Plugin for Spotify (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
May 15, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates. Basically, as it stands right now, I have it searching and storing data in the database. I'm struggling with playing and keeping focus on MP, and also getting album art. I'm sure there is a way to do it! Google image search was a no go - i didn't even try to impliment it - it just tried searches through google itself, but didn't always get the right result.

I haven't worked on it for a while, as I've been really busy in work (another one of those days today!).

Still to do:
  • Tidy up interface - not really sure the best way to do this
  • Get it working with a remote - proper MCE features are what I want here!
  • Make playback more reliable - is it possible to pause spotify when switching to, for example, videos
  • Integrate your own music library - I have songs in my library not available in spotify - not sure if this is possible, as I'd have to use hybrid of internal player and spotify
  • Optimise database and searches - because of the limits placed on the api by number of requests per second, if i try and 'spotify' my entire music database, it takes about an hour to do the initial cache -not brilliant. I don't think there's a way round this, so the next best thing is to stop trying to rebuild the db each time
  • Localisation - this is actually a bit of lazyness on my part - I've locked it to UK atm, but will have to sort in prefs

I won't be able to work on this again now until the end of November, I'm afraid - I'm covering on call again this week due to absences at work...


Portal Pro
November 9, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
Great to hear, but i sounds like you're making this to become a huge task for yourself. Why not start out with making a GUI similar til Spotify's own app, ignore the remote control keyboard, cover art and local stored music first, and focus on the basic functionality and get a hold of the project. Then, if you keep progressing and reaching your goals, you can start working on the extra features =)

Anyways, good luck and keep up the work, i've really been waiting for such plugin ^^

Great to hear, but i sounds like you're making this to become a huge task for yourself. Why not start out with making a GUI similar til Spotify's own app, ignore the remote control keyboard, cover art and local stored music first, and focus on the basic functionality and get a hold of the project. Then, if you keep progressing and reaching your goals, you can start working on the extra features =)

Anyways, good luck and keep up the work, i've really been waiting for such plugin ^^


Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    This is indeed great. About album covers and so on, yes it would be cool and perhaps you could use for it, but for now I think that displaying the artist name will enable skinners to at least use the XFactor fanart plugin which won't mean more work for you. IMHO, seeing album covers isn't all that important for Spotify, seeing your saved playlists and having information about track lenght etc. might be more interesting.



    Portal Pro
    December 8, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I have written a .NET Spotify library.
    It's based on Jotify and Despotify and communicates directly with the Spotify servers. Premium membership is of course needed.
    Feel free to use it under the GPLv3 license.

    Download here:


    Portal Pro
    November 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    So this will give us possibilities to make a mp plugin that function 100% considering our stored playlists etc and is all legal? afaik, you did the rough work, and someone else can use it to make a mp plugin. What's the benefits over Spotifier 0.3?

    I really want a plugin that's able to take benefits of all Spotify and Premium features, nothing more or less :D Unfortunately i don't have the skills to make it myself :(


    Portal Pro
    December 8, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    So this will give us possibilities to make a mp plugin that function 100% considering our stored playlists etc and is all legal? afaik, you did the rough work, and someone else can use it to make a mp plugin. What's the benefits over Spotifier 0.3?

    I really want a plugin that's able to take benefits of all Spotify and Premium features, nothing more or less :D Unfortunately i don't have the skills to make it myself :(

    Yes, this will give us the possibility to write a native Spotify plugin. Search, playlist management, cover art, etc. will all work.
    I'm not really familiar with Spotifier, so I can't comment on any differences.

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