kroko,For the name its up to you to change the name inside the xml just as you want it.
....and <position> and <category> have been planned to befor better structure in the future. Just sometihing like tagging channels. Maybe used later similar as on my dvb-s receiver.
So far
I think what z3r0_burn means is that the name of the station displayed on the screen seems to be the name of the XML file and not the <name> or <short> tags.
For example, I have the following XML file called GrooveSalad.xml:
<name>Groove Salad (128k)</name>
<short>Groove Salad</short>
But on the plugin screen GrooveSalad is displayed and this seems to come directly from the filename. Once I change the filename, the screen display is automatically changed.
Thanks for the great plugin!