[fixed] Pictures currentSlideIndex resetting to -1 [Mantis #4461] (1 Viewer)


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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    Hi Guys,

    I have try to fix that (yep it's late) lol
    Can you try attached bin to test ?
    Please do full testing to spot any regression (slideshow / recursive slideshow / while and without playing music / while and with video/picture mixed and while / without playing music etc.

    I will test this evening. Could we also have a GIT branch for this, so that other developers can look at the code?


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  • November 12, 2007
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    Sure will do it but it was late when i try to look / debug / test this issue so no branch yet and want first few report.
    Take few minutes right now to read forum but i need to back to work.


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  • April 11, 2005
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    OK, so here my test results:
    One small nitpic for the pixtureIndex. Tested Slideshows, Fullscreen & any other combination. With/without Video & Music Playing. With/without random.
    - When having randomized slideshow, pressing ESC selects the entry corresponding to the number of pictures shown, not the currently shown random picture.

    I found a few minor things that I now have to retest with the original version:
    - when using fullscreen, not slide show, while having randomizing the slideshow turned on, left/right skip to a randomized picture instead of the original order which I would expect if just opening one picture
    - when using fullscreen left&right into a video the fullscreen is closed after the video is played


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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    while having randomizing the slideshow turned on, left/right skip to a randomized picture instead of the original order which I would expect if just opening one picture
    I would expect exactly a randomized image when skipping left/right and randomizing is on - that´s what this setting is for?


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  • April 11, 2005
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    I would expect exactly a randomized image when skipping left/right and randomizing is on - that´s what this setting is for?
    If I open a SlideShow you are right. But if I just open one picture in FullScreen (enter/ok) I would expect to browse the pictures in shown order.


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  • April 11, 2005
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    Just checked against 1.3:
    the 2nd issue is a regression. In 1.3 you could have random slideshows turned on, go to fullscreen on one picture and left & right would work in Listview order (no random). Random would only affect a real slideshow.

    The first issue is not a real regression, just a different behaviour. In 1.3 MP would always select the first entry in the list view after a random slideshow. This version selects the picture which is at the same position as number of pictures shown.

    So I guess changing fullscreen not to use randomization is probably quite easy, so if it is possible to do we could avoid a regression here (y)


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  • April 11, 2005
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    Hmm, I think I found another bug. Could someone please try to open a pic in FullScreen and then show the EXIF details? For me MP hangs when I try that. With this mod, same as with 1.4 current final.
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    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    I have to try with EXIF thingy (if i can reproduce), in fact i didn't really use MyPicture and my skill are not so strong so i started to work on it and i'm so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    All that to say thanks for testing and i will try to fix regression but not to add feature etc. lol.
    So @mbuzina can you describe step by step regression you see ?
    Sorry maybe you already write in mantis but i didn't check my email (just do a quick view on forum).

    Just to be sure, there is regression because of the new fix right ?

    I can just confirm that starting by doing 'OK' on picture left/right etc. if we are on a video, @ the end it will stop (because we didn't start the slideshow) but we can bypass the stop by doing F7/F8.

    I didn't find a better way to handle that :)

    By playing slideshow or recursive one, at the end of video, it goes to the next item :p


    Portal Pro
    August 12, 2006
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    Australia Australia
    Hmm, I think I found another bug. Could someone please try to open a pic in FullScreen and then show the EXIF details? For me MP hangs when I try that. With this mod, same as with 1.4 current final.
    MP also hangs for me when trying to look at file properties.

    I have noticed if MP has hung I can move the mouse to the top bar and click on the up arrow. Then if I go back into pictures the file properties works correctly until a shutdown and restart of MP is done. Then the same procedure needs to be repeated.
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