this was supposed to be implemented or not, but honestly I seldom use anything but play/pause/stop with Netflix.

    Altogether a great plugin! Congrats on getting this from non-existant to release within such a short time.

    Wait, maybe the blue dot means available on Blue Ray?


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  • August 19, 2008
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    Wait, maybe the blue dot means available on Blue Ray?
    Yes, it does. Black = DVD, Blue = BluRay, Red = Watch now



    I hate to sound like a broken record here but excellent work my friend, excellent work. :D

    I haven't had a whole lot of time to torture the new version yet but a couple observations:

    - The new interface is awesome. Very, very sexy.
    - The fan art takes everything to a whole new level.
    - The addition of the browse feature is just what the doctor ordered. I very much like the search feature but let's face it...how often do any of us know what we want to watch?? The addition of an option to watch a trailer for the selected item (if available) would top the cake. (Sometime in the future...I wouldn't look to incorporate for 1.0)
    - The dot system is subtle yet intuitive. Much more classy IMO then the logos were.
    - The list menus are much easier to navigate then the thumbnails were. I know some people will probably disagree so maybe an option to use either (if possible) may be the most favorable. If this is difficult from a design point, I would stick with the list view.

    - I am thrilled with the fact that all of the transport keys on the remote work now.

    - You may want to include a folder named "MediaStream 1.0.1" folder in the skins directory to support the new version. The files can be exactly the same as what is in the "MediaStream" folder. I have just been copying them over manually and it works fine. (Easier installation for less advanced users)

    - When drilling down through using the "OK" button, OK doesn't launch the video. You actually have to press play. Not a big deal to me because I know... It just seems to me that a final OK vs. having to press a different button to launch would be a bit more intuitive.

    - When watching a video, if I press stop, the "browser" closes and drops me to the desktop. You can see Mediaportal.exe in the process list but I can't find any way to return. I actually have to crash MP and reload. This is on the 32bit Vista box. It seems that I should be dropped back to the menu I was on previously within the NetFlix plug-in in MP. It seems that in v.48 that's what happened but I could be wrong. If there are any logs that would assist, let me know and I will be happy to provide.

    I plan to do more testing today - if I find anything else I'll let you know.

    Note: I'm not trying to bitch here. I'm just trying to give you helpful feedback to aid in the development and moving towards perfection for a 1.0 release. I am very excited for you and about this plug-in! I hope to see it in the "hot plug-ins" section soon...Exactly where it belongs!!



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  • August 14, 2007
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    Hmm, I haven't had that problem with the new version yet - stop drops me right back to the MyNetflix screen, where I left off. Can you try the remote file from .49 instead? Sounds like that may be the problem.

    Dcwp, depending on your remote setup ffw/rrw may work differently. I found the actual ffw buttons as mapped on mine acted more like chapter skips back to the beginning of the movie, while the chapter skip buttons actually advanced it in (I think) 5 minute increments.

    It's a little wonky, but that's how the Netflix player is, not this plugin. On the PC there is no true fast forward, just skipping ahead. WileE's Autoit script simulates the mouse clicking along the progress bar, just like you'd have to do manually. It's a hack, but a very good one, and until Netflix releases a client specifically for Media Centers (rumored for MCE but may not work for other front ends) it's as good as we're gonna get. Hell, it's better than I thought we would get even now.


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  • October 14, 2008
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    Hey DCWP, thanks for the feedback!

    I really like the new skin files (I'm using the B2W skin files in Bleazle right now), but is there an option to toggle the view? I don't need it, but if it's there I couldn't find it.

    Unfortunately no, there is only one view at this time. I will look into more views in the future.

    But I haven't figured out the blue dot yet. Does that mean recommended? Already watched? rated?

    As TechLife mentioned, I replaced the big icons with small dots, so you can see in a quick view what formats are on what movies. (specifically if you are looking for only instant movies.) The black dot is for DVD, the blue is for Bluray and the red is Instant.

    From Ixian's review I was under the impression that remote commands should be working in x86. Stop, Play, and Pause are working on my system, but I don't seem to have any other commands. FF/RW cause the movie to restart from the beginning. IDK if this was supposed to be implemented or not, but honestly I seldom use anything but play/pause/stop with Netflix.

    To FF & RW, you have to hit the FF button multiple times. Keep hitting the button and you will see what I mean.

    Hey TechLife, Thanks for your feedback!

    - When drilling down through using the "OK" button, OK doesn't launch the video. You actually have to press play. Not a big deal to me because I know... It just seems to me that a final OK vs. having to press a different button to launch would be a bit more intuitive.

    Funny you say that, I had the select button start the movie and a few complained about it. I would be happy to put it back in if everyone thinks its a good feature.

