[Plugin] DVDArt - All artwork for MovingPictures, MyFilms, TVSeries, Music & more!!! (2 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    Will start work on the Music art work function soon....

    Keep you posted.


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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    I found the cause for the PNG error - the plugin seems to create the artwork in the same folder as the uploaded version - if the filename already exists for the created version you get the error - it might be worth pointing the artwork creation to the MP cache (and not deleting the original!)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    I am trying to work on the music scraper but somehow I need to obtain the musicbrainz_mbid for artist or album or tracks. Anyone can suggest a quick method to obtain this number as otherwise I won't be able to download the required artwork. I know that the musicbrainz site has an api but with the information there in the musicdatabase, it is not easy to search.

    Suggestions are most welcome.


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  • December 6, 2008
    Brensbach (HE) ehemals Görlitz
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    feature request
    - Film at one remove from the database
    - Scan and delete dvd art ect.
    - Very difficult with no tt123456 the dvd art to manually delete ;) in "full size" and "thumbs" folder.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    - Very difficult with no tt123456 the dvd art to manually delete ;) in "full size" and "thumbs" folder.

    mrbonsen, when a movie is removed, its entry is removed as well from the dvdart database. Then there is my other plugin MPCleaner which will do the actual artwork cleanup.

    Can you explain further what you mean by the following points:
    - Film at one remove from the database
    - Scan and delete dvd art ect.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 12, 2010
    Home Country
    Malta Malta
    sorry @ m3rcury - google translate
    if dvd art plugin scans the database and dvd art adds it should also be able to delete if movie has been removed from database - automatically

    mrbonsen, as mentioned in my reply in post #237, during startup, the plugin will do some housekeeping to remove entries from the dvdart database for movies that no longer exist in the movingpictures database. As for the artwork, MPCleaner plugin will do the trick. It will delete artwork when the respective movie, series, etc is no longer in the respective database. (this follows other plugin functionality and reason for creating MPCleaner since plugins do not housekeep the stuff they download!!)

    Hope this helps.



    Portal Pro
    February 9, 2013
    Bad Kreuznach
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi there,

    I'm new to the whole HTPC-Thematic and at the moment I'm setting up my first system. As MP with all it's skins and plugins is very complex and it takes some time to get fully into it I'm at the moment suffering a little bit from an information overload :)

    As a fanart geek I like the things DVDart can do, but after nearly 48 hours working on setting up MP and all the plugins I like to have I've managed to messup the StreamedMP-XML files for MovingPictures and MPTVSeries completly.

    Also deinstalling and reinstalling StreamedMP has not really helped as something is going completly wrong. So I made the decision to do a clean reinstall of the whole application and then copy the working settings from the other plugins back into the right folders.

    Could please someone provide me his actual already modified xml-files for DVDart and streamedMP (Moving Pictures and TVSeries) including everything I need for the rotating disc(graphic?) / Clear Art and Clear Logo and the pathes where to put these files to ? Would be a great help and spares me some time to not go through the whole 24 pages of this thread again and maybe messing up my files again.... Or pointing me to one post with all needed files would help to as I'm also working on some other issues with other plugins I've messed up :(

    I'm running on MP 1.30 RC and actual Moving Pictures and TVSeries....

    Many thanks in advance


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