Logging is still on my TODO-list so it wouldn't help much right now
The client version number seems to have no effect whatsoever so I think we can forget about that.
Hopefully there will be some buzz around the interwebs about this issue once more people have upgraded to spotify 4. As far as I can tell any third party client based on Despotify or its derivates should have the same problem.
One last thing to try is revision number -789823211. If that doesn't work I think I have to throw in the towel, at least until I start getting the same error message with my account.
So it worked with the negative revision number? Looking back that should probably have been the first thing to try rather than the last.
But sound should should be considered a bonus, I'm sure you have heard all your songs already anyway
Some questions to pinpoint the problem:
Do you get an error message saying something like: abadas323jasdag can not be played?
Does the standard music overlay (play logo/timer/cover/visualization) appear?
Does the current track cover/timer appear on the menu (below the buttons)?
Is the current track title printed in a darker colour in the play queue window?
Does prev/next seem to have any effect, like moving the current track marker/updating the current track cover?
Indeed, I know them all by heart, guess I don't need that plugin anyway
Everything else seems to be working perfectly and I even get the "playing" message (with my track name, vizualization and duration changing)
One question, should spotify client be launched? (manually? automatically? don't care?)