plugin for the website (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
wwitv contribute

At the wwitv website you also can add urls. So if you know tv channels mail them your link. First of all having your favorite channel in wwitv is easy for yourself. But by this way you also help envolving this plugin/ mediaportal.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Houston, TX
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United States of America United States of America
Btw, this time I selected language first as well, after I deleted the old xml and bak file. Not sure which of these fixed my problem, but in either case, the plug-in now works fine (watching streaming TV as we speak!).


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
oke samundson but you only set the language once. If you restart mp and you direct go to countries it still works with you.

Chenck is having another problem. Many people have tested it and 2 people also had the same problem as chenks that te code does not run the code which loads the xml with favorites and your default language but thanks to check i know where it goes wrong ( do not know the answer but i now know where it goes wrong ).

i looked further and the new plugin uitzending gemist which is the foundation of the wwitv plugin has the same problem ( at my pc it wil not load and save favorites to xml ). Beneath is the error. I use the same methods for wwitv and i found out that chenks had an error at the LoadFavorietenXML. It is trange cause most of the people do not have problems. For me the wwitv plugin works. But uitzending gemist not although it is the same code.

this is the code where it goes wrong: Does anyone know what is wrong

using(MediaPortal.Profile.Settings writer = new MediaPortal.Profile.Settings(dir+@"\UitGemistFav.xml",false));

2007-02-03 23:44:50.165312 [ERROR][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:confused:ystem.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MediaPortal.Profile.Settings' from assembly 'Utils, Version=1.0.2546.32604, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at MediaPortal.GUI.UitGemist.NLGemist.LoadFavorietenXML()
at MediaPortal.GUI.UitGemist.NLGemist.OnPageLoad()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
today i recompiled the uitzending gemist and now it works with me. I also see 'the you must see'. I also tried it for the wwitv but no result. same problems for the person who does not get it to work.

So i see many people download the plugin. Maybe you can react by private message ( so theforum stays clean ) if the plugin works or not.

And maybe someone could recompile my plugin and send it to me maybe i do something wrong. Because the code which does not work is the same as the original.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Chenk i compiled today against the latest svn and i could reconstruct your situation. Looks like they changed something i see many more topics about this problem ( utils ). They get all the same error.
This is the log:

2007-02-06 03:07:49.801702 [ERROR][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:confused:ystem.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MediaPortal.Configuration.Config' from assembly 'Utils, Version=1.0.2546.32604, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
i just uploaded today a new zip file at the plugin section ( i hope they publish it soon ). It is the same one as i published on 03-02-2007 with the difference there is an extra folder in the zip with an svn version. So if you do not have problems with the one published on 03-02-2007 you must not download it. But if you have problems use the wwitvplugin.dll in the svn version folder. Changes in the svn mediaportal version were causing all the trouble. So i hope it works and enjoy the plugin.


Portal Member
December 3, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Yes, working just fine now with the SVN version!

Thanks again, Globox, for a wonderful plugin! Great Work!


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Today i got a mail form wwitv. They were having problems the last 2 month with their datatraffic. So they asked me if i would change the plugin so i got a link with a textfile with all the channels in it. I asked them if they could see what caused the increase because wwitw did not work for a while ( after new year ). They could not give me an answer. They also said there were other projects doing the same as mediaportal.

My question is because i only added catgegory support. the plugin itzelf already existsed for 8 months ( countryselection ) or so an they have only problems since 2 months. Can the wwitv plugin cause the trouble. Now i got textfiles they are about 256 kb for each language but i doubt if it helps their problems is the way i do it now not causing less datatraffic ?.

I think i will try to get the data form the txt in a local xml file and make a button which can be pressed to update channel info. So mediaportal only gets the channellists if you push the button.

But i still doubt if this is not peanuts, because all the streaming media they supply is that not causing more data traffic. if i for instance call channel ZTV| who gets the datatraffix wwitv or ? i saw there are streams with 2000k at movie.

On the other hand it also has advantages because the plugin will get more stable because it no more depends on the website. Please help.


Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Okotoks, Alberta (foothills of the Rocky Mountains
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Canada Canada
It is always tricky to depend on a third party Web site for data.
I'm very hesitant to create a tool where there are parts that I don't have in control myself. Even though I really like the wwitv plug-in, and think its made very nice (Good Job), I started to make my own little plug-in around New Year when the wwitv website was down or changed. I based it on the "My radio" plug-in and made it as a separate plug-in that lists all Ip-tv streams that I'm interested in from a Play list. It's my first ever plug-in and might be not all done right, but it seems to work for me, if anyone is interested, I’m willing to post the code, dll and media files (just let me know). I’m an old PowerBuilder-Sybase junkie, and haven’t touched code in over 6 Years, so I needed to educate myself again. I’m glad I did though, because I really like the setup of media portal.

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