    - When watching a video, if I press stop, the "browser" closes and drops me to the desktop. You can see Mediaportal.exe in the process list but I can't find any way to return. I actually have to crash MP and reload. This is on the 32bit Vista box. It seems that I should be dropped back to the menu I was on previously within the NetFlix plug-in in MP. It seems that in v.48 that's what happened but I could be wrong. If there are any logs that would assist, let me know and I will be happy to provide.

    Do you have MP always on top? I think there may be a bug in there if so...I will investigate this and get it fixed for you.

    Note: I'm not trying to bitch here. I'm just trying to give you helpful feedback to aid in the development and moving towards perfection for a 1.0 release.
    No worries Mate... Im a developer, so I am used to constructive feedback. The feedback you guys provide is excellent and helps me move forward with something better for the community... Keep it up!

    It's a little wonky, but that's how the Netflix player is, not this plugin. On the PC there is no true fast forward, just skipping ahead. WileE's Autoit script simulates the mouse clicking along the progress bar, just like you'd have to do manually. It's a hack, but a very good one, and until Netflix releases a client specifically for Media Centers (rumored for MCE but may not work for other front ends) it's as good as we're gonna get. Hell, it's better than I thought we would get even now.

    I agree Ixian, it's a kludge, but its all we have for now... I also agree that I didnt think we would be able to have this much done in such a short time. Thanks for all the testing you have done!!!


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    February 8, 2009
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    Looking good.

    As info, I am still looking into my script error I am getting. Apparently it's happening with others here at the green button. It still amazes me that I'm the only one having it here. I'm wondering if its an IE setting or something else simple that I am overlooking.:confused:


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  • October 14, 2008
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    Looking good.

    As info, I am still looking into my script error I am getting. Apparently it's happening with others here at the green button. It still amazes me that I'm the only one having it here. I'm wondering if its an IE setting or something else simple that I am overlooking.:confused:
    Hey Killdashnine,
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I did try to 'suppress errors'on the browser plugin, but got very undesired results...

    There is a setting in IE...Tools -> Options -> Advanced Tab -> Browser section, Display Notification about Every Script Error. See if that is checked and if so uncheck it and try that...


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  • August 19, 2008
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    Funny you say that, I had the select button start the movie and a few complained about it. I would be happy to put it back in if everyone thinks its a good feature.

    That is too funny. Can't keep everyone happy no matter what you do LOL. IMO just doesn't flow as well when the buttons are changed up. I've watched ppl in my house try to use it and ask "Why isn't the movie starting?". I explain that you have to actually press play and hear "But I press ok on everything else..."

    I honestly don't care either way & I think after you know you barely notice anymore.

    Do you have MP always on top? I think there may be a bug in there if so...I will investigate this and get it fixed for you.

    I do. That has in fact changed in the last couple days (in between using v.48 and v.50). I was experimenting with the behavior of the windows screen saver.

    I turned off always on top and now when pressing stop, I return to the menu but the taskbar is focused. I thus far have not found a way from the remote/keyboard/mouse to return MP to focus and actually have it respond. Pulling up task manager shows MP as "Not Responding" so again I have to crash it and restart.

    Per Ixian's suggestion, I tried deleting the .50 remote files first then copying the .48 remote files. This worked fine. Drops right back to MP and I have full control.

    I happened to think at this point that when I installed .50 I didn't delete any files first. Just dragged the directories and allowed them to merge/replace as the instructions imply (if I read them correctly LOL). So for kicks, I tried deleting the .48 remote files and recopying the .50 remote files. Yeah, sure enough, it works fine. :D

    Please note: I DO know better than to just copy over, but I try to play the dumb user when testing things to try to simulate what the majority of users would do and encounter the problems they would.

    Now, since I was this deep into it anyway, I tried setting MP back to always on top. This no longer caused the issue either. Returned right back to the menu as it should. If there is a bug with always on top, it doesn't seem to affect me.

    Hope this helps :)


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  • October 9, 2006
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    Thanks for the responses. The blue dot makes so much sense now. I still haven't made the transition to Blue Ray yet so it isn't on my radar. One day....

    Like others I think I prefer list mode so don't go rushing to add another view, I was just checking in case it was something that was supposed to work but didn't.

    No trouble here with the stop button dumping to desktop. Running Windows XP Pro SP3 32bit.

    I tried FF/RW as well as chapter skip buttons and also tried the multiple press thing, but always got the return to beginning behavior. I wonder if I needed to let the movie buffer more before fiddling with that. I'll try it again this evening when I get home.

    I agree that a second "OK" press for movie start would be more intuitive, but it only took a fraction of a second for me to figure out that "play" was the proper button. Either of these is far preferable to the original procedure of pressing "i" then selecting play.

    The new skins and especially the dot system and title browser have really put this plugin over the top. I was playing with it this morning when my housemate came out and asked if it was a new toy. He's seen the older versions, but the extra slickness factor with .5 made him think this was something altogether new.

